
Best way to recursively merge array without overwriting duplicates keys

I have a multidimensional array of form data thats an been unserialized from YAML. As such it looks something like this: Array( 'name' => 'Somone', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'billing' => Array( 'address_1' => '1234 Somewhere' 'address_2' => NULL, 'city' => 'Somewhere', 'state' => 'ST' 'country' => '...

I want to provide a button (or link) on my webpage which shall open a download window and ask where to save the CSV file. How can I do that?

I have a function generateCSVlist($var) This function returns a Comma Separated Value list, a (huge) text string. I can easily display this text on a webpage <?PHP $myList = generateCSVlist($var); echo $myList; ?> but actually I want to provide a button (or link) on my webpage which shall open a download window and ...

Writing at the end of a file via opencsv

I'm using opencsv and want to write a csv file through multiple seasons. However every time I start a new CSVWriter the old file gets erased. Can I somehow change the behavior of the CSVWriter to write at the end of the file instead of replacing the file? ...

Postgres rule to help with CSV import

I need to import a csv file that has 10's of thousands of rows into a Postgres database daily. I'm looking into the most efficient way to do that as each line in the csv file can be a new record or an existing one that should be updated if it's there. After many searches, I stumbled upon a solution, which I used: CREATE OR REPLACE RULE ...

CSV export with interop

Hi! I'm using this code to generate an Excel file. It should be simple to change the export to CSV file, just by modifying a parameter in the saveAs call, but it doesn't work. Any ideea why ? Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); xlApp.Visible = false; ...

get from csv or xml with multiple adresses their geocode

hi! anybody know how can i parse a csv or xml document with multiple addresses, to get their latitude and longitude? im talkin'about 300+ addresses.. thanks a lot in advance :) ...

Good tutorial on XML/CSV download from websites

Using pythonm there a good tutorial on downloading from websites both XML and CSV formats. Trying to get info from financial websites with authorizations. I have id/Pw. Any thoughts, TIA I found below, it doesnot work, any help in fixing? Im looking to get stock/option prices. _version__ = "0.3" __date__ = "2008-05-09" __author...

How to Bulk Insert csv with double quotes around all values?

I am trying to insert a .csv file into SQL Server 2008 R2. The .csv is 300+MB from http://ipinfodb.com/ip_database.php Complete (City), 4.0M records. Here're the top 5 lines, with 1st line = column headers: "ip_start";"country_code";"country_name";"region_code";"region_name";"city";"zipcode";"latitude";"longitude";"metrocode" "0";"RD"...

Upload CSV and replace data with foreign keys

Hi I want to upload data through CSV files in my contact management application. The CSV file structure is like this: Name, Phone, City John Doe, 555-555-5555, New York While the table structure in the db is like this: name, phone, city_id In the database, the city name is stored in another table and the foreign key is referenced ...

JSP/Servlets: How do I Upload a zip file, unzip it and extract the CSV file...

Hi all, Wondering how can I do the following in JSP/Servlets: Upload a zip file (containing multiple CSV files) Unzip the file to obtian the CSV files Read the CSV files and pump the records into a mySQL database Note: mySQL table is set up and ready for CSV files inputs. Thanks in advance. ...

SQL Server 2008 - use cmd to output with headers to .csv

Hi all I have a pretty simple question (and these are typically the ones I spend most of my time tearing my hair out about). I am using a batch file to execute all the .sql queries that are in the same directory as the batch, and to save all their results to various .csv file. Here is my code: @echo off REM Check that all parameters ...

Read/Write CSV as binary with Python

I just found out that I can save space\ speed up reads of CSV files. Using the answer of my previous question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3710263/how-do-i-create-a-csv-file-from-database-in-python And 'wb' for opens w = csv.writer(open(Fn,'wb'),dialect='excel') How can I open all files in a directory and saves all files ...

I exported data from MySql into cvs file.And Is it a way to using PHP to encrypt the cvs file?

I just want the cvs file or file contents to be encrypted and decrypted via PHP code.Or other best way to make it!! Thank you very much!! ...

Upload a zip file, unzip and read file

Hi, i am using NetBeans, and i am working on a jsp page that allows the upload of a zip file. The zip file contains 6 CSV files, that is to be written to the SQL database. My question is, how do i go about allowing the user to upload the file, unzip it in the jsp page, and allow me to read the file? Thanks in advance! ...

How to export translate inline to another magento store

i need export all translations from main store. thx :D ...

Write to CSV file and export it?

In C# ASP.net, could someone show me how I can write entries from an Array/List to a CSV file on the server and then open the file? I think the second part would be something like - Response.Redirect("http://myserver.com/file.csv"), however not sure on how to write the file on the server. Also if this page is accessed by many users, is ...

Writing a file to the virtual server, ASP.NET

Possible Duplicate: Write to CSV file and export it? This is probably a silly question and I have searched on Google but I'm not able to find a definitive answer - how do you write a CSV file to the webserver and export it in C# ASP.net? I know how to generate it but I would like to save it to www.mysite.com/my.csv and then ex...

Return CSV response without headers

I am writing an ASP.NET application that generates CSV string and returns it using response.write. However, along with the CSV string, the output comes with other information I would like to get rid of (e.g. ASP.NET version, time-stamp) etc. How can I just get the CSV string and nothing else? ...

importing CSV file into sqlite table

I've imported a CSV file into an sqlite table. everything went fine except it included quotes " " around the data in the fields. not sure why because there are no quotes in the CSV file. anyone know how to avoid this or get rid of the quotes somehow? Here's a screenshot from the firefox sqlite import settings I'm using: thanks for a...

What do I use to display CSV data as a chart?

I have a set of data stored in text files, which I have now via Perl put into a CSV file. The data in question now needs to be displayed in a chart. What suggestions do you have for doing this? XML was suggested, but XML can't put the data into a chart itself. Ideally what would happen is: the data would be decoded from the text file, ...