
PHP curl post to login to wordpress

I followed to login to wordpress, using php_curl, and it works fine as far I use WAMP, (apache/php). But when it comes to IIS on the dedicated server, it returns nothing. I have wrote the following function which is working fine on my local wamp, but when deployed to client's dedicated windows ...

getting real link from rss feed link

I am experimenting with scraping certain pages from an RSS feed using curl and php. The page scraping was working fine when I was just using actual links, not links from the rss feeds. However, I realize now that links in rss feeds are usually just redirects to the actual page (at least this is what it seems like). Because now when I scr...

How do I prevent access to a php script if not called with a comandline application like curl

How do I prevent access to a php script if not called with a comandline application like curl? I'm working on a web application and it uses a cron script to run it's services. I'm using codeigniter so I have to use a url not a file path. ...

CI + Joomla 1.5

Hi, This is something that I just cooked up with Joomla and CodeIgniter(CI). I Wrote my database intensive application in CodeIgniter and frontend is Joomla. I'm using Jumi(Joomla Extention) so I can include the CI files inside joomla to basically insert the content generated by CI into Joomla articles. Problem is, you can't include CI...

Creating a RESTful service in CakePHP

I'm attempting to create a RESTful service in CakePHP but I've hit a bit of a brick wall. I've enabled the default RESTful routing using Router::mapResources('users') and Router::parseExtensions(). This works well if I make a GET request, and returns some nicely formatted XML. So far so good. The problem is if I want to make a POST or ...

Using PHP's $_COOKIE to create cookie.txt for cURL

Hi, I'm running Drupal and Mediawiki on my server under the same domain. They are connected to each other with extensions/modules. Meaning if I log in to Mediawiki, it automatically logs into Drupal also. Mediawiki has some extensions that filter the information shown on the page. What I want to do is to show that filtered information...

Executing curl from Javascript?

Is there a way to execute curl from Javascript? Thanks. ...

How get the url of the returned page?

$curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pl; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6"); $p...

Alternative to CURL due to long waiting

Hey Guys I currently run a PHP-script using CURL to send data to another server, to do run a PHP-script that could take up to a minute to run. This server doesn't give any data back. But the CURL-request still has to wait for it to complete, and then it loads the rest of the orignal page. I would like my PHP-script to just send the data...

How would you show a file with cURL?

There is an epic lack of PHP cURL love on the Internet for beginners like me. I was wondering how to use cURL to download & display an ICS file (They're plain text to me...) in my PHP code. Unless fopen() is 1,000 times easier, I'd like to stick with cURL for this one. ...

Unable to HTTP PUT with libcurl to django-piston

I'm trying to PUT data using libcurl to mimic the command curl -u test:test -X PUT --data-binary @data.yaml "" which works correctly. My options look like: curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "test:test"); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CUR...

How can I figure out why cURL is hanging and unresponsive?

I am trying to track down an issue with a cURL call in PHP. It works fine in our test environment, but not in our production environment. When I try to execute the cURL function, it just hangs and never ever responds. I have tried making a cURL connection from the command line and the same thing happens. I'm wondering if cURL logs ...

Weird behavior of curl and facebook

Here is the code: $ch = curl_init( ''); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, '' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER ,true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); print_r( $data) ; curl_close($ch); It shows few informations from facebook. It works on my local...

Curls and file_get_contents times out when loading a page

Im trying to grab the content of this page( using curl or file_get_contents but it doesnt work, it loads when i just open it in the browser, but not otherwise. Here are my settings for CURL: curl_setopt($ch1, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, "$use_proxy"); ...

Timeout of curl_exec can terminate the script?

I am using PHP script for some backend tasks(not web) and I found sometime curl_exec will terminate the executing of script without outputing any errors. I want my script to run in a loop forever and any idea about this? ...

Single certificate to talk to 5 third party boxes

All, I have a web application that uses CURL to talk to 5 boxes that are running third party SDKs. All 6 boxes use HTTPS. Is it fine if we have one certificate and specify CURL to use that certificate to talk to the 5 boxes or do I need to have 5 different certificates? Thanks ...

php cURL. preg_match , extract text from xhtml

I'm trying to extract the price from the bellow html page/link using php cURL and preg_match . Basically I'm expecting for this code to output 4,550 but for some reasons I get Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\wamp\www\test.php on line 22 I think that the pattern is correct because if I put the html itself in a variable and escape the...

PHP and curl for fetching currency rate from Yahoo Finance

Hello, I wrote the following php snippet to fetch the currency conversion rate from Yahoo Finance.Im using curl to fetch the data. Suppose, i want to convert from US dollars (USD) to Indian National Rupee (INR),then the url is and the Indian Rupee val...

Posting XML via curl (command-line) without using key/value pairs

Consider a PHP script that outputs all POST data, as follows: <?php var_dump($_POST); ?> The script is located at Now, I want to post XML data to it (without using key/value pairs) using command line curl. I have tried many variations of the following: curl -H "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" --dat...

CURL request incomplete, suspect timeout but not sure.

I am currently using CURL via a php script running as daily cron to export product data in csv format from a site's admin area. The normal way of exporting data will be to go to the Export page in a browser, and set the configuration, then click on "export data" button. But as the number of products I am exporting is very large, and it...