
No Change for Index of DropDownList in a Custom Control!!!

Hi Dears, I have Created A Custom Control which is a DropDownList with specified Items. I designed AutoPostback and SelectedCategoryId as Properties and SelectedIndexChanged as Event for My Custom Control. Here Is My ASCX file Behind Code: private int _selectedCategoryId; private bool _autoPostback = false; public event EventHandler ...

Good alternative to .net DateTimePicker?

I can't really explain why exactly, but I really hate the .net DateTimePicker control built into and Is anyone aware of a good alternative to either of these controls which is freely available? I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't like the control. The date picker in Google Calendar is one which I really like, so I...

1Password Style custom Action Menu

Hello, I just have a quick question. In the 1Password app on the iPhone/iPad when you tap the password field it gives you a non-standard option in the context-menu. I was wondering how this could be recreated with some other non-standard options like "Copy/Email/Something else". ** This does not pertain to passwords and text masking ...

VS2010 cannot find type ControlTemplate even though System.Windows is referenced

I'm trying to learn Silverlight here, creating a custom control template, however VS2010 refuses to recognize the ControlTemplate type in markup code, even though I have referenced the System.Windows and System.Windows.Controls assemblies (which is by default when basing the project on the standard Silverlight Application template). I'm ...

Custom Repeater with hiractial Databinding

Im using a Custom NestedRepeater Control for ASP.NET which can be found on code project The source is in c# which i have converted to vb and plugged into my solution, so far so good. The problem, im having is databinding to the repeater, my code behind looks like this... '' get all pages Dim navPages As DataSet = Navigation.get...

any Cocoa control code that I can use that acts as a patch bay?

I would like to make a patch bay type control... any source online that anyone knows of that I could work from? Thanks ...

Add custom template in custom repeater

Hi, I have a class which extends from repeater class. Basically I need a custom repeater which should have this layout:        <HeaderTemplate>        </HeaderTemplate>        <MyTemplate>         </MyTemplate>        <ItemTemplate>        </ItemTemplate>      <FooterTemplate>    </FooterTemplate> Till now I have written this cod...

Template does not save to markup

If found a solution to a related question here But I now have the strange behavior that I can edit the template, after setting the datasourcecontrol correctly, and put in label controls and edit the bindings correctly like I would expect. That is ...

C# win form custom control - disable selection box, and use font color for selection indicator.

I have a custom control based on the label control. My question is how I disable the selection box around this custom control when a user selects it while in design mode. I would like to just change the font color when selected, and then change it back when unselected. The reason for this is because when you have many labels with small...

WPF: Accessing resources in a control assembly

I have a control for which i want to declare resources in a xaml file. if this was a user control i could put the resources in an <UserControl.Resources> block and reference them in the code via this.Resources["myResourceKey"] how do i achieve the same functionality in a control. at the moment the only link to xaml i have is through the ...

WPF customized ItemsControl and Binding

Hi, I have created a custom ItemsControl called Toolbox. I want to be able to display images in that Toolbox - it is a part of a diagram designer. My xaml looks like this: <d:Toolbox ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

How to get a composite-control's child controls at design-time

I am designing an ASP.NET v3.5 custom control based on CompositeControl. However, I do NOT want to create my child controls via code, but rather as embedded HTML tag elements within the CompositeControl in the ASPX page, such as: <cc:MyCompositeControl ID="MyControl"> <asp:Label>Cat</asp:Label> <asp:Label>Cat</asp:Label> </cc:...

How to add columns to a gridview that is used in a Composit Control

I am creating a Composite Control which will consist of a GridView and a Panel. I have declared a property called "columns" for my composite control and am not sure on when to add the columns to the gridview that will be rendered. I have a foreach loop that should go through the "Columns" and add them to the gridview's columns, but for s...

how to create a text stepper control in flex?

I need a control in Flex 3 that is like NumericStepper, but that can display arbitrary strings. Does this control exist? If not, what are your suggestions for creating it, or references you would recommend? For convenience, I'm calling this a TextStepper. I want this as a compact way to display a list of string choices that a user ca...

How do I ensure proper KVO behaviour for my NSSlider-like custom control?

Hi, Let's say you have a custom control similar to NSSlider but with support for choosing a range of values, instead of a single value. The obvious choice of properties is minValue, maxValue, leftValue, rightValue, or however you wanna name them. You'd probably also want to make sure that leftValue and rightValue always lay in between m...

Adding UIView to UITextField

Hi, I am trying to use a custom iPhone control called Kal, which displays a calendar, and I want to modify it. Kal programatically sets a table view as follows: tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:fullWidthAutomaticLayoutFrame style:UITableViewStylePlain]; tableView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIVie...

Custom user controls - how to add Code Collection Editor of type Dictionary<int, Color>

Hey there, I am fairly familiar with creating simple custom controls, but I haven't had this instance come up before, I wish to give design time changeability support to a "Colors" dictionary which applies a series of gradients to a custom control panel. Although using a simple public Dictionary<int, Color> ProgressValueColors does in ...

Custom Control using default Page_ValidationSummaries attribute

Hi All, I wrote a successful Custom Button which can Validate multiple Validation groups on the same page. In doing so, I had to override the default Microsoft's ValidationSummaryOnSubmit method to suit my needs. ValidationSummaryOnSubmit method internally uses Page_ValidationSummaries property. function ValidationSummaryOnSubmit(vali...

How to relate controls and loop through the values

I have server controls that I am dynamically adding to a page and assigning a unique ID based on the index such as = "mytextbox" + i What I am trying to do is have a related control for example each textbox would also have a related dropdown menu so users can enter a request in the textbox and select a quantity in the dro...

Issue in Loading custom control

we created custom control and in that we are creating a form structure with label and Textbox control which come from the db. When i run that app on my application on local then it working fine but when i host on server and hit that app then the page is refreshing again and again on IE 7 Browser but it is working on mozilla firefox 3.6. ...