
follow height of parent div, auto adjust height of parent div when child div has a longer content.

here is my HTML -> http://aivan.info/ Structure <div id="wrapper"> <div id="leftg"> </div> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> </div> <div id="logo"> </div> <div id="navigation"> </div> <div id="body"> <div id="bleft"> </div> <d...

Deploying just HTML, CSS webpage to Tomcat

I am just getting started on developing a website. All I have at the moment is a HTML page supported by a couple of CSS stylesheets. Can I create a WAR file from the HTML and CSS pages? How do I deploy them on to a Tomcat server? Thanks. ...

Can Perl's HTML::Selector::XPath be used for the general purpose of finding XPaths?

Can Perl's HTML::Selector::XPath be used for the general purpose of finding XPaths? use HTML::Selector::XPath; my $selector = HTML::Selector::XPath->new("li#main"); $selector->to_xpath; # //li[@id='main'] # functional interface use HTML::Selector::XPath 'selector_to_xpath'; my $xpath = selector_to_xpath('div.foo'); ...

Adding Single Line Tweet to Webpage

Hello! I am working on a website for a client, he wants his tweets at the top of the page. I am confused as to how this is going to work. I have been working with some 3rd party stuff, but no success. This is the page I am working on: http://whiterhino.us/jason_tanzer/template.html This is how I want it to look/work: http://whiterhino...

CSS: tile boxes which come with irregular heights

Hi, I want to tile boxes to look like this picture below, which all the boxes have the same width and height, accept one of them I need to change its height to 500px for certain occasions. But I cannot make it right! http://rokhsanafiaz.co.uk/dump/1.php here is my css, * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,...

CSS positioning problem, CSS expert needed

I am building a test site but can't figure out 2 problems I am having with it; it's killing me! (This site needs to be viewed on a non IE browser as I haven't added image support for opacity yet, so it won't make much sense) http://www.projekarkitek.com/test/ 1) I have added box-shadow with 'inset' to the BODY to give it an inner glow ...

What is the best way to include a style sheet for a specific page?

Hello, thank you for viewing. My website includes the same header and footer for each page using PHP. I wanted a style sheet that only applied specifically for a certain page, so put the style in using the appropriate tag. ...<body><style type="text/css"> /* what ever */ </style></body>... The style sheet is processed correctly in a...

css 2 column but have full height regardless of div height

Hello, I've tried many 2 and 3 column css layouts but none seem to do what I want and I can't figure it out. What I'm trying to achieve is effectively a two column display with the left side (e.g. 160 pixels wide) having a background of grey, a central section of the page (e.g. 600 pixels) that is white and the remainder of the page to ...

What Are The Most successful CSS Tricks?

Hello Everyone, I am Steven, I am designing a website out of hobby and wondered what would be the best CSS tricks, To make my site look the best. Things like; Search, Color Styles Layouts successful color combinations? What are your Most successful css tricks? ...

How to make Growl notifications with Adobe Air?

Hello I just started to develop Air applications with HTML/CSS/JS. And i was wondering: What is the easiest way to make Growl notifications? Thanks in advance ...

CSS: how to position element in lower right?

I am trying to position the text element "Bet 5 days ago" in the lower right-hand corner. How can I accomplish this? And, more importantly, please explain so I can conquer CSS! ...

Apple touch-events for webpages

I was wondering how to implement a sort of touch-event on a page like this. So, instead of when you tap on the part of the screenshot to magnify, it actually follows your finger as it drags across the screen. Are there certain ways to make this work on iOS devices. ...

CSS hack for Firefox on Ubuntu

Hi, I find the question on stackoverflow related to font issue and because of that alignment problem on Ubuntu FF. After reading that question's answer, I understood that on Ubuntu may be the font is not by default installed like "Arial", "verdana" etc. So, can somebody tell me how to put a css hack for Ubuntu OS Firefox so that all ...

how to have border in a div that contains two other divs

I am working on a html page where I have a header div that contains two sub div's link: http://jsbin.com/iladi4/3 I want to have a bottom-border for the header div but that border always keeps going on top. I want the border to be at the bottom. Please see the link. ...

Why does setting overflow alter layout of child elements?

In this question someone was having a layout problem because they had two floated divs inside a non-floated div. I suggested adding float: left to their outer div, which does fix the problem. Someone else suggested adding overflow: hidden, which to my surprise, also worked. This doesn't seem at all like the purpose of of overflow: hid...

Making the height of list items in a row follow their largest height

In this page: http://pastehtml.com/view/1biylhs.html You can see the book in the center needs more height space than the other two books in the same row because its title has more text. Currently, each book is contained in a <li> and has a height of 175px. I can set their height to auto but it still can't make all list items in the sa...

body less width then inside elements

Hello, I'm trying to have the following markup: body #container #content where body is full width and has a background snapping to the bottom right. where container has a set width of 960px and min-width of 600px, located in the top left corner of the page. where content has a set width of 600px and is also located in the top le...

Style an ordered list so the number appears left-aligned and above the item?

Hi, I thought this would be an easy thing, but I haven't found a good solution (maybe I'm also using the wrong search terms). I would like to style an ordered list so the items appear so: 1 Item one 2 Item two 3 Item three Is there any way to do this simply with CSS? Many thanks in advance! ...

How to move the wordpress template style.css file in another folder?

Hi, I would like to follow one of Page Speed's recommendation: Serve static content from a cookieless domain. So I need to move the style.css file away from the default template folder and put it in my cookieless domain. How do I notice wordpress for this change? Thanks. ...

Printing html ignores CSS stylesheets

I have a very simple html page with a table element. The document is styled with css. When I print the page it looks like there are no stylesheets at all. Wrong font, everything is wrong. What's the problem here? Do I have to create a special css only for printing? In my case it would be the same.. Is that really necessary? ...