
Interpolation advice (linear, cubic?)

I need to find good approximations of the points where an undefined function intersect a threshold value. I'm stepping through my space and whenever I find that two subsequent steps are on different sides of the threshold, I add a point somewhere in between: My first approach was to just pick the mid-point, but this is obviously a ter...

Cubic image converter?

I am looking for software (preferably free) that runs on either windows or osx that can take a list cubic images (broken into front, back, up, down, left, right) and turn them into a video. I am also looking for software to create fisheye projections from these images. Have had a bit of a look around and can't seem to find anything that...

Solving a cubic to find nearest point on a curve to a point...

Ok, I have a projectile that has its position defined such that: a.x = initialX + initialDX * time; a.y = initialY + initialDY * time + 0.5 * gravtiy * time^2; I want to be able to predict which obstacles in my environment this projectile will collide with. I plan on checking the distance from A the closest point on the curve to th...

Cubic Spline class for Obj C or C?

I need to use natural cubic spline interpolation in an iPhone app. Does anyone know of a class for Obj C or C that resembles this: "performing an interpolation within a one dimensional array of data points, y = f(x), using a cubic spline." ...