
CVS keyword substitution and Microsoft Word file

CVS has the keyword substitution feature: in a text file you write $Header$ and, when you commit the file, CVS substitutes $Header$ with something like $Header: /repo/src.cpp,v 1.6 2009/03/12 14:53:14 luser Exp $ Is it possible to get the same feature when dealing with a binary Microsoft Word file? Thank you. ...

Best Version Control System for IIS?

I'm looking for a good VCS (Version Control System, eg. CVS) that runs on Windows or IIS5 (I have a webserver and see no reason to install Apache). Preferrably something with a Visual Studio integrated client, and preferrably free. Does such a beast exist or will I have to buy sourcesafe? ...

Adding Shell Scripts to CVS from windows

I am going to add some Linux shell scripts to CVS. Can I download the scripts using SSH secure shell client to windows and then add to CVS using Tortoise CVS client? (Just for ease... We have nice GUI in tortoise otherthan using cvs commands :)) Will it destroy the privileges set from the Linux? ...

cvs vs svn

Duplicate: Subversion vs CVS what's the difference? ...

Any way to do a local CVS proxy/server?

I have an online CVS repository that I need to check code into. However, the server is outside my control and is often down. So, is there a way to set up some sort of local CVS server/proxy such that I can check my code into the local CVS server regularly and have the local CVS server batch commit the changes to the online CVS repo peri...

How do I add execute permission to a file in CVS after it's already been checked in?

I did a google for this question but had no luck. We use CVS on Linux for software development. I noticed that one of the scripts I'm working on is missing the execute bit set in the CVS repository. Is there any way to add the execute bit back to the file? I think it involves modifying the repository directly, but I don't know how to ...

Should you comment changes in code and in the changelog?

I have notice a trend for developers to comment their changes less with the justification that the purpose/date/reason is in the changelog. They have some very justifiable claims that duplication of effort is occuring if we require both. I am spending some serious amount of time tracking down changes. No specific direction has been giv...

Perl script to parse output of cvs log command

Does anyone have a perl script or package that parses the output of a cvs log command and turns it into perl structures for further processing? ...

CVS list by user checkin

Is it possible to list all checkins/commits done by a specific user? ...

migrating data from VSS to SVN

How do i migrate my data from VSS to SubVersion?? ...

cvs2svn fails with "xxx is not a valid ,v file"

I finally found an answer to my question when I wanted to post it! However I'll still post it, including my answer, in case it helps someone else: When converting from CVS to Subversion cvs2svn failed on some files with the message "xxx is not a valid ,v file" What's the problem? ...

How do I setup a default checkin comment for CVS?

How do I generate a default comment for cvs? I'd like every checkin comment to start with "Change #: " and be available for the user to edit. I know this can be done globally in the repository. Can it also be done as a single user on the client side? I am using command line cvs. We already have verification that the checkin starts...

Which is more popular (currently, by recent install base) SVN or CVS?

We are considering switching our source control repository at my work from Perforce to either CVS or SVN. I said that I didn't think CVS was as popular as SVN recently, and was met with a lot of blank stares. My boss told me that I must be still stuck inside the Windows-programming world if I was considering SVN, because most UNIX-based ...

Error with CVS server on Ubuntu

I have a dedicated Ubuntu 8.04 server that I would like to set up a CVS repository on. I have followed various guides to try to set this up and always get stuck at the same point. $ cvs -d :pserver:pcm@localhost:/cvsrepo checkout . cvs [checkout aborted]: could not get working directory: Function not implemented I have set up the ser...

CVS: update a file with its ancestors but without their brethren

I have a file in CVS under x/y/f.txt. In my local copy, I have x/, but no x/y/ and I want to fetch f.txt from the repo. Is there any combination of CVS command-line switches which can make it pull only x/y/f.txt with all of its ancestors (in this case x/y/) but without any collateral files (such as x/y/g.txt or x/z)? The only way I'...

Difference between GIT and CVS

What is the difference between git and cvs version control systems? I have been happily using CVS for over 10 years and have been told that GIT is much better. Could someone please explain what the difference between the two is and why one is better than the other? ...

CVS list of files only in working directories

Is it possible to get a list of files that are in the working directory tree, but not in the current branch/tag? I currently diff the working copy with another directory updated to the same module and tag/branch but without the local non-repo files. It works, but doesn't honor the .cvsignore files. I figure there must be an option using ...

How to find the list of files added freshly to a cvs directory

How to find the list of files added freshly to a cvs directory ...

Is there a way to find the list of files added freshly/newly to a cvs repository

is there a way to find the list of files added freshly/newly to a cvs repository FYI : CVS history command doesn't work on my system due to corruption ...

List all files that haven't been edited in a year in CVS

How do I get a list of all the files have haven't been changed in the past year in a repository in CVS? ...