I'm working on a project and I want to log into SO via curl.
I use Google as my openID provider which means that I need to log into Google first via its API.
Here is the code I have so far
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. ./params.sh #the script with $username and $password
curl --silent https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin \
-d Email=$user...
With the help of question #197444, I have managed to build cURL & libcurl from source on Windows from within the Visual Studio 2010 IDE, OpenSSL 1.0.0, and zlib 1.2.5. The problem I see is that at the moment, if I run the resulting curl.exe with the argument -V, then the version that it report is
curl 7.20.1 (i386-pc-win32) libcurl/7.20...
Is there a way to use curl to send a POST request without sending any data?
We usually post like:
curl --data @C:\mydata.txt
If you omit the --data you are doing a GET. How can you omit it and still do a POST?
How do I do the following in Perl in order:
a) curl a page and save it to a variable
b) parse the value of the variable (which is HTML content) for values I want (ex: the info is kept between tags like ... )
I'm trying to make a script that will download search results from a HTTPS website using POST. So far, I'm able to download the web page before the submission but not the response page containing the search results. The problem seems to be that curl isn't waiting long enough for the response page to appear.
The website behaviors ...
related Questions didn't help !
i have a problem loading php_curl.dll under following circumstances:
XAMPP for windows 1.7.2
Apache 2.2.12
PHP 5.3.0
mod_ssl enabled in http.conf
php_curl.dll enabled in php/ext
copied ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll in system32
checked the extension by php: if (extension_loaded('curl'))-> FALSE !
and all ...
cURL and libcurl let you do things you normally do with a browser, right? Like, as if you have a jini sit inside a server and fire up a browser and do stuff.
Ok then. I need a script to sit on server B, and click on download links on a server A and download files (from server A to server B).
I am new to curl, and not sure if all I...
Possible Duplicates:
how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable
Any way to keep curls cookies in memory and not on disk
Im using Firefox 3.5.9. When i visit a url , it sets a cookie on my computer.I can see this cookie in Firefox by going to Tools->Options->Privacy,then clicking on 'Remove Individual Cook...
I heard about external access of a website using curl by the following code:
I want to protect my website from this external access. I am using PHP. How can I protect my web site?
I need to create a use case (using Selenium) in which I send HTTP calls with a Cookie through the browser and capture the return value in a text file.
What do I need to do this, I have run this using CURL in the command line, but we are encountering issues with the same, and hence wish to verify using a real UI browser.
Another thing t...
The system I'm developing is comprised of a jetty server (v6.1.2rc4) and a php frontend that sends http requests to jetty via curl_exec.
The server and the client are on the same machine.
The requests I send can be both POSTs and GETs, I get the same error for either which is:
Failed to connect to Unknown error 99
This is ...
We changed servers and installed all necessary software and just cannot seem to pin point what is going on. A simple CURL request does not return anything. Command Line CURL commands work just fine. We are using a wrapper for CURL utilizing streams. Do PHP streams require any out of the ordinary configuration? We are using the latest Lam...
I've tried using curl to add new events to yahoo, succeeded in logging in and getting the calendar add events page, but when i try to post events using curl, it redirects me to login page. Please suggest what can i do...?
Thanks in advance
The code attempts to grab a test page for example Yahoo.com in this case. I am outputting the var_dump
http://jinimatics.com/test.php (this works)
http://jinimetrix.com/test.php (this does not)
(Curl is installed on both servers along with fairy recent Lamp Stack)
I have a page on my web server that is PHP that is set to do this
if ($_POST['post'] == true) {
echo: 'hello, world';
I want to create a page that calls to that page, posts "post" equal to "true" and then returns the value "hello, world". I have a script that works, but only if the pages are on different servers. Unfortunately, bot...
Hi, I am new to ruby on rails.
Could you please help me to install curl. I have windows 7 and ruby 1.8.7
I need to install Paul Dix's FeedZirra. I need curl for that.
Also could you help me with gem install curb.
Even curb seems to need Curl
Looking forward for your help
Thank You
Hi, everyone
I have a curl option FOLLOWLOCATION set to 1. If my script is redirected, is there a chance to find out where have it been redirected to?
Thanks in advance
I want to create a script that checks an URL and perform an action (download + unzip) when the "Last-Modified" header of the remote file changed. I thought about fetching the header with curl but then I have to store it somewhere for each file and perform a date comparison.
Does anyone have a different idea using (mostly) standar...
I'm using following code to show curlup animation.
It generally curls up from right side. But I want curl up from left side. How can I get this.
My code is as follows:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveLinear];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
if(dirString == kCATransitionFromTop)
I want to use PHP (possibly with Curl/XPath?) to extract data from Wikipedia pages. What would be the best way to go about this? I'll be using CakePHP for this project, although just need to figure out how to get this working first.