
search an element in a heap

Hi I remembered that heap can be used to search whether an element is in it or not with O(logN) time complexity. But suddenly I can't get the details. I can only find getmin delete add and so on. Can anybody give a hint? ...

Unit testing methods that call methods with dependencies to the data access layer

I work on codebase that doesn't have any unit tests in place and I'm trying to get add some unit testing to it. The code is VB.NET but isn't very object oriented. We're using NUnit for unit testing. A lot of the classes have shared/static methods. I'm trying to unit test a method that calls other methods that use the data access layer. ...

MSVC: Embedding Data in Program

I'm hoping someone has run into this sort of problem before, and can give me a hint to solve it. With Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, I have this code in a program: DWORD locator[FOURXFLAGCOUNT+1]={ 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858, 0x58585858,...

Fantasy names database

I am building a demo dataset for my webapp. I would like thousands of "real looking" names. They should not be names of famous people or fiction heroes or names that will evoke associations. They should all have various and different sounding but realistic male and female names and surnames. Birth dates and other data can be randomly ge...

Loading a data file in Matlab

How can I load a matrix data file into Matlab? The file contains numeric data as well as strings. One line in the file corresponds to one measurement; data on the same line is separated by commas. ...

Migrate data in mysql from old schema to new schema

Hello, We have recently improved the schema of our production database, changing column names and indexes etc. We also changed the storage engine to InnoDB to make use of transactions and foreign keys. What is the best way to import the data from the old schema into the new schema? Bare in mind that column names have changed (including...

Medical Machine Learning Data Set

I'm researching Medical Data set which includes variable concerning illnesses and treatment type. For example illnesses is colon cancer, it's decision variables (x,y,z,t) and treatment type is chemothreapy, radiothreaphy etc etc. I want to reach such a data set for my KDD and exploratory lesson. Because I want to make useful p...

How to build a data flow?

I am running Visual Studio 2008, the SSIS Tutorial described on: I finished all of the tasks but am getting following errors: Error 1 Validation error. Extract Sample Currency Data: Extract Sample Currency Data: input column "CurrencyAlternateKey" (123) has lineage ID 55 that ...

Local SQL Server 2008 Express data upload to Web based SQL Server 2008.

Over the next few months, we need to consider the best technology/technique for periodically uploading SQL Server 2008 Express data that is held on a local network up to a Web based SQL Server 2008 server. The idea is to allow us to consolidate the data in 20 distributed (local) SQL Server Express 2008 apps in use throughout the country...

display old inactive data in dropdown

I have a dropdown which displays some programs (active and inactive). I have a column (isActive) in the programs table in the database which either has a value N or Y. Now I want to filter the dropdown to display only active programs. So, I will just do a sql select to get all programs which are active. Everything is fine up to here. N...

POST data not being received from iPhone

I've got an iPhone App that is supposed to send POST data to my server to register the device in a MySQL database so we can send notifications etc... to it. It sends it's unique identifier, device name, token, and a few other small things like passwords and usernames as a POST request to our server. The problem is that sometimes the serv...

How to use a cross validation test with MATLAB?

I would like to use 10-fold Cross-validation to evaluate a discretization in MATLAB. I should first consider the attributes and the class column. ...

iPhone plist data, large amounts of text and return key?

Basicly iv built my app using a plist. But with the data there is a few times when I need to press return and start a new line. The return key doesn't work in the plist. If I did it the older way it would be \n\n but that doesn't work either. Is there a obvious way I'm overlooking? Or will it be a case off just pressing the space bar al...

iPhone POST to PHP failing

I have this code here: NSString *post = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"deviceIdentifier=%@&deviceToken=%@",deviceIdentifier,deviceToken]; NSData *postData = [post dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:NO]; NSString *postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [postData length]]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [...

jquery datatables using classic .asp

Hi there, I am trying to get the jquery datatables plugin pulling data using VBScript instead of PHP as shown on their website. Has anybody any advice on where to start or maybe seen this already implemented somewhere else? Any assistance would be great! Cheers! Decbrad ...

Free country/city suggestion list/database

I'm looking for something similar to facebook suggestion list with cities and countries. You can see what I'm exactly talking about when you try to create new event in facebook, click to add address, and then start typing in the City field. I prefer finding working suggestion tool in jQuery(with the date), but database with city/country...

Arbitrary bit-sized data type in C#

What is the best way of defining in C# a structure with, say, 6 bits of data? I can, of course, define 2 fields of int + short, but I wonder if there's a way of holding all the data in 1 filed. Regards, Yaakov ...

Is there a Ruby CSV parser that generates column getter methods?

Hi there, I'm trying to generalize a data retrieval mechanism with Ruby, and can't seem to find a way to retrieve a CSV file and access one of the row's columns by using a dot operator like so: Let's say I have a CSV table: #some_file.csv name,age albert,13 And I create a FasterCSV table from it: a ='some_fi...

Looking for an open source visualization library that will allow dynamic changes to the graph/tree in Java?

Hello, I'm looking for a library that will allow me to construct a Tree and dynamically generate the branches/leaves of this tree at run time based on which branch the user selects. Basically, it's similar to this prefuse example: except that the data isn't predifined in a an XML file. Rather the da...

Declare float or cast float?

Hey I've started to learn c++ using "C++ Primer by Stephen Prate" and I'm currently trying to complete one of the exercises. I am wondering if I should declare arc_to_minute & arc_to_degree as float or cast them as float as I've done already. Any tips welcome! #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; cout.setf(ios...