cURL Proxy Identification
I was wondering if I can use cURL in my .Net application to authenticate to a proxy and then connect with a browser without the annoying authenticate window popping up?? Thanks! ...
I was wondering if I can use cURL in my .Net application to authenticate to a proxy and then connect with a browser without the annoying authenticate window popping up?? Thanks! ...
Hi, I was wondering if a I can log into a proxy and authenticate with CURL, but have those credentials persist in a cookie? Thanks! ...
With a cURL request I load a complete website into a variable: $buffer. In the source of the site there are two labels in between which my relevant content is placed. ****** bunch of code ******* <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Kopij" --> this part I want to store in a match <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> ****** bunch of code **...
Hi! I'm having a problem with UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp and landscape mode. In my landscape application I have a view controller that manages two fullscreen views. In the controller I have a container view for the transitions. To switch between the two views, I use a curled transition but the animation is performed as if it were ...
In continuation off of this question, what are the PHP statements I need to accomplish this: curl -is -F 'J:A-login=BTDT::Action::Login' -F 'J:A:F-address-login=EMAILADDRESS' -F 'J:A:F-password-login=PASSWORD' | grep -o 'JIFTY_SID_HIVEMINDER=[0-9a-f]\+' The flags and fields are still mysterious, and I've n...
Morning all, I am using CURL to download an image file within a loop. The first time it runs fine and I see the image appear in the directory. The second time it fails with a timeout, despite it being a valid URL. Can anyone suggest why it always fails on the 2nd time and how to fix it? The snippet of code is: // download image $ex...
I am trying to make an ajax call to a php script. The php script calls an rss feed using curl, gets the data, and returns the data to the funciton. I keep getting an error "Warning: Wrong parameter count for curl_error() in" .... Here is my php code:1 $ch = curl_init() or die(curl_error()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $...
Hi. I'm trying to use cURL to forward on a http request from a form in a web application I'm developing. Essentially I need to submit the same form twice on different servers, for the second server I'm adding some security measures to the post data. I can receive $_POST information on the second form perfectly fine, however I'm having m...
CURL Not working perfectly. I edit php/php.ini & apache/php.ini file. But still no solution. ...
Hi I am importing the contacts from gmail to my page ..... The process does not work due to this error 'curl_init' is not defined The suggestion i got is to uncomment destination curl.dll copy the following libraries to the windows/system32 dir: ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll copy php_curl.dll to windows/system32 After tr...
I'm transferring files from an existing http request using cURL like so... $postargs = array( 'nonfilefield' =>'nonfilevalue', 'fileentry' => '@'.$_FILES['thefile']['tmp_name'][0] ); $ch = curl_init('http://localhost/curl/rec.php'); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Window...
Hi I found the curl not working after all possible ways of debugging mentioned in Even then the curl doesnt seems to work for me Is there any other method to import the contacts fronm gmail to php? ...
I consistently get the error 'failed creating formpost data' from the below code, the same thing works perfectly on my local testing server, but on my shared host it throws the error. The sample part is just to simulate building the array with both files and non-file data. Essentially all I'm trying to do here is redirect the same http ...
This code in PHP sends a HTTP POST to a Django app using CURL lib. I need that this code sends POST but redirect to the page in the same submit. Like a simple form does. The PHP Code: $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true)...
Does anyone know how to uncompress the contents of a gzip file that i got with curl? for example: responded HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 01:11:26 GMT Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent Content-Length: 52712 Last-Modified: Tue, 08 ...
When I first installed PHP did it include the libraries for cURL? ...
if in the html form using parametrs like file[] (with "[]") what is equivalent in curl? i tried curl -F "file[]=@C:\1.png" but it doest'n work. ...
here is my code bellow: $url = "http://localhost/Test/post_output.php"; $post_data = array ( "foo" => "bar", "query" => "Nettuts", "action" => "Submit" ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // we are doing a POST request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);...
Hi. This has been bugging me for days, i'm trying to send a SOAP post via curl but i just keep getting a 'couldn't connect to host' error but i really cant see how. I have an asp version which works fine with the same url and data, i think it's just a php/curl thing...? I currently have the following code (the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS data is ...
How can I send/post an xml file to a local server http://localhost:8080 using curl from the command line? what command should I give? ...