
Sporadically Slow Calls From .NET Application To SQL Server

I have a table in SQL Server that I inherited from a legacy system thats still in production that is structured according to the code below. I created a SP to query the table as described in the code below the table create statement. My issue is that, sporadically, calls from .NET to this SP both through the Enterprise Library 4 and th...

How to combine variable assignment with data-retrieval operations in T-SQL

Just to clarify, I'm running Sybase 12.5.3, but I am lead to believe that this holds true for SQL Server 2005 too. Basically, I'm trying to write a query that looks a little like this, I've simplified it as much as possible to highlight the problem: DECLARE @a int, @b int, @c int SELECT @a = huzzah.a ,@b = huzzah.b ,@c = ...

Retrieving a csv file from web page

I would like to save a csv file from a web page. However, the link on the page does not lead directly to the file, but it calls some kind of javascript, which leads to the opening of the file. In other words, there is no explicit url address for the file i want to download or at least I don't know what it should be. I found a way to do...

Website data retrieval

Hi, An recent article has prompted me to pick up a project I have been working on for a while. I want to create a web service front end for a number of sites to allow automated completion of forms and data retrieval from the results, and other areas of the site. I have acheived a degree of success using Selenium and custom code howeve...

Retrieving Items and values from Foreign Key Table in ASP.NET MVC using LINQtoSQL

Our team is currently working on a large project which makes heavy use of foreign key tables as they are used on our TeamMember Management Webapp. Basically, one TeamMember can be in a Team, in an Area and a TeamArea (the latter for editing and rights management). My main goal is focused on retrieving the data for showing these FK Fiel...

How to Conditionally Retrieve Rows from the Database in PHP?

Ok, I have a database full of values with one field value for prospects and another for clients... I'd like to retrieve only the clients information... How do I write the function??? UPDATE Here is the script I tried to write: <?php try { $sql = "SELECT * FROM clients" // WHERE history" or die(mysql_error()); forea...

Large Analytics Database Responsive Retrieval (MYSQL)

Hi Guys! I want to create a 'google analytics' type application for the web - i.e. a web-based tool to do some reporting and graphing for my database. The problem is that the database is HUGE, so I can't do the queries in real time because they will take too long and the tool will be unresponsive. How can I use a cron job to help me...

PHP / MySQL formatinng: An example of how this type of data is used?

Hey everyone, Sorry in advance for the kind of odd/vague question :). I've come across this kind of formatting stored in MySQL databases on several occasions now and I'm wondering how the data is used? For example, this line of code was from the bbPress forums plugin bb_message. a:8:{s:9:"max_inbox";i:50;s:13:"auto_add_link";b:1;s:9...

Drupal Ajax data retrieval delayed

I have a simple click function with the code below, but I can't seem to get the data on the first click. $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'test/get/1', success: function (result) { testit = result; }, dataType: 'json', data: 'js=1' }); alert(testit); In my callback function I simply have return drupal_json('hello'); but it doe...

NHibernate internal data-retrieval method

Internally, does NHibernate use DataSets or SqlDataReaders to access data from sql server or does it depend? ...

Load mysql's value into javascript

i have stored values in mysql and i want to retrive that value in webpage but the webpage is creted only using javascript so how can i use that database's value in javascript ...

What are the different methods to expedite the data retrieval from database?

How can we expedite the data retrieval from the database for my web site which is extensively updating and fetching data from database. ...

How does one implement storage/retrieval of smart-search/mailbox features?

Hi All, I have a question regarding implementation of smart-search features. For example, consider something like "smart mailboxes" in various email applications. Let's assume you have your data (emails) stored in a database and, depending on the field for which the query will be created, you present different options to the end user....

Sqlite: Need to retrieve the automatic primary keys generated for each entry I insert

What's the best way to do this? Note that this is the sqlite version packaged with Google Gears, also. ...

How do I populate the AjaxControlToolkit combo box with JQuery using a webservice

Is it possible to populate the AjaxControlToolkit ComboBox with jQuery using a webservice. I want to do this to get away with update panels containing large response data. With this I also want to get the selected data in code behind. ...

Issue regarding retrieving all email id's from address book in iphone

I am newbie to Address book programming. I want to retrieve all email id's from address book.The issue is below code gets the all data for one record(one person). but When i add more than one contact in address book. it crushes without showing any exception. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. self.pastUrls = [[NSMutableArray alloc]...

How to retrieve uploaded files from (Java) GAE datastore?

Hi guys, first of all, sorry I'm a GAE noob so there are lots of things that I need specific answers. My problem is that I have successfully created a servlet that allows the app users to upload their files. Basically, I created an entity with a Blob attribute to store the file's contents. The uploaded file is made persistent in the data...

Retrieving Data from the BattleNet

Hi there, I have seen sites like "" and I totally wonder how they get information I could only access when being ingame. I mean how can I access for example the StarCraft II EU Ladder? Is this just an URL we have to access / download or does this require hooking the client in some way with injections? ...

PHP Multi-Dimensional Arrays Issue

Ok I have a mult-dimensional array which has the following structure... 0 => array ( 'membership' => array ( 'member' => array ( 'name' => '', 'landline' => '', 'libcard' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'email' => '', ), 'updated_at' => '', 'member_id' => 12345,...