
create a WIKI like "diff" between two strings

i am generating a report showing the different between fields before and after. I have it working but some of the fields are pretty long and the changes are quite subtle. I want some visualization to highlight what has changed. Similar to what you see in: Stackoverflow if you look at question edits One of the text file diff tools wh...

Dynamically generate an R lattice graph for many fields

I'm wondering if the following is possible. I have a survey with 100+ questions, all categorical, collected in 4 locations. All questions are labeled q1, q2 and so on. Let's say there are 100 for simplicity. I can visually compare the results of a particular question across locations with: library (lattice); histogram(~ q75 | location...

Django Model for storing Internet Usage Stats

Hi, I'm writing a small Django-based frontend to collect and graph internet usage statistics. Currently, from our ISP, we get monthly text files that show the average bytes/second for every 5-minute interval. E.g.: Date Time In Out 28.03.2010 00:00:00 204304 228922 28.03.2010 00:05:00 104231 222998 28.03.2010 00:10...

Visualizing a DAG

I have a large directed acyclic graph that I would like to visualize in a bitmap image. Ideally I'd like to have all the root nodes at the top of the image, and all of the leaf nodes at the bottom, i.e. the graph edges are all pointing in a downwards direction. Is there a good algorithm for working out the coordinates of all the nodes ...

PHP: Fusion chart tutorial

After researching into various charting solutions fusion charts looks like it will be most suited to my needs. I'm finding it difficult to get a good detailed tutorial on how to create a chart that lets the user can click on different data to open a new window. For example a pie chart of backup statistics (successful, failed, missing)...

visualizing geoRSS on a globe

What are my options if I'd like to display GeoRSS data on a globe like the one found here. ...

How can I set tens of thousands of tasks to each trigger at a different defined time?

I'm constructing a data visualisation system that visualises over 100,000 data points (visits to a website) across a time period. The time period (say 1 week) is then converted into simulation time (1 week = 2 minutes in simulation), and a task is performed on each and every piece of data at the specific time it happens in simulation tim...

Web data visualization/charting library

I'm building a Rails app that needs some data visualization. What is a good library to learn? (If it matters, I don't have much web/javascript experience, but I'm starting to learn.) I've been dabbling around with Protovis... But, well, I don't understand what all the hype is. It seems quite long and painful even to create just a simple...

Simple Visualization library in Java to display data

Hello, I am looking for a good visualization library in Java for my school project in data mining. So, my primary focus will be on data mining and I just need a simple API which takes in the output of my algo (xml, csv etc, not yet decided) and give cool looking analytic like view of the data. So, I need a simple library which just w...

Best site/software to visualize Most Active Open Source Projects?

As a Microsoft .NET developer I have noticed a marked increase in the number of new Open Source frameworks and software tools that directly impact how your design a software solution. So much so that if you don't happen to be talking to the right person at the right time you may miss a whole major development. I started to wonder if ther...

Logarithmic bar chart using Protovis

var vis = new pv.Panel().canvas('grphLangSpeakers').height(langCount*(barWidth+barGap)).width(canvasWidth) .add(pv.Bar) .data(popCountArray) .bottom(0).width(function(d){ return d}) .height(barWidth) .top(function() {return this.index * (barGap+barWidth)}); vis.render(); I'm using above code to generate a Bar Chart...

Data Visualization Strategies - algorithm to compute data quality

I have a multi domain data source, and I'm trying to visualize it. It contains many values, strings, timestamps, lat/long, numbers, labels etc.. Of course our display can only show a few dimensions (usually 2) at a time, so I have to programmatically select which attributes to show. I'm trying to do this based upon attribute quality, le...

Adding Zoom & Pan for Protovis Dot Chart with GeoScale

var w = 810, h = 400, mapMargin = 30; geo = pv.Geo.scale().range(w, h); var vis = new pv.Panel() .width(w) .height(h) .top(50) .bottom(30) .def("i", -1); var dot = vis.add(pv.Dot) .data(geoPopList) .left(function(d) {return geo(}) .top(function(d) {return geo(}) .radiu...

Data structure visualizer for javascript

I am looking for a javascript library which renders an arbitrary (but acyclic) JSON data blob into some sort of semi-interactive HTML view. James Padolsey's Prettyprint library comes close, but its output is very verbose ("object" and "array" headers on everything, for instance), is only marginally interactive (the ability to collapse a...

how to visualize measurement in 3d?

Hi. I need to make a 3d model and connect sensors output data to the model. I can parse sensor data to get meaningful information from sensors; like those door have been opened; light switched on; but I have no idea how to make 3d model and to interact with it for sensors end. (for example when when sensors inidicate that doors have open...

Is there anything equivalent powerful in the Flex/Flash world like the Telerik Silverlight GridView to visualize data?

I was trying to find soemthing equivalent powerful like the Telerik GridView in the Flex/Flash world but without success. Could someone pls give me a hint? Or is there no vendor/open source etc. component library out there? ...