
Add my own shipping methods in oscommerece

I want to add an own shipping method during checkout_shipping.php. Something like a dropdown list, from that the customer will select his shipping method and enter his own account no in a textbox. How should I implement this? ...

Symfony admin generator - add link on title

I am currently using the Symfony admin generator to implement a management web application. I would like to know if there is a way to add a link on the title section of the generator.yml file. As example: edit: title: Configurations > Officials | "link to another module" ...

Customize Python unittest report with HTML or Textile

Hey, I'm using unittest for testing my python code. I'm seeking a way that I can do the following: Customize the report of test run. Export it as HTML or Textile document. Any ideas? ...

How to store custom information in SecurityContext of spring-security?

In my application I'm using LDAP authentication. But i'm also have 2 remote services which requires authentication via method login(username, password). The method returns security token which makes me able to invoke another methods, i.e. I should pass security token to service methods as first argument. So I'd like to get these security...

iPhone: UITableViewCellAccessory displaying a custom image

I would like to replace the detail disclosure indicator with a custom image, however i still need the -(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath; method to be called when i tap on the button, any ideas? I know you can set the accessory view, but if i put a button in it,...

JAXB constructor injection

I would like to know how I can make the JAXB compiler make certain elements in my XML schema be declared as final in the java class definition and I would also like to be able to control the different constructors, as in I would like a constructor that could create the object with a full list of parameters contained in the class as well ...

How can I use custom fields in a vCard?

I'm writing an application which generates vCards from an internal customer database and would like to include additional information in the card, e.g. internal customer number. Reading the RFC, I've see "vendor-specific" extensions, which are to be registered at IANA etc. Are these extensions the way to go? What should I keep in mind wh...

[iPhone] Customize UIImagePickerController

Hi @ll! I am using the UIImpagePickerController for taking pictures from the build in camera. This is all working fine. My questions are regarding the customization of this controller: Is it possible to change the color of included tabbar in the controller? I want it black. The only thing I found, was to turn the whole tabbar off. I ...

User-created Programming Fonts: Possible?

Hi all, I really hate all my options with programming fonts. I have fairly particular tastes though: I prefer non-monowidth, since in my opinion there's no reason for the characters to be in columns. I prefer minimal line spacing, to fit more code on the screen. I will not use fonts that change size when you're selecting them. I'd prefe...

How can I preset a JFrame?

Hi, using an external library which creates a JFrame window, there is a way to preset its l&f before showing it? also something like accessing its own thread could be a solution (via reflection I mean)? Another question, time ago I watched some JFrame having custom aplha borders (some shape applied), could you tell me if it was a supp...

How to define own doxygen comment styles?

I would like to know whether it is possible to define own doxygen comment styles. The usual style is something like this (Javadoc-like): /** * * Descriptions and stuff * */ or (when using Qt): /*! * * Descriptions and stuff * */ I would prefer something like /*!=============================================================== * ...

Customise output of $content in Drupal nodes

I have a custom content type called 'business-profile' and I have the template files 'node-business_profile.tpl.php' which works fine, but I want to be able to edit the layout of the $content variable ie I want display some elements in particular divs etc What is the best approach? ...

MS CRM 4.0 Certain fields appear only if a certain answer is selected?

I would like to know if it was possible to make certain fields invisible until the question linked to them is selected to Yes. Then other fields pop up to go into more detail. I'm not sure if CRM can do this, but if so I would like to know how. ...

How to get rid of the CRM 4.0 "new_" prefix

Whenever I'm creating a custom entity in CRM, the type is prefixed with "new_". So are any attributes. How can this be modified/removed? ...

How can I remove the "blur" effect that Cocoa adds to transparent sheets?

By default, Cocoa adds a background blur effect to transparent and semitransparent modal sheets when they are applied to a window. I would like to disable the blur effect. How would I go about doing it? I have created a custom sheet (a subclass of NSWindow with a transparent background and some controls in it). I am able to display it u...

How can I disable Cocoa's default animation when displaying a modal sheet?

I would like to disable the animation that Cocoa performs when displaying a modal sheet. Apple's Sheet Programming Guide states: ... Other sheet behavior, such as the animation when it appears and is dismissed, is handled automatically by the Application Kit. But it doesn't provide any hints on how to disable this effect. I have ...

Alowing end user to have specific CSS rules they can modify

I would like the user to have limited access to controlling certain CSS attributes of divs. The divs would all be similar, all have a some class name, and be displayed across the site with the styling rule of the user. So kind of like a user CSS stylesheet, except with certain rules that they can change. Allow change to: .className{ ...

How to change the default behavior of the [TAB] key while calling an application from the shell?

The default behavior for the [TAB] key in the shell is to automatically auto-complete or list the files in the current directory. How to override this behavior in the shell for some chosen applications? Edit: This is not related to the application that is being used, rather, it's the shell environment that needs to be customized! (Thank...

Visual Studio IDE Customisation - Breakpoint string highlighting

I'm trying to make my IDE fonts and colours more visible, but I'm stuck on one last detail: the string highlighting for selected breakpoints. Given the following example: Session["mySessionVar"] = someValue; The text for "mySessionVar" - including the quote marks - has (in my case) yellow text on a bright pink background - almost imp...

Individual user specific customization

Hi, I am building a website with individual user customization in mind. So for instance, client #1 may say i want this feature to be designed for my account and then user #2 may say i want this added to my account. I was thinking of implementing a php if code where upon authentication those features will be loaded each time they login...