
SVN and revision numbers

Possible Duplicate: SVN and revision numbers Say I have 3 files foo.txt, bar.txt and moo.txt all at revision 1. Say I commit foo.txt and bar.txt ten times. So they are at revison 1.10. Since in SVN there is a single revision no moo.txt also has to be at revision 1.10. Now if I see the history of moo.txt then, will I see the his...

How to setup Maven to connect with CVS using public key authentication?

I have a section in a POM that looks something like this: <scm> <connection>scm:cvs:ext:myhostname:/cvsroot/repo:module_name</connection> </scm> I typically use publickey auth to authentication against this cvs server, although it should accept my password as well. When I attempt to run mvn scm:update, mvn release:prepare, or any o...

Setting up common library in multiple java projects

Ok, so i'm a little unclear on the proper way to do this and looking for some best practices/guidance. Say I'm working on multiple java based projects for a company ( CompanyProjectA & CompanyProjectB) and i'd like to make use of CompanyLibraries, and 3rd party tools. How would i set this up properly in CVS, so that dev teams can mak...

CruiseControl.NET : launch build on commit

Hi all. I searched a lot but i didn't find a solution for my problem. I use CruiseControl.NET (1.4.4). My project (in ccnet.config) load a repository from a cvs server to a local repository, and launch some executables (msbuild, NUnit...). I use a trigger (Interval or Schedule Trigger), that launch regularly my project. But if my proj...

Why doesn't the branch tag in CVS move forward?

Our company recently began creating CVS branches to mark each release. Formerly we had been using tags, and if we fixed something during the testing period that needed to go out with the release, we simply moved the tag forward. This works well until two changes are made to the same file: one that should be released and the other that ...

Hudson + CVS headaches

I'm trying to configure my Hudson server to retrieve code from a CVS repository, but so far it's been a pretty frustrating experience. My setup is Hudson 1.310 running as a system service, CVSNT latest version on the server, TortoiseCVS 1.10.10. I'm getting "The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized" all the time, eve...

How to check out a CVS branch point?

First, I have to admit I screwed up a little with CVS. I had a release tag releaseX, which was done some time back (i.e., not HEAD). Then I decided I need a maintenance branch at that point. Instead of creating a branch tag (branchX) in addition to releaseX, I deleted the release tag and created a branch tag (erroneously) named releaseX....

CVS Performance

Hi guys! I have huge projects on a CVS repository, and I'm looking for ways to improve its performance. Would CVS compression help it? And what about encryption, does it degrade the speed? Thanks! ...

How to programatically get the latest commit date on a CVS checkout

For a script I'm working on to implement bisection using CVS, I want to figure out what the 'timestamp' is of the current checkout. In other words, if I'm on a branch/tag, I want to know the last timestamp something got commited to that branch/tag. If I'm on head, I want to know the last timestamp on head. I know this is not 100% guar...

A good video to explain version control?

Does anyone know where I can find a good video to explain version control to someone (mainly subversion)? One that explains it in the simplest terms (like for someone who has never heard of version control before). (not for me, its for a fellow coder) ...

List all the files checked-in in a single cvs commit

Hi, Generally,our fixes/patches for any bugs involves changes in multiple files and we will commit all these files in a single shot. In SVN, for each commit (may involve multiple files),it will increment revision number of whole repository by one. So, we can easily link all the multiple files that went in a single commit. Now the diff...

CVS says it knows nothing of a file it checked out

I was trying to get the History of file from Tortoise CVS and i was getting the below error cvs log: nothing known about [filename] What should i be doing to resolve this, i did a fresh checkout and these files do come as part of the checkout, but any other workflow activity on them like log, remove etc does not work. ...

Can't add a file named "VERSION" to CVS at the same level of a dir named "version"

I'm reporting a series of commits from git to cvs with cvsexportcommit. I've found that it's impossible to add the VERSION file in the following context | \_version/ | | | \_version.txt (to be removed) | \_VERSION (to be added) The output I get is the following: Applying to CVS commit f6ce403e6e1d57b61661527969ac97c52bcbe41f from p...

Is there a way to detach a project from CVS in Xcode?

XCode's CVS support is abysmally bad. Or maybe it's just the server in my organization. Either way, it's leading to more headaches than it's worth so I'd like to "detatch" the project as I can in Eclipse. Is there an easy way to do this or do I have to manually delete all of the CVS files? ...

SVN vs VSS vs CVS Comparing HELP

We are currently determining if we would move CVS and VSS projects to a single SVN server. I've been using SVN for a long time now but is forced to use CVS and VSS for work stuff. Would you please help me give reasons why moving to SVN would be better than buying a VSS 2005? And also what the benefits of moving from CVS to SVN would be...

How do you rename a branch in CVS?

If you've named a branch in CVS incorrectly, or the name originally chosen becomes inappropriate, how do you change it to something else? A related question is How do you rename a branch in CVS without admin access?. ...

CVS checkout ignore corrupted files

Is there a way to have CVS checkout everything and if it hits corrupted files it will just skip them and go on? ...

How does Mercurial handle components or modular development?

Hi. Using CVS at the moment... When creating a new project that references modular components we use aliases to put together a project directory. So, if project1 uses component1 and component2 then we'd use aliases to pull these components into the project1 directory so that cvs co project1 Would give the developer all they need - w...

CVS to SVN conversion -- How to replace CVS TAGS functionalities

Hi, we are planing to move away from CVS and to SVN. Everything looks good expect that our developers do a pre/post tags on each submission. So, in CVS we don't have a problem as TAGS are intuitive and cheap. However, in SVN, Tag is a copy right? With that said, I am wondering if there is a way for me to do a before and after tag base...

Maintaining Eclipse project include/lib paths in CVS

Background: Here at the office my group uses a common linux environment where we do our code development. Our code is kept in CVS. The latest releases of our various libraries are kept in a specific directory (ie /data/group_projects/lib). Our Makefiles/Ant builds all specify what libraries are needed. We use autoconf to create the make...