
ASP.NET Controls and Update Panels

I am creating a series of client side component controls on the fly that are nested inside a update panel. The first time I create the controls, everything works as desired, however, when i trigger an update on the update panel and it does a partial postback the controls come back with several javascript errors describing how the contro...

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged in server control not firing

I'm creating a server control that basically binds two dropdown lists, one for country and one for state, and updates the state dropdown on the country's selectedindexchanged event. However, it's not posting back. Any ideas why? Bonus points for wrapping them in an UpdatePanel (having rendering issues; maybe because I don't have a Page t...

Building a composite control with nested items

My goal is to create a composite control that looks like, acts like and behaves like a RadioButtonList. There is some extra things done behind the scenes which are working no problem. What I am unable to accomplish is the desired markup to use the control. My ideal markup looks like this: <cc1:RadioButtonField ID="rfCardType" runat="...

ASP.NET 2.0 add styles dynamically to page in a control

I need to add to the page from within a custom control. I can't use a stylesheet (.css) because I'm using a url(...) and need to resolve the url. Right now I'm doing: Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<style type='text/css'>.xyz { color: blue; }</style>")); But I'm hoping for something a touch more elegant? ...

Custom dropdownlist with items autopopulated

I have the need for a dropdownlist with the U.S. states in it. I could need this dropdownlist on various pages. Instead of always having to create a listitem for each state, I want a simple control. I don't want a UserControl - I want to extend the existing dropdownlist control. I know I have done this before at a previous employer, ...

How To: Use AJAX in an ASP.NET Custom Server Control

Does anyone know of a good tutorial that demonstrates using an existing AJAX control extender in a Custom ASP.NET Server Control? I do not want to build a "Custom AJAX Server Control". I want to build a Custom Server Control that uses an existing AJAX control extender. I would like to combine an asp:TextBox, asp:ImageButton, asp:Custo...

Using Other Programmers Custom Controls

I am using Scott Mitchell's textBox Characters and Words counter control, i downloaded it from the website and unzipped it to my desktop. then in VWD Express 2008, i created a new tab in the Toolbox, i chose the *.dll from the unzipped folder, i used the control, all is fine (try it, i recommend it) but whe...

Definitive pattern for implementing templated data-bound controls in ASP.NET

I am working on a project at the moment where we are building templated data-bound controls (TDBC) for ASP.NET. The problem is it appears that nobody has really worked out the definitive pattern for how to do this - there are 3 or 4 different 'styles'. Not only that but many of the controls are giving the "cannot use databinding when ...

Possible to have a inner control on a custom server control?

I would like to be able to do something like: <ui:Tab Title="A nice title"> <TabTemplate> <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="SetMe">With Text or Something</asp:Literal> </TabTemplate> </ui:Tab> but also be able to do: <ui:Tab Title="A nice title"> <TabTemplate> <asp:DataList runat="server" ID="BindMe"></asp:DataList> </T...

Detecting if controls exist in a control collection

UPDATE: Apologies on lack of clarity I realise I could iterate over the controls collection, was just looking for a better/more efficient method. I am trying to dynamically add some css and js elements into an ASP.Net page at runtime, but because this code is used in mutliple controls I need to ensure that the relevant links are only in...

Making a website/project Portable

Good evening/morning/after/noon. I have an 3.5 website and I am using in VWD 2008 Express, I am also using MS SQL Server 2008 Express, I used ajax tabs and a textBox charavters counter control develped by The database is attached with MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and the files are...

Making a website/project Portable - Check List

Good evening/morning/after/noon. I have an 3.5 website and I am using in VWD 2008 Express, I am also using MS SQL Server 2008 Express, I used ajax tabs and a textBox characters counter control developed by The database is attached with MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and the files ar...

Firing an event from an ASP.NET calendar control's cell.

I am building an Events Calendar using the ASP.NET/C# framework. I am able to display the summary of events in the respective days cells by data binding manually in the 'OnDayRender' event handler. The clients need the ability to click on the events inside the cells to see the details inside a pop up box. The calendar control provided by...

How to handle view state of child-controls placed on bindable template in composite custom control?

I've a composite data-bound control which hosts a IBindableTemplate and dynamically loads a mark-up based on some condition into the control. Now, when these child controls are loaded into the composite control and postback is there, I lose viewstate of the child controls. Is there a way, I can save viewstate of the child-controls on the...

Can't get my custom controls to appear in intellisense

Hello, I have added my assembly and namespace to my project, but I cannot get intellisense to show my tag name in the ASP.NET markup. What am I missing? I have a project that is MyWebSite.Web. In my web.config I have: <controls> ... <add tagPrefix="MyTagName" namespace="Enhancements.Controls" assembly="Enhancemen...

Custom Server Control that can be dragged into design view in Visual Studio

How do I setup a custom server control, so that it can be dragged into a design view in Visual Studio? I have create a separate ASP.NET Server Control project and a custom MailLink control, basically by copying the code from this MSDN article: How to: Use Custom ASP.NET Server Controls in Visual Studio. The control works fine, if I manu...

inherit from asp:validationsummary

i have the requirement to show a nicely formatted error-message on top of the page (or control). therefore i implemented the render method of a new created server control. the new created control inherits from ValidationSummary. public class AgValidationSummary : ValidationSummary { protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.Htm... weekly schedule control

Can anyone recommend a free control that I can use for the following: Weekdays Monday-Saturday along the top row Time of day along left hand side Template fields for the actual data Databindable Cells span the rows based on the start time and end time Here is a control that I found that is pretty good, but I am trying to find...

What place for server controls in ASP.Net MVC?

Hello. What is the recommended replacement of ASP.Net server controls in the bright new world of ASP.Net MVC? In my opinion, one of the best features of ASP.Net is the ability to write server controls (although, admittedly, the event model is horrendous to deal with). If these controls are self-populating, then they can be shared betwee...

Custom GridView Pagination

I started to work on a custom Gridview extension. I added some basic css stuff, looks ok, now I would like to move on. I never worked with custom control events. I currently have an error "event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled." I have the MyGridview class in a something.aspx. I'd like to handle pagination in the MyGridview clas...