currency currency display has four zeros instead of two

when i get the money field from sql server to code, i always get 1.0000 instead of 1.00. how do i convert this to 1.00 in TD = New HtmlTableCell If Not SqlDR("Price") Is DBNull.Value Then TD.InnerHtml = SqlDR("Price") Else TD.InnerHtml = "0.00" End If SQLDR is my sql data reader ...

Using NSNumberFormatter to pad spaces between a currency symbol and the value

Hi Apologies if this is a dumb question but I'm trying to format a currency value for my iphone app and am struggling to left-justify the currency symbol, but right-justify the value. So, "$123.45" is formatted as (say) $ 123.45 depending on format-width. This is a kind of accounting format (I think). I've tried various methods with...

Formatting currency for AED

Hi, I'm currently doing a project for a client in Dubai, where the currency is AED. Throughout the project I used {0:c} assuming that setting the local in web-config would sort me out. I set the culture in web.config using: <globalization culture="ar-AE" /> This used arabic symbols for the currency, which I assumed the client would ...

Format a value that is under 1.00 with {0:C}?

If I have the value 0.0042 returned and I pass this to: string.Format("{0:C}",....); It displays $0 as the results when I want it to actually display: $0.0042 ...

Java Currency Number format

Hi, Is there a way to format a decimal as following: 100 -> "100" 100.1 -> "100.10" i.e. if it is round omit the decimal part otherwise always show 2dp. Thxs. ...

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event

Howdy all, I'm working with a UITextField that holds a localized currency value. I've seen lots of posts on how to work with this, but my question is: how do I re-apply currency formatting to the UITextField after every key press? I know that I can set up and use a currency formatter with: NSNumberFormatter *currencyFormatter = [[NSN...

fmt:formatNumber display negative currency in -$xxx.xx format in JSTL

I am using fmt:formatNumber to format currency in JSTL, it will display negative currency in ($100) format, how do I make it display negative currency in negative format instead of ($100)? thanks very much, sue ...

How best to calculate derived currency rate conversions using C#/LINQ?

class FxRate { string Base { get; set; } string Target { get; set; } double Rate { get; set; } } private IList<FxRate> rates = new List<FxRate> { new FxRate {Base = "EUR", Target = "USD", Rate = 1.3668}, new FxRate {Base = "GBP", Target = "USD", Rate = 1.5039}, new FxRate {Base = "USD", T... MVC 1.0 and 2.0 currency model binding

I would like to create model binding functionality so a user can enter ',' '.' etc for currency values which bind to a double value of my ViewModel. I was able to do this in MVC 1.0 by creating a custom model binder, however since upgrading to MVC 2.0 this functionality no longer works. Does anyone have any ideas or better solutions fo...

Get NativeEnglishName from iso currency symbol without dependency to the current culture of logged in user

Hello, what I have is the currencyIsoCode "EUR". This Property can also be found in the RegionInfo class => ri.ISOCurrencySymbol. But the RegionInfo class depends on the current logged in user. What I want is to get the NativeEnglishName like "Euro" even when the user is from en-De, en-Us, cn-CN etc... How can I do that? ...

Is there any way to modify a column before it is ordered in MySQL?

I have a table with a field value which is a varchar(255). The contents of the field can be quite varied: $1.20 $2994 $56 + tax (This one can be ignored or truncated to $56 if necessary) I have a query constructed: SELECT value FROM unnamed_table ORDER BY value However, this of course uses ASCII string comparison to order the resu...

How to store & process currencies in mysql / zend framework

We want to store product prices and weight (kg/pound) in MySQL. Can somebody tell me what's the best way to do this? double/decimal/... ? We need to be able to display both USD and EURos. I don't know if it helps, but we use the Zend framework to build our application. Thank a lot! ...

Zend currency custom format like "$ 1,234.56 USD"

I'm using the zend currency module to manage currencies in a web app. I can't figure out how to create a custom format for my currencies, since there are no examples on the documentation pages: From what I read there, I could use the format parameter to set a format, but I c...

I want to use a Currency control in Ajax that accepts any number of inputs

I want to use a Currency Control in Ajax that accepts any number of input digits( with decimal maximum up to two digits only) For example If i am having a code like this: TextBox txt = new TextBox(); txt.Text ="99.99"; txt.Id = "TextBox1"; MaskedEditExtender mskEdit = new MaskEditExtender(); mskEdit.Id="CurrencyController"; mskEdit.M...

Facelet does not convert formatted currency correctly

Hi, I have the follwing code inside a facelet page: <h:inputNumber value=""> <f:convertNumber type="currency" /> </h:inputNumber The converter is because there can be a kind of default value inside the input field, which comes from the bean property. Everything is rendered correctly. The value inside the input field...

get the currency format of my country?

I want to get the currency format of INDIA. But there exists only few contries code. There is no country code for INDIA. public void displayCurrencySymbols() { Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US); System.out.println("United States: " + currency.getSymbol()); currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.UK); S...

Is is possible to derive currency symbol from currency code?

My iPhone app formats an NSDecimalNumber as a currency using setCurrencyCode, however another screen displays just the currency symbol. Rather than storing both the currency code and symbol, is it possible to derive the symbol from the code? I thought the following might work, but it just returns the symbol as $: currencyCode = [dictPri...

Reading an XML file and store data to mysql database.

Hi I need the following php script to do a currency conversion using a different XML file. Its a script from white-hat design The script needs to be amended to do the following: 1, The php script downloads every 24 hours an xml file from

multiple 2 decimal place figure by a percentage

Hello A have price data stored like this: 10.25 And percentage data like this 1.1100 (1.00%) I need a function that accurately multiplies the price by the percentage. (in php) Thanks ...

Format a money field in SQL without converting to varchar?

I need to be able to display a money field as $XX,XXX.XX, but without converting to varchar using total_eval = '$' + CONVERT(varchar(19),total_eval.opvValueMoney,1) My project uses sorting of the information after I pull this to sort the column and it doesn't sort correctly when the column is a varchar. Is there anyway to do this? Thi...