
How can I get a single character to center identically in all browsers and operating systems?

I'm using CSS3 border-radius to create circular buttons on this site: http://hexpreview.com/ However, due to font rendering differences between Mac and Windows (not between browsers), the centering of the button's text within its bounding circle is inconsistent. Buttons render properly in all CSS3 capable browsers in Windows, but not i...

Learning CSS3 - Book / EBook

Could someone suggest a book for me to learn CSS3 from? Thanks ...

How to animate specific corners of the border radius when hovered in and out? (Firefox)

I know how to do this for webkit browsers but i'm kinda stuck in firefox. The code below just animate the top-left corner while the rest just snap into places. Here's my code: $('img').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ MozBorderRadius: '50px 50px 0px 0px'}, 900); }...

Can I make a table line with rounded corners ?

I've been using HTML and CSS to style my resume, but I'm having difficulties styling a <tr> element. Does this not work inside a table ? -moz-border-radius: 5x; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; ...

CSS Conformance Tool

Hi, I remember there's a javascript project that you can include on a page that applies CSS classes depending on the browsers HTML conformance. Much more fine grained than the usual "if IE" thing. The only problem is, I can't remember the name of it... can anyone help, please? ...

CSS: Work with not()

Hello, I have a CSS that looks like this: a:focus { background-color: #eeeeee; } Now in CSS3 there's the not() attribute. How could I work with this when I want add the focus-background-color to all elements but with one exception: I want that this isn't added to a-tags/elements inside .audio_wrapper ...

css3: change font size ratio

hi all, i'm just trying out the new font-face feature in css3 for implementing own ttf/otf fonts. my question: is it possible to change the default font size ratio? example: i'm using tahoma with 9pt as default font and want to implement ownfont.ttf - the problem: if the browser supports @font-face, the ownfont.ttf with 9pt is much smal...

Is @font-face usable now?

I have to use a fancy font in a project but I'd really like to avoid sifr and other ugly alternatives so I'm looking at @font-face. However, I'm really confused with several blog/sites offering different views on its usability. Is is ready yet? Which browsers support it today? Thanks ...

CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object

Is there a standard or reliable method already out there for a javascript framework such as jquery to parse a stylesheet into an object? Two reasons for why I'm wondering: I have seen a couple of questions where someone wanted to know how to get the style attribute that was set by the stylesheet for a selector, not what the selector e...

Animating elements of text-shadow with jQuery

I was wondering if there was any way to, using jQuery, animate properties of text-shadow like size or colour. It's annoying that there aren't individual properties like text-shadow-color instead of the statement only being available in combined form. ...

CSS3 Animation Question

How can I make a CSS3 Animation play to the end and then stop dead. I don't want it to return the elements being transformed back to their initial states. Right now I'm using some javascript to add a class to the element after the animation's duration with the same properties as 100% in the animation. ...

When will Opera support border-radius?

Is there a release or any news on when they will support border-radius? I heard that they have supported it in the past, with something like -o-border-radius, what happened to it? ...

Does Firefox/Opera handle positioned/multiple background images?

Having issues getting specific background images to display in Firefox/Opera, all other browsers are playing ball (except obviously IE, for which I've had to compromise). Currently, Opera won't allow multiple background images like so: background-image: url('/images/h2_default_bg.png'), url('/images/dashed_bg_default.gif'); background-...

CSS Pie Charts?

Does anyone know how to create Pie Charts just using CSS(3 if needed) and HTML5? ...

CSS3 support in mobile browsers

What, if any, support is there for CSS3 in mobile browsers? The specific browsers I'm curious about are the ones used in the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones. Any links to relevant resources would also be greatly appreciated. ...

Ckeditor : How can i make few tags like h3 , h4 , h5 non editable in ckeditor

Ckeditor : How can i make few tags like h3 , h4 , h5 non editable in ckeditor open to js solution or css any will do ...

What is the best way to create standards-based, cross-browser compatible rounded corners in Drupal?

I am currently working on a Drupal 6 theme, for which designer is explicitly requesting to use A LOT of rounded corners. I could of course create the rounded corners - traditionally - with images. But I know there must be also better and easier ways of creating rounded corners. Optimally, I would like to write my CSS as standards-compl...

Is there a way to break long numbers ("$100000000") into more readable triads ("$100 000 000") with CSS?

I have a page with lots of big number values. Millions and billions of dollars going everywhere. And it is hard to read these numbers, so my client asks me to break them into more readable chunks of three symbols, "$100000000" => "$100 000 000". This is completely reasonable request, but the problem is that I do not want to do this on s...

Firefox & CSS3: using overflow: hidden and box-shadow

I'm not sure whether this bug applies to Firefox only or also to WebKit-based browsers, but it's really, really annoying. I've got a template/framework for my CMS interface, using box-shadow on a few elements with a width of 100%. Since this causes shadow on the right side of the element, a scroll bar appears. To hide the ugly scrollba...

Is there anyway to get an on hover semi-transparent overlay on an image using CSS3?

I need an on hover semi-transparent div which includes some text to appear over the top of a thumbnail image? Is it possible to do this without using JS and use just CSS? ...