
Best way to automatically check out and compile Eclipse projects with Ant in Hudson or another CI tool?

We have several products which have a lot of shared code and which must be maintained several versions back. To handle this we use a lot of Eclipse projects, some contain library jars, and some contain shared source code (in several projects to avoid getting a giant heap with numerous dependencies while being able to compile everything ...

cvs2svn mime types...

In order to take in account Richard's comment and Steen's answer of I have to specify independently of type mime file and independently of the type file marked in CVS, I am looking for how to treat all files as binary file in cvs2svn ? Perhaps is not possible ? Please Richard (or others), may you tell me how to know the marked type in C...

Changing the "Yours" & "Mine" Names in CVS Tortoise Merges

I use Tortoise to interact with CVS for source control. When merging it shows you a diff of the files calling the one on your HD "Yours" and the one in the repository "Mine". Or maybe I have that backwards. As you can see that nomenclature confuses me. Then I also have to try to remember which to merge into. Is there a setting to change...

How do I merge a CVS branch into HEAD using the Eclipse merge tools?

I'm currently working in a branch I created using the Team-->Branch. How do I use Team-->Merge to merge my changes to the branch back to head? ...

Most common CVS gotchas from a SVN user standpoint

I am myself a subversion user, and overall very happy with it. However, there are times that I need to work on code stored on a CVS repository that is beyond my control (ie, some open source projects). I've heard lots of horror stories of why CVS is really flawed, but nothing very concrete and would like to avoid getting trapped on such ...

Semi-editable Files (eg config files) and version control - best practices?

So, I killed the build today by checking in a config file. It knows where the server is (think SQL server or the like), and I've been working against the server which runs on my box. Normally, or rather, under other circumstances, we'd run against the central server. The daily build, of course, didn't find 'my' server, hence the break...

Tips for using CVS or Subversion as a backup framework for office documents

I've long been using subversion (and before that CVS) to store not only source files but later the LaTeX files for my research and eventually some word files and other materials. I like the fact that I can work with multiple computers and synchronize the latest things from each, while still being able to maintain some hierarchy of my ba...

Is there anyway to get TortoiseSVN to act more like TortoiseCVS?

I work in a mixed source control environment. We are still mostly on CVS, but newer projects are in SVN. However, I am finding it hard to get buy-in for SVN because TortoiseSVN doesn't work like TortoiseCVS. The 3 way merge has a lot of cognitive dissonance and while TortoiseCVS seems to always get the merges right, TortoiseSVN almo...

How to view recent CVS project changes in Eclipse?

Is there a way in Eclipse to view all recent changes of a project? Like in SVN, you can just go "view log" on a right-click menu of a folder. In CVS/Eclipse, I can only view history on a certain file. I am not able to see what files were changed in the last commit. >.<'' Thank you! ...

What windows CVS clients support proper handling of encoding in comments?

We're currently using tortoisecvs (1.8.31) to commit/access our cvs repositories. We've recently wanted to support Japanese text in comments, so that viewvc can be used for browsing. However, it doesn't appear that you can set the encoding of comments being sent by Tortoisecvs are properly converted/sent as UTF8. Example of Tortoisecv...

How do I identify what branches exist in CVS?

I have a legacy CVS repository which shall be migrated to Perforce. For each module, I need to identify what branches exist in that module. I just want a list of branch names, no tags. It must be a command line tool, for scripting reasons. For example (assuming there is a script): $ ./ module1...

How to export revision history from mercurial or git to cvs?

I'm going to be working with other people on code from a project that uses cvs. We want to use a distributed vcs to make our work and when we finish or maybe every once in a while we want to commit our code and all of our revision history to cvs. We don't have write access to the project's cvs repo so we can't commit very frequently. Wha...

How do I highlight cvs changes in emacs?

I'm using emacs with cvs and have cvs mode enabled. I'd like to get line-by-line highlighting of changes from the latest version in CVS. I've seen this done in intellij where there is a green indication for lines added and another indication for lines modified and a third symbol for lines deleted. Is there a cvs highlighting mode fo...

best practice for backing up cvs repository?

Hi, Some of our projects are still on cvs. We currently use tar to backup the repository nightly. Here's the question: best practice for backing up a cvs repository? Context: We're combining a several servers across the country onto one central server. The combined repsitory size is 14gb. (yes this is high, most likely due to lots ...

Importing CVS data to Angel LMS

I have problems importing gradesheet cvs file to angel LMS. It does not show nothing when i tried to import it. Please guide me what to do. Thanks! ...

Can I use symbolic links for cvs root to simplify server consolidation?

Hi, We're consolidating two old cvs servers onto one new box. I had hoped the following: changing the dns entries for oldserver1 and oldserver2 (as well as some user account maintenance) would make the move transparent to cvs users. Problem: I'm having problems due to the different cvs roots on each old server. Background The old ser...

Error connection to CVS

I try to connect to CVS through eclipse. After entering (host, repository path, user, password) and by clicking finish, it gives me the following error : Error validating location : "Could not connect to :pserver:username@host:/CVS/Myproject:I/O exception occured: ProxyHTTP: java.IOEXCEPTION: proxy error (the specified socket layer (...

Use a different diff command with CVS?

Is it possible to use a different diff program with CVS? I'd like to use something like meld to give me a side-by-side graphical view of the repository and my changes. It's out of my control to use a different CMS. What would be ideal is some undocumented command line argument that would work like this: cvs diff -prog /usr/bin/meld f...

cvs2svn and merge info

I want to convert a CVS project to Subversion, using cvs2svn. It has a main trunk (HEAD), with several temporary development branches created from the trunk. Before we convert it, we'll merge the latest changes from the trunk into all of the dev branches. But they will also have changes that haven't been merged back into the trunk yet. ...

SVN or CVS with Ability of Set Up Multiple Users?

Hi. I'm trying to find a private website hosting service with SVN or CVS source control that enables me to set up multiple users so all of the team members in different places can log in individually and work on the same project. It would have development features like PHP, Perl, SQL databases. Also unlimited traffic and Ruby. Does a...