
DDL statements with variables for table and column names

In my stored procedure, I make a temp_tbl and want to add several columns in a cursor or while loop. All works fine the cursor (the creation of a temp_bl but I can´t add the column when the column string is in a varchar variable. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @webadressenrow = 'Webadresse_'+CAST(@counter as nchar(10)) A...

Load an embedded animated Cursor from the Resource

I have an animated Cursor file (*.ani) in the resources and want to show it as a cursor in my application. How can I load it from the resources? I looked up in the Internet, but there are only ways to show it when u have a real file and if it is not embedded in the resources. ...

Google chrome cursor remains as 'loading' after jquery load()

I have a simple jquery load call as follows (triggered on a link click) $("#mydiv").load('/link/to/my/page.cfm', { "page_id": page_id }); In Chrome after the POST request is sent (with the results successfully received and loaded in #mydiv) the cursor remains as 'loading' (as well as the icon to the left of the window's tab). I canno...

Vim scrolling without changing cursors on-screen position

When cursor is at middle of screen and i scroll down, the cursor moves upwards on the screen. I don't want it to do that. How can i scroll without changing cursors on-screen position? Solution, added after answer: noremap <C-k> 14j14<C-e> noremap <C-l> 14k14<C-y> ...

How to prevent cursor from "jumping" into textbox when you type

If you have a focus on a textbox but mousecursor not exactly hovering on it, mousecursor has default arrow shape or whatever you define. At the time when you start typing, mousecursor hide itself and you see only blinking stick IBeam type cursor in the textbox. Question: How to hold mousecursor on its initial position even if you star...

How to get mouse cursor icon VS c++

Hi, I use this code to get mouse position on screen and it's working. I also get cursor width and height. What I need is cursor icon in the moment I call function GetIconInfo. In ii iI have ii.hbmColor and ii.hbmMask. Value of hbmColor is 0x0, hbmMask is 0x2f0517f1. Can I extract mouse cursor from that two pointer and how? CURSORINFO ...

Android ExpanableListView and CursorTreeAdapters -- StaleDataException

Hi, I am trying to create an ExpandableListView from Cursors. The underlying database/table contains Group data and Child data as multiple rows. I am running a distinct + group by query to get the Group data and a separate query for the related Child Data (using a whereClause). The child view contains EditTexts and I have put FocusChan...

Database and web service models

I'm watching the 2010 Google I/O video on this topic and I have a few questions to make sure I understand properly. Google I/O 2010 - Android REST client applications Please note I also have a very limited understanding of CursorAdapters Right now my application just has a UI layer. I've created an object called DbAdapter using some ...

Difference between "IN" and "IN OUT" CURSOR parameter in Oracle

From Oracle: "When you declare a cursor variable as the formal parameter of a subprogram that fetches from the cursor variable, you must specify the IN or IN OUT mode. If the subprogram also opens the cursor variable, you must specify the IN OUT mode." But, I can code that (only OUT parameter): create or replace procedure mycur_out(mc ...

c++ check cursor position

im trying to see if the cursor is inside my game not on the menue or the border inside the game. i don't konw what function should i use? i thought of using GetcursorPos() but is there better function? ...

Why does Android listview sometimes disappear after calling requery on underlying cursor?

I have a fairly simple application that uses a ListActivity to display a ListView. Each ListView item has a CheckBox so that the user can specify favorite items. I am using a class that extends SimpleCursorAdapter so that I can capture both the CheckBox changed event (to save the change to the database) and the list item clicked event ...

Simulate Mouse Clicks on Python

I'm currently in the process of making my Nintendo Wiimote (Kinda sad actually) to work with my computer as a mouse. I've managed to make the nunchuk's stick control actually move the mouse up and down, left and right on the screen! This was so exciting. Now I'm stuck. I want to left/right click on things via python when i click A, When...

Custom list cursor adaptor crashes at bindView on emulator -- not on phone

Hi all I will try to be specific if I can - please be patient, first time asker and relatively new to programming on this platform. Apologies if this has been asked/answered before - please link it to me. I have searched up and down but find other unrelated (to me at least) problems. The real puzzler for me is that my app is crashing on...

Convert Delphi to Borland C++ builder

Hi there, How to convert this Delphi code : const cnCursorID1 = 1; begin Screen.Cursors[ cnCursorID1 ] := LoadCursorFromFile( 'c:\winnt\cursors\piano.ani' ); Cursor := cnCursorID1; end; to C++ Builder ...

startManagingCursor() is slow ?

As part of learning android, I am following the NotePad tutorial One thing I noticed in the tutorials, the DB connection isn't being closed explicitly and it makes sense since startManagingCursor() handles it itself. But if start/stop the app in a speedy manner (I manually started app by clicking it's icon and closed it by pressing bac...

c++ set a cursor using SetCursor

ok im setting a cursor in a loop it works but when i move the cursor it just changes back to the way it was. im using win32 api and i used SetCursor(LoadCursor(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_PROTECTED))); any idea ...

database question

Hi, I have written the bellow cursor : declare myCursor cursor for select productID, productName from products declare @productID int declare @productName nvarchar(50) open myCursor fetch next from myCursor into @productID,@productName print @productID print @productName set @productID=0 set @productName='' while @@FE...

C++ cursor changes to hour glass using WM_SETCURSOR

OK i have a game when person loses ill set a different cursor. i used the setcursro with loadcusor and WM_SETCURSOR. the problem is that my default cursor which i hae set it where i register my window, it changes to hour glass until the person loses than it changes to the cursor i have set it to. i found that when i use the WM_SETCURSOR ...

c++ set cursor size over 32

im trying to set a cursor. the width and the height of the cursor is bigger than 32 px. but it just scale it down to 32px when i set it. any idea? ...

t-sql dynamic cursors

hi. May I use variable to declaring cursors?? I want to creating dynamic cursor, how can i do this?? Regards I have table: CREATE TABLE [UsersUniTask] ( [id] uniqueidentifier CONSTRAINT [DF_UsersUniTask_id] DEFAULT newid() NOT NULL, [userUniID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, [taskID] int NOT NULL, [time] datetime NOT NULL, [doT...