
Anchor split into two pieces on IE7

Top: IE8 Bottom: IE7 How do you fix IE7 so it doesn't split my anchor into two pieces? I know display:block and float:left would solve this, but I'd rather have it be inline. This way, I can have text both to the left and right of any arbitrarily placed anchor button. #launchChrome { font-weight: bold; text-decor...

Pixel-accurate text alignment

I'm using JavaScript to inflate a span of left-aligned text until it fills its container, or until it reaches variable thresholds in either height or width. This process results in a widely varying font-size. My problem is that, with certain characters, there is a small amount of padding on the left... and while normally it's not notic...

css and android web application, loading local images

how do i load a local image from android assets from a generated (php) server-side html file? eg. > img src="file:///android_asset/calendar-date-icon.png"> -or- background:#ffffff url(file:///android_asset/calendar-date-icon.png)no-repeat; cannot get either to work ...

Google fonts API generates CSS 2.1 validation errors

Call me a rube, but I want my work to validate. Pages using the Google Font API validate as CSS3 but not CSS2.1. Here is the href, straight out of the Google instructions. <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="googlefont" /> CSS 2.1 and XHTML 1.0 Strict are unreasonab...

Right-align some text to the right edge of the text above?

I have some lines of text. I want the last one right-aligned so that the text forms a nice column. This is the sort of thing I want to achieve: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of som...

Image in wordpress header breaks when on other pages

Hello, I have a very strange issue, that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I have an RSS icon in my wordpress header.php and it works perfectly fine when on the front page but when you visit another page such as, the About page, the image is broken. I'm not entirely sure what the issue is as I don't have a ton of experience in...

Google News, Left Nav CSS Trick? or jQuery Trick

Hello, I'm new at this. Check out Google News... notice the left nav when scrolling up and down the page. See how is scrolls for a little bit but then sticks to the top of the page before it goes away? Any ideas on how that is done? Can jQuery and CSS replicate that? If so, any tips? ...

Show first line of a paragraph

I have a DIV with a multi-line paragraph. Is there any way (maybe using jQuery) to only show the first line of the paragraph and hide the others? ...

jquery theme builder CSS question

How do I change the size of an icon from the JQuery theme builder? The icon is too small to use. Setting height and width is wrong... ...

Div with phantom left padding

I have a Div tag that for some reason is padding the left side with approx 50px. The following is the html and mind you nono of the "class" have padding-left" <body> <div class="popHeaderMain" align="center"> <div class="PopHeader"> Keller Williams Realty | (704) 602-0271 </div> <...

CSS Positioning -- elements in lower right-hand, left-hand corner

I want to position "Game on Sep 27" in the lower left-hand corner, across from "Lost 100 chips." But I can't see to get it positioned in the lower left-hand side. Here's my current CSS: Any suggestions? Much appreciated! ...

Internet Explorer not handling transparency using jQuery Cycle plugin?

I am running the jQuery Cycle plugin and noticing that IE is applying background colors to what should be transparent elements. I assume this is part of IE's terribly handling of PNGs and alpha transparency, but I'm not entirely certain as to whether I should be trying to modify the plugin or simply scrap it in favor of something that ha...

CSS selector style?

Sometimes I find myself creating a CSS class for a single element. So instead, I can use an ID and set a rule for this ID. Which way is preferable stylistically? ...

css background image positioning

Hi guys, I need help with positioning two images on a web page. I want both the images to be fixed on the page, so one will be fixed to the top-left of the page and the other will be fixed to the bottom-right. But i also want the background to be black so if there is lots of text or content then both the images will lengthen. Below is a...

Get *all* CSS attributes with jQuery

Here's how you get one css attribute using jQuery: $('someObject').css('attribute') How do you get them all? (without specifying and preferably in the following format so it can be reapplied with jQuery later): cssObj = { 'overflow':'hidden', 'height':'100%', 'position':'absolute', } Thanks!! EDIT...

Trying to toggle between two icons

I initiate two buttons (I'm using the JQuery built in CSS themeroller): $( ".upArrow" ).button({ icons: {secondary:'ui-icon-circle-arrow-n'} }); $( ".downArrow" ).button({ icons: {secondary:'ui-icon-circle-arrow-s'} }); I want to be able to toggle between these two icons when clicking the same button, and somehow switch between the .u...

Fluid width HTML list item using CSS

Is it possible to create a fluid width LI with background imaage that adjusts its size based on content and doesn't follow the width of a parent DIV. If possible, using only CSS. <div id="navbody"> <!--Button Start--> <ul id="button"> <li> Home <div class="btnright...

is wrapper DIV a violation of content-style separation?

It's been said that the goal of CSS is to provide visual presentation and the goal of HTML is to provide structure of the document. Well, thank goodness. It has gotten so much easier, especially with font tags! But in practice, it seems that way many of us still rely on HTML to use CSS when it shouldn't be there. For example, it's comm...

text centre in <ul>

Hi All, I'm building a navigation bar inside a ul. Most of the menu items have long titles so I really need to wrap them over a number of lines, as in the following code (I've inserted br/ where I'd like the returns) <ul> <li class="cell01on">Menu 1</li> <li class="cell02"><a href="#">Menu2.1<br/>Menu2.2<br/>Menu2....

Make link in table cell fill the entire row height

I have a table of data and each cell is a link. I want to allow the user to click anywhere in the table cell and have them follow the link. Sometimes the table cells are more than one line but not always. I use td a {display: block} to get the link to cover most of the cell. When there is one cell in a row that is two lines and the o...