
Can I get a text description of an ISO currency code in Java?

Is there a way to get a text description of the currency represented by a Currency object in Java? i.e. I have AZM, I want Azerbaijan Manat ...

Live FOREX data for PHP

I am building an application where I need live FOREX(currency data). I could take it from yahoo's page, by loading the html into PHP and the get then extract the data. But I do not like doing that way. Therefore I would like to ask if any of you know any other free forex resources that can be loaded into PHP? ...

Supporting limited number of currencies in Cocoa(Touch)

Early versions of our app will only support a limited number of currencies. If a user should try to use our app with an unsupported currencyCode then I'd like to set the currencyCode to one that is supported. I'm getting myself confused bouncing between NSNumberFormatters, currencyCodes, NSLocales, etc... Currently I test the NSNumberF...

basic modification of default model output with scope

I find myself doing the same things over and over again just to make one small modification to standard model output. I have a series of tables that I store information about products, etc. and all of which store prices. The prices are stored in US dollars but the output depends on the currency the user wants which is stored in a thei...

python locale currency and negative numbers

Why? C:\path\> shell Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import locale >>> locale.getlocale() ('Spanish_Colombia', '1252') >>> locale.currency( 1885, grouping=True ) '$ 1.885,00' >>> locale.currency...

Is there a PHP function to format a currency amount in accounting format?

I'm currently writing a report in PHP that occasionally has to display negative currency amounts. Said currency amounts are stored in the database like "-44.00". Ideally this number would be output as "($44.00)" on the report. I know I can write some semi-complicated function to detect whether the number is negative and manually insert ...

Handling international currency input in Ruby on Rails

I have an application that handles currency inputs. However, if you're in the US, you might enter a number as 12,345.67; in France, it might be 12.345,67. Is there an easy way, in Rails, to adapt the currency entry to a locale? Note that I'm not looking for display of the currency (ala number_to_currency), I'm looking to deal with some...

convert currency from xml + php

Hi friends, I have an xml source for daily currency and i need to make a currency optional search for a portal. how can I get a specific data and convert from xml source? :/ i have a search form with: price input currency list box (euro, dollar) and I need to convert the value from form for...

String representation of small amounts of money

Formatting large amounts of money is not an issue (e.g. converting a decimal to dollars): myDecimal.ToString("C", {some culture info}); However, my current problem is dealing with very small amounts of money (e.g. cents/pence, etc.) and rather than formatting 5 cents as $0.05 (or 5 pence as £0.05), I need to format as 5¢ or 5p. Is th...

Objective-C: How to format string as $ Price

Is their a built-in way of formatting string as $ price, e.g. 12345.45 converted to $12,345.45? ...

Formatting of BDC Fields

Hi there, I'm trying to format a field in a BDC (Business Data Catalog) definition, in SharePoint, with a thousand separator. It doesn't appear to be possible in the BDC XML definition, and only possible through the SharePoint Designer(!). The fields I've got at present are System.Decimal, so it displays as 12345.98, but I'm wanting it...

Display international currency

What is the globally accepted way of displaying international currencies? For example: US$20, $20, $20 (US), €20, 20€, etc? If there are many ways to show each currency, what is a good general way of showing currency? ...

Currency modeling in database

Hi, A very naive question. I need to store currency in the database. Both the value and the code. To solve this, do people generally make 2 columns, one storing the value and other the code? Or is there an inbuilt type I can use? -thanks ...

How to perform an accurate currency calculation in an iPhone app

I've written an iPhone App that calculates a total cost by adding/subtracting units of predetermined cost. This was working fine until I realised that the float values I was using caused the total to be inaccurate so I started to look into using NSDecimalNumber. I'm now rather confused and have an 'out of scope' error. Relevant sections ...

Should I do money calculations in Javascript or as an AJAX call?

Hi, I'm building a webapp using JQuery, Stripes, Spring and JPA (Hibernate). I have a page that allows users to enter a number of order line items and each time onblur occurs in the price field, I have a JQuery event bound to the field which sums all the price fields (this is a subtotal), calculates 10% tax and adds the tax to the subt...

ICU Custom Currency Formatting (C++)

Is it possible to custom format currency strings using the ICU library similar to the way it lets you format time strings by providing a format string (e.g. "mm/dd/yyy"). So that for a given locale (say USD), if I wanted I could have all currency strings come back "xxx.00 $ USD". ...

Converting NSString to Currency - The Complete Story

After over a day of poking around with this problem I will see if I can get some help. This question has been more or less asked before, but it seems no one is giving a full answer so hopefully we can get it now. Using a UILabel and a UITextView (w/ number keyboard) I want to achieve an ATM like behavior of letting the users just type t...

Calculating the Maximum Value for International Currencies - less one unit

I am attempting to validate a range dollar amount. The value must be less than (not equal to) the input currency amount, which can be represented in multiple currencies. How can I represent this value? Should I convert to decimal and subtract 0.01? If that doesn't work, why not? I'm using C#. I'm possibly over-thinking an obvious ...

Using INR in paypal

is it possible to use INR instead of USD in paypal? right now i have an application which allows customers to buy products paying in USD. i want to allow customers to pay in INR. is it feasible? or should i go with INR to USD conversions? ...

Currency Conversion Web Service With User Input

I want to Consume a Currency Conversion Web service, Specification is, User should be able to Select Two Countries from Dropdown list on the UI, such that those values should be sent as parameters to the conversion method. How can I do this ??? ...