
Tiling a asynchronously loaded image - stuck between an <img> and a background URL

For a site with a lot of small thumbnail images, I wanted to use a placeholder gif while each image was loading. This requires code like the following: $('.this_img').each(function(){ var $this_img = $(this); var $this_src = $(this).find('.sliderImage:first').attr('src'); var img = new Image(); // wrap our new image in jQuery...

Browser Scrollbar shift

When you go to page on my website where there is extra content, the scrollbar appears on the right, but it has a notiable shift to the left for my content. You notice this by clicking home and then hosting and back again on my site (www.ipalaces.org) How can I account for the browser scrollbar on my pages? Can I make it so the scrollba...

CSS3 Property opacity

How can i only impact the opacity of a parent element and not its children eg, i want signup_backdrop opacity to be set at 0.5 but it's child element signup_box i don't want to have any opacity at all but it will apply the opacity set in signup_backdrop as inherited. ...

How handle the CSS3 Spec. in a useful way?

The CSS3 Specifications are in the main browsers partly implemented and you get very nice results with less code, but there are many reasons not to use CSS3. E.g. not downwardly compatible, probably not similar renderd views on different browsers, etc. So I'm asking myself: Which is the best way to use CSS3 anyway with a option to inter...

CSS3 Layout Module Browser Support

I'm trying to figure out which browsers currently (natively) support the CSS3 layout module. Basically, I'm developing for a specific environment where I can specify what browsers to use, and CSS3 will speed up development times, so hey - why not? What I'm specifically talking about is body { display: 'aaa' 'bcd'; } ...

Scroll Lag With CSS3 Attribute box-shadow?

Hey guys. I added a box-shadow to a section of a page recently to give it the same shadow border effect that is seen on Mac OS X apps. It looked great, but I noticed that scrolling up and down on the page made it lag. I usually only see this on pages that have annoying background images and tons of images and embedded videos plastered al...

CSS 3 - Unsure?!

Hello! There is a huge use of rounded corners in web design, and as far as i'm aware this issue has been addressed in CSS3 so as to avoid having to hack around with images for curved corners etc. However, by using built in rounded corner capabilities of CSS3 - will this affect the display of the site cross browser? ...

Div Background Image

Hi All, I am working in Mojo SDK which is used to develop Apps for Palm Pre webOS. I am trying to add an image to the background of the div dynamically and fade it out. I am using the following code to set background of the div dynamically: this.controller.get("imageDiv").backgroundImage = "url(../images/marks/mark-" + this.markNo + "...

adding @font-face to CKEditor

I would like to add a font to the CKEditor font combo box. This in itself is easy enough. However the font I would like to add is a custom font that I use with the @font-face CSS3 attribute. I managed to do that but the editor itself does not show the custom font. If I just take the html created by CKEditor and show it in a div on the pa...

Using jQuery, how to find out if CSS selector "input[type=text]" is natively supported by browser?

In my CSS I have a rule that must be applied to all text fields (using the CSS3 selector input[type=text]. I also use jQuery. Some browsers like Internet Explorer 6 does not support that form for CSS selector. So my workaround is to add an extra classname in CSS: input[type=text], .workaround_classname{ /* css styling goes here */ } ...

-webkit- and -moz-border-radius does not work on tables?

This works div { -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; border:1px solid #000; margin:30px; } This does not work table { -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; border:1px solid #000; margin:30px; } Does anyone know how to use -moz and -webkit to work on tables? ...

CSS3 box-shadow, all sides but one?

I've got a tabbed navigation bar where I'd like the open tab to have a shadow to set it apart from the other tabs. I'd also like the whole tab section to have a single shadow (see bottom horizontal line) going up, shading the bottom of all tabs except for the open one. I'm going to use CSS3's box-shadow property to do it, but I can't f...

CSS selector for a checked radio button's label

Is it possible to apply a css(3) style to a label of a checked radio button? I have the following markup: <input type="radio" id="rad" name="radio"/> <label for="rad">A Label</label> What I was hoping is that label:checked { font-weight: bold; } would do something, but alas it does not (as I expected). Is there a selector that c...

css / header pushing two (absolutely positioned) stretched columns down

Hi all, After some hours of fiddling I thought I’d try my luck over here. I’m working on a website design which has quite a basic setup, it consists out of a header and two columns, which have their own scrollbars. This requires their position to be absolute, and to have a top value set, and a bottom value of 0px. This ofcourse prevents...

Any advantage to using SVG font in @font-face instead of TTF/EOT?

I am investigating the usage of SVG fonts in @font-face declaration. So far, only Safari 4 and Opera 10 seem to support it (see an example for test [1]). Firefox 3.5 does not support it but there is a bug report [2] but no fix has been supplied yet (though there are patches). I also came across this discussion[3] which tangentially talks...

How to make a CSS file valid?

I have a CSS file that uses CSS3 properties (opacity and -moz-* and -webkit-* ones). Of course, it doesn't validate as CSS 2.1. Not a big deal, but nevertheless is it possible to make it a valid CSS 2.1? ...

CSS: A way to maintain aspect ratio when resizing a DIV?

I want to resize a DIV container as the window width changes via % width. Are there any new CSS3 rules that would allow the height to change according to the change of width, maintaining the original aspect ratio? I know I can do this via javascript, I would just rather not if I don't have to. EDIT: To better explain what I'm trying t...

Why should (or shouldn't) I write my new website in HTML 5 and CSS3?

I am currently in the process of developing a website as a personal project. Normally I am quick to adopt new technologies, even though IE makes it a pain sometimes. However, this one makes me worried because the adoption rate for current browsers is spotty even in cutting edge ones like Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Would you consider ad...

Does sIFR support pseudo elements like :first-child?

I have the following in my sifr-config.js file: sIFR.replace(avenir_book, { selector: 'p:first-child', css: '.sIFR-root { color: #782221; font-size:22px; }', wmode: 'transparent' }); But it doesn't work. I've verified that the same CSS works by testing it in my normal stylesheet. Does sIFR not understand this pseudo element, or ...

css selector to match an element without attribute x

I'm working on a CSS file and find the need to style text input boxes, however, I'm running into problems. I need a simple declaration that matches all these elements: <input /> <input type='text' /> <input type='password' /> ... but doesn't match these ones: <input type='submit' /> <input type='button' /> <input type='image' /> <inp...