
What is the equivalent of PL/SQL %NOTFOUND in PL/pgSQL ?

Everything's in the title. I am Looping on a cursor and would like to have the EXIT WHEN curs%NOTFOUND when there is no more row, what is the equivalent of %NOTFOUND under PostgreSQL ? Edit Or the other cursors attributes %ISOPEN, %EMPTY, etc... ...

IE css problem or jquery ui problem? weird cursor while showing custom nested rows.

I hope you can help me on this one. Here's a simplified version of my row object. Nothing special: a button, a title, and a content that slides down when the button is pressed. var row = function(title) { this.clear = $('<div/>').css({clear: 'both'}); this.$icon = $('<div/>').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-carat-1-s'); this.$but...

Difference between FETCH/FOR to loop a CURSOR in PL/SQL

I know that fetching a cursor will give me access to variables like %ROWCOUNT, %ROWTYPE, %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ISOPEN ...but I was wondering if there are any other reasons to use Open - Fetch - Close instructions to loop a cursor rather than Loop the cursor with a FOR cycle... (In my opinion this is better becase it is simple) What...

Why change ListView cursor to null on stop?

I've been looking at examples of CursorAdapter implementations to make sure I'm doing everything right. One thing I've noticed that I'm not doing is calling changeCursor(null) on my CursorAdapter in the Activity's onStop() handler. mAdapter.changeCursor(null); What is the purpose of this? I'm willing to do it if there's a good reaso...

How can I move the cursor to the end of the text (Delphi)?

Hello! This is my code to fill a TextBox using the SendMessage function: C := 'Hey there'; SendMessage(h1, WM_SETTEXT, 1, Integer(PChar(C))); Now, how can I move the cursor to the end of the text? ...

attach image or div to mouse cursor in firefox

hi i want to attach the image or div element to the cursor in firefox in my application when mouseover the some element than image will be attached to cursor. thanks rahul ...

To close or not to close?

... that's the question. In last days I'v got very often many error messages because of database leak in my application, so now I open Database, get query results from it and close DB again. But I use also a cursoradapter for my autocompletetextview. Should I also do it on that way there: open DB, get cursor, close DB?! I mean, I hav...

Control cursor with c++ and x11

What x11 header file and function would I use to change the position of the cursor on the display? I have heard there is a straight forward function on Vc++ but I wish to be able to use this on linux. ...

Cursor movement in UITextView on iPad

How to implement the move leftward like pressing the left button on the physical keyboard in iPad? I can get the current cursor position, but I need to figure out a way to calculate the width of the current character and subtract that from the current x position. Is there anyway to calculate the width of the current character? Thanks!...

sql server 2008 cursor implementation

I would like to know how cursor actually works in sql server 2008. For example, are the results held in memory as soon as the cursor is opened? or the results stored in an intermediate format, the real data is retrieved when fetch? Please also suggest some good books or blogs about sql server internals. Thanks. ...

How to use Hardware Cursor in a IMX31L for wince 6.0R3

Dear All I am working on iMX31L project.with WINCE 6.0 r3. I'm planning to improve the display driver performance by implementing the hardware cursor. Now i have IMX31L BSP with me, I want to disable the software cursor. Please help me to implement the HW cursor. Best Regards Akash G ...

Sql - Question on Cursors and variables

I am trying to use a cursor to move create a column that has all parts equal to a field that was before it. In example | column1 | column 2 | | 1 | a | | 2 | b | | 3 | c | would to go... | column1 | column2 | column3 | | 1 | a | b | | 2 | ...

Hide caret in WPF TextBox

Is there a way to hide the cursor in a WPF textbox? I know there is Cursor="None" but that only affects the mouse cursor. I want to hide the "text cursor". ...

vim run perl script with word under cursor as argument

is it possible to send the word under the cursor to a perl script by typing a shortcut? how do i do that? ...

Stored procedure with FAST_FORWARD cursor loop starts fast, ends slow

I have a stored procedure that uses a FAST_FORWARD cursor to chronologically loop over a set of ~300k records and assigns them to declaration sets based on the state of a lot of running variables and flags, partly implemented as table variables. I have given a lot of thought on how to do this set-based and I just can't do it. So I am stu...

How to find a pixel-positon of a cursor in UITextView?

I'm developing a simple writing app for iPad. I'm trying to compute the pixel-position of the cursor in UITextView. I spend a few weeks to design this, but I still couldn't figure out to do it. In stackoverflow, Tony wrote one good algorithm to find the pixel-position of the cursor.

Android ContentObserver

Hi, I have a Cursor 'c' that generates a ListView. The Content Provider ensures that the ListView gets updated whenever the underlying data changes. However, I want to additionally make a call to another function to update my Header/Footer views everytime the listview is drawn. How does one implement this with ContentObservers? ...

Creating domain model objects from oracle ref cursor

Hi I am using an Oracle Stored procedure that returns ref cursor. Then fill a datatable with that cursor and then iterate datatable and create my model objects. That seems a bit lame and time consuming. What would be a better aproach without using ORM tools of Entity Framework. The other problem with using datatable is that I cant reuse...

Fix for all-black wx cursors on windows

The following code demonstrates a problem with certain wx cursors on Windows (OSX cursors have a white outline)... namely, they are all black, and therefore completely invisible on a black background. import wx app = wx.PySimpleApp() f = wx.Frame(None) f.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Color(0)) f.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_CROSS)) f.Sho...

Union of Tables with Cursor in Android

Hi, I am trying to UNION two tables with the same fields to create a single cursor (through a content provider) that I am using to create my ListView. @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); Stri...