
Passing a cursor to an activity?

Is this possible? I am trying to open a SQLite database cursor in one activity, and pass it to another activity. ...

How do I calculate the magnitude of the velocity of my mouse cursor, in Python? I achieved it in pure data, have a look at the schematic of what I'm thinking: Recieving Midi Control input from ctlin 20 and 21 Pipe delays whatever signal it recieves Pythagoras Viola, the speed of the input. The units don't matter, as long as it is absolute. I was thinking abo...

PL/SQL - How to create a conditional cursor?

Hi, I need to have a conditional cursor, like: If a row exists (using WHEN EXISTS or something like this), then my cursor is: CURSOR varCursor IS SELECT 1 a FROM DUAL; Else CURSOR varCursor IS SELECT 2 a FROM DUAL; But look, I don't want to change a column result, I want to change the entire cursor. Bellow I put a bigger examp...

Cursor Wrapping/Unwrapping in ContentProvider

I’m creating ContentProvider which is a proxy of another ContentProvider (for security issues and to give access to part of functionality of full app). public class GFContactsProvider extends ContactsProvider implements DatabaseConstants { private Context mContext; private ContentResolver mContentResolver; @Override ...

How do I use Javascript to force cursor to specific form field when form field has a name with brackets?

I am using CakePHP as my framework. On page load, I want to force the cursor to a specific form field where name="data[Project][title]" I'm trying to use javascript: This works fine if I change the name to something without brackets, but fails to work with this form name. I have to use this form field name because of how CakePHP pro...

Database query with relationships in Android

suppose I have the following tables sqlite> SELECT * FROM Artists; ArtistID|ArtistName 1 |Peter Gabriel 2 |Bruce Hornsby 3 |Lyle Lovett 4 |Beach Boys 5 |Supernatural sqlite> SELECT * FROM CDs; CDID|ArtistID|Title |Date 1 |1 |So |1984 2 |1 |Us |1...

Android database - Cursor cause crash.

Hi! Im trying to program with database in Android. So far i have made the database and written to it. The problem: When i try to read the data back from the database the program "stoped unexpectedly". I have tested to find what cause the crash and has found that it's this line: Cursor c = db.getAllTitles(); But i dont understand why ...

jquery UI slider changes while sliding

I am using a jquery UI slider on my document. The slider changes the size of the text. In Firefox, the slider maintains the pointer cursor during hover and during the slide action. However, in Safari and Chrome, the cursor changes to the text selector when sliding. I have tried changing the css for .ui-slider-handle to set cursor:pointe...

cursor is locked in the <input> when browsing in Nokia E72

I developed a simple web app in the browser where there are 3 input boxes . The first input box has a ajax search suggestion box drop down when user starts keying in something. For example, the first input box is for user to key in username, when user key in "alan", a dropdown-like suggestion box will show below the input box to show t...

Animate new rows in ListView with a CursorAdapter

Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this? At the moment, a new row gets added to the database and I call requery(). I'd like any new rows to animate when they show up for the first time. Many row additions will happen in the middle of the list, and not at the top or bottom. I'd like these to animate somehow so the user can see...

Is there a good reason for a ListView header taking up a position?

I've just added a header to my ListView and I have to change a bunch of code because the header essentially becomes position 0 (Meaning the Cursor indices of my CursorAdapter do not line up with the indicies of the list. They are off by 1 now). Why? This seems a bit silly to me. The only reason I can come up with is that a developer ...

How to select 12 rows of a given result set for use in DataGrid/Paging? Need to override Grid default caching.

I have a SQL query that will return over 10,000 rows. Since the client only will view 12 rows at a time, how do I alter my SQL so that I can select just the needed rows? My expectation is that I'll requery the database each time the user clicks on the grid. My solution is based on the demo below, however I'm trying to make this work w...

Firefox - Huge Cursor

I have a contentEditable div on which if a cursor is placed it's displayed as a huge cursor! Here's the code: <html> <head></head> <body > <div style="position:absolute; top:2px; left:30px; right:0px; bottom: 0px; height:100%;"> <div contentEditable="true" style=" color:#333333; height:100%; width:100%; curs...

getLastVisiblePosition returning -1

I'm having a problem with my ListView (using CursorAdapter). When I call getListView().getLastVisiblePosition() I am receiving -1. This is a problem since my list is populated with items. Additionally, getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition() always returns 0, no matter where I am scrolled on the list. Any ideas? It has something to ...

Using an if statment into a cursor declaration.

Hi. Im using a cursor to go over some data but I need to declare diferents sql statments according to a parameter. The problem seems to be that Im no able to use if statmets into this declaratios: DECLARE CURSOR c IS SELECT * FROM TRAFICO IF TipoConsulta = 'mes' then BEGIN WHERE TO_CHAR(FECHA...

Background activity cursor in Swing

hi all, how can I set the Cursor on a Component to a "background activity" cursor. Like the one in Windows with the arrow and the small hourglass. All I find ist the Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR, which is only an hour glass. I found the file which contains the cursor: appstart.ani in C:\WINDOWS\Cursors can I use that somehow? ...

how to check if a ref cursor returns data from a pl/sql procedure

I would like to know how to check if a ref cursor returns data. Let's say I have the following code in a PL/SQL package: type refcursor is ref cursor; procedure Foo(cursorresult out refcursor) is begin open cursorresult for select * from table t inner join t2 on = where t.column1 is null; end; proced...

change cursor to busy while page is loading

I understand how to use javascript to change the cursor to busy while the page is making and ajax call. However I have a page that does not use ajax, it uses a postback to reload the page. However the load is rather data intensive and it takes a few seconds. During this time the user can still click on the page. I want to turn the curs...

Optimization of SQL Select for enumerators

How can this query be optimized for enumerators: SELECT * FROM Customers Table Customers customerId int - has index on it customerName, etc SqlReader that returns a set customers will be read on-demand in an enumerator fashion. While it can return huge datasets that can be read/consumed slowly in a foreach loop, every other query on ...