
Multi-Country Accounting System Default currency

Hi, We are developing an enterprise-size accounting system and we have logical design problem which we couldn't solve so far. according to the GAAP standards all the financial transactions have to be stored in one currency only in the database which is pretty obvious and logical concept. but how you can satisfy this concept when you ha...

Format negative amount of USD with a minus sign, not brackets (Java)

How do I get NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() to print negative USD currency values with a minus sign? ...

Where and how to store currency rates?

I have written a script that gets paypals current rates compared with the dollar every hour (the currency my products are in by default). The user can set their currency in their settings and that is store in the user table. My initial idea was to store all the currencies rates in the database and then when the user logs in store the c...

Best way to convert decimal or string to currency in C#?

Hello, I've been trying to find best way to convert decimal/string to currency depending on my choice. public static string returnWaluta(string varS, string varSymbol) { decimal varD = decimal.Parse(varS); if (varSymbol == "EUR") { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR", false...

Best way of validating/creating a number only text-box?

Hello, I am wanting to have a numbers/currency only textbox control. So basically it should accept this kind of input $123 523,100 $12.50 85.59 and convert this to 123 523100 12.50 85.59 and should not accept this input F12 309$2342 ,102 I have looked at validator controls but I would like to this conversion/checking complet...

How to round a sum for the swiss currency (francs) in ABAP

here in switzerland our currency is francs and the smallest coin is 5 centimes which is 0.05 francs. what is the best way to round amounts to be payable with our money using the programming language ABAP in a SAP R/3 system? examples: " 4.48 should round to 4.50 " 2746.24 should round to 2746.25 ...

Ruby on Rails - Currency : commas causing an issue.

Looking on SO, I see that the preferred way to currency using RoR is using decimal(8,2) and to output them using number_to_currency(); I can get my numbers out of the DB, but I'm having issues on getting them in. Inside my update action I have the following line: if @non_labor_expense.update_attributes(params[:non_labor_expense]) pu...

Cocoa CurrencyConverter sample app, adding Currency formatter to dollar field

The CurrencyConverter sample Cocoa application uses unformatted text fields in the interface, and pulls the values using floatValue in the controller. I added a formatter (to Currency) to the input dollar amount field, but this breaks the application. I'm just learning Cocoa, and am assuming "floatValue" cannot handle the $ sign at the...

UILabel + IRR, KRW and KHR currencies with wrong symbol

Hi, I'm experiencing issues when converting decimal to currency for Korean Won, Cambodian Riel and Iranian Rial and showing the result to the UILabel text. Conversion itself passes just fine and I can see correct currency symbol at the debugger, even the NSLog prints the symbol well. If I assign this NSString instance to the UILabel t...

Detect currency based on user's location?

I am creating an international web application which users can subscribe to. I want subscription rates to vary based on the user's currency. If my user is in the US, they pay $19/month; if in China, they pay some other rate. So, I am thinking I could detect the user's location, and from their location, I can detect their currency (via a ...

Convert currencies with the exchange rate of a past date

Is there a free/cheap service, accessible through a web service or simple HTTP/XML queries, that can convert from a currency to another, but with the exchange rate of a specific date in the past? Say I need to know how much 10 USD was in EUR on date March, 13, 2009. So far I've only found offering this service to developers, bu...

Money data type for .NET?

Looking for a good Money data type for .NET that supports currencies and exchange rates (with related behaviour & operations). Note: I started searching for the source code seen in print in the book Test-Driven Development By Example by author Kent Beck - he develops a nice Monetary concept. Unable to find the complete source online. ...

Detecting a user's currency in Objective-C for iPhone SDK... where to begin?

Hi y'all! I have an app that deals with currency, but obviously I'd like it to be multilingual. Where do I go about finding the value of what the user's default currency is? I presume it's as easy as a line or two of code, but I may be wrong... Jack ...

formatting currencies with Python

I would like to format integers as professional looking currency strings. For example: 1200000 -> $1.2 million 456 -> $456.00 Do you know a good library for this, ideally with localization to handle European formats. ...

Currency validation

Hello All, Please help with me writing a JavaScript Validation for currency/money field. So please provide any regular expressions if u have :) Also, for my region, don't need any currency symbols like '$' in the field. Only decimals are to be included for validation as special chars., along with numbers. ...

Getting the latest exchange rates for currencies

Does someone know of a reliable free web service providing the latest exchange rates ? I do not need accuracy to the minute, just to the day. ...

storing money amounts in mysql

I want to store 3.50 into a mysql table. I have a float that I store it in, but it stores as 3.5, not 3.50. How can I get it to have the trailing zero? ...

VB.NET best data type for storing currency values

What is the most appropriate data type for storing currency values in VB.NET? ...

Is this a decent method to display a currency number value without decimals?

$value = '100.00'; echo $value * 100/100; Or should I be rounding incase there's a value such as '100.70'? I'm displaying this for a table that displays daily rates, the total value contains the digits so I assume the user won't have to really worry about decimal values... ...


Hi, I have a problem with decimal.ToString("C") override. Basically what I wants to do is as follows: CultureInfo usCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = usCulture; NumberFormatInfo LocalFormat = (NumberFormatInfo)NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone(); LocalFormat.CurrencySymbol = "RM"; I wants to m...