
Set linkbutton left to right in .net?

<tr> <td align="right"> <div style="background-image: url(image/menustript.bmp); border-right: #ffffff 2px outset; border-top: #ffffff 2px outset; border-left: #ffffff 2px outset; border-bottom: #ffffff 2px outset;"> <asp:ImageButton ID="ibtn_home" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/image/homebutton.jpg" ImageAlign="Midd...

HTML5 Style Examples In the Wild?

Does anyone know of any good examples of usage of HTML5 elements that are well-styled out on the intertubes? Specifically, I'm curious to see <article>, <aside>, <meter>, <nav>, <header> and so on. I'm specifically not interested in video, audio, offline or drag-n-drop files. Just the cosmetic stuff. ...

how to size a div's height to its container height, using CSS ?

How to size a div's height to its container height, using CSS ? <div class='container'><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<div style='display: block; height: 500px'>left</div><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<div id='to-be-sized' >right</div><br> </div> ...

@font-face rendering

I'm using a font in my site: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Bentham But I have a problem: This @font-face displayed font looks different in every supported browser. How could I mostly render it everywhere equally? ...

what does CSS3 and HTML5 have in common?

They are only supported in new browsers. I think everyone here knows that. But if majority of users are still on older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5, shouldn't that push developers to use older scripting languages (ie:HTML4/CSS2). ...

Workaround for css3 multi-column image bug in webkit?

There's a known bug in webkit, where it cut's up images that happen to span multiple columns. Firefox gets it right and I don't give a rats ass about IE as doesn't know how to render multiple columns at all and degrades gracefully to one big column instead. Does anyone know of any decent workarounds for this issue that doesn't involve b...

CSS: Best way to left align a float:right section

I want what in the good old days would be a two-column table layout. It's for http://paulisageek.com/resume and is working perfectly with: .dates { float:right; width:171px; } but I'm sure I'll break the sizes on updates (and different fonts, and browsers, and font-sizes, etc). Is there a way to make the second column autosize wi...

css3 IE 6 issue

Hi I am executing the foll code in Firefox it works fine i am basically using CSS3 for creating rounded borders. Please tell what changes I need to make to get the same output in IE6 Below is the code <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> background-color: #ccc; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border: 1px sol...

CSS Border RADIUS, which is the correct style to use? border-radius? -webkit-border-radius? -moz-border-radius?

I would like to use CSS to create nice round border. I'm aware of the following CSS Style: border-radius -webkit-border-radius -moz-border-radius Which style(s) are the best to use? ...

recalculate element height in jQuery after class change

I've got a list of items and according to a criteria it gets a class via jQuery on document.ready that triggers CSS3 columns. If the list is displayed in columns it would have a smaller height. Is there any way to get the new height in jQuery immediately after the class change? $items.each(function(i){ var theItem = this; console.l...

Accurately detect mouseover event for a div with rounded corners

I am trying to detect a mouseover event on a circle. I define the circle div like this: .circle { width: 80px; height: 80px; -moz-border-radius: 40px; -webkit-border-radius: 40px; background-color: #33f; } Then I detect the mousover using jQuery like this: $('.circle').mouseover(function() { $(this).css({backgroundColor:...

Hide Section of a Box Shadow

Disclaimer: I have already seen the following questions and their solutions did not apply to me even though they are very similar situations: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1429605/css3-box-shadow-all-sides-but-one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1483261/how-to-add-drop-shadow-to-the-current-element-in-a-tab-menu http://stackove...

webkit translateX animation is rolling back to initial position

I am trying to do a images gallery for mobile webkit, The only way it is actually fast enough is using the hardware accelerated translateX . My problem is that the div take back its initial position at the end of the animation. I add the slideGalLeft class cliking on the left button. to the animated div You can see an example here, ...

@font-face nested within @media does not work in Firefox 3.5 and IE8

Update: Looks like I got caught up in a correlation that was not in fact the cause of the problem. Problem was actually an unrelated issue in how CSS files were deployed. See my answer below for details. I have @font-face working well in WebKit (Safari and Chrome) and Opera, but not in Firefox 3.5 or IE 8. Per recommendations by Google...

Progressive Enhancement with box-shadow

I would like to use WebKit's box-shadow css property for a little drop-down. The code would look like: .drop_down{ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #888; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #888; } However, for browsers that do not have this capability, I would like to use borders to approximate this drop shadow, like so: .drop_down{ border...

CSS Selector for label bound to input

Is there a way in CSS to select the label fields which are bound to input fields (via the for attribute) having the required attribute set? Something like -- label:input[required] Currently, I'm adding class=required to labels and inputs for styling. I now have the HTML5 attribute required="required" in the required input fields. Wou...

Callback on CSS transition

Hi Is it possible to get a notification (like callback) when a CSS transition has been completed? -pom- ...

single javascript (library) to fix all IE 6 issues and make it compatible with css3

Is there any Javscript (library) or any other solution, through which we can fix most of IE6 issues like png fix and also make IE6 to support CSS3 properties? ...

Is there a reason CSS doesn't support applying styles from within styles?

In CSS2 and even in the upcoming CSS3, I can't find something that would be completely natural and time-saving - applying CSS styles from within other styles, rather than from HTML. For example: .awesome-image { border: 1px #000 solid; margin: 2px; } .super-awesome-image { .alwesome-image; // or something like that - this is sim...

Paint all pixels (excluding transparant) in PNG with Javascript/CSS?

Hello, I need to create a silhouette of a PNG with Javascript/CSS. Is this possible? I tried the following: Stack the PNG with lowered opacity multiple times with absolute positioning and z-index. This does not work. Unfortunately I can't use PHP or something else then Javascript and CSS. I got some ideas with overlays and such but I...