
Data Binding with WPF and MVVM/Model-View-ViewModel

I'm having difficulty correctly Data Binding my models in the view. I have a MainWindowViewModel which contains a list of AlbumViewModels. Each AlbumViewModel holds an AlbumModel. So I have multiple albums and I need to display information in an ObservableCollection in the AlbumModel. I have two ListBoxes. ListBox1 holds the list of...

getting a blank data report vb6

Hi, I am new to vb6. I am working to create the invoice generation application. I am using data report to show the generated invoice. The step by step working of process is Entering the data in to Invoice and ItemsInvoice tables. Then getting the maxId using (Adodc) from the data base to show the last generated Invoice. Then passing t...

WPF: Read XML Data Island from Code-Behind

Guys, I have a Window with an XmlDataProvider containing a data island. I want to read the XML from the code-behind. I have inspected all the properties of XmlDataProvider. I must be missing something. How can I do this? My Code-Behind: //how do I get the XML data island into a string? This does nothing... var s = sp.Resource...

Instruments says I have 12 memory leaks in this, how do I get rid of them?

I am honestly not able to figure out when to releas these objects, Please help + (DrawData*) load { DrawData *newDrawData = [[DrawData alloc] init]; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *doc...

Grid like tables components for Flex/Air

I'm looking for some king of components which will be more powerful then current Datagrid and AdvDataGrid in Flex SDK. I need Paging, Filtering, Dynamic Loading, On Cell Validation, Lookup Field from another resulset and some other features which related to working with database tables and views. We can develop all that ourselves, but we...

what is the best way to put a translation system in php website?

Hi everybody, I'm deevelopping a website in PHP and I'd like to give the user to switch from german to english easily. So, a translation politic must be considered: Should I store the data and its translation in a database table ((1, "Hello", "hallo"), (2, "Good morning", "Guten Tag") etc .. ? Or should I use the ".mo" Files to store...

Numpy array memory issue

I believe I am having a memory issue using numpy arrays. The following code is being run for hours on end: new_data = npy.array([new_x, new_y1, new_y2, new_y3]) = npy.row_stack([, new_data]) where new_x, new_y1, new_y2, new_y3 are floats. After about 5 hours of recording this data every second (more t...

Data not loading in Detail View

Im trying to get my data to load in my detail view. Can any one take a look and see why it isnt showing? It loads fine in my rootviewcontroller, just not the detail view. DetailViewController.m #import "DetailViewController.h" @implementation DetailViewController - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarni...

Float versus integer data type calculation issues in C

The following code does not yield the answer I expect when I multiple a float * 12. void setup_timer_parameters(float micro_seconds) { //constants calibration = 0; //calculables periods_needed = micro_seconds * 12 + calibration; target_overflows = periods_needed / 65536; overflows_counter = target_overflows; temp...

How do I receive and store data input in C#?

Basically I'm still in the starting phase, and I know how to use console.writeline, but I have no idea on how to have it read input from the user. For example, I'd want a user to be able to type in a pair of numbers, then return the result. My goal is a program that receives input , then combines them and returns the average. This is...

Windows Forms DataGridViews' SelectionChanged event fired multiple times

Hi Here is my problem: I have DataGridView. It's source is set to the BindingList of my business objects. Business object implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Each time the business object changes DataGridView fires several SelectionChanged events. When I add/remove objects to the DataSource SelectionChanged events are fired too...

Cache the DTO or cache data from the expensive resource

I have a WebService that returns a DTO. The webservice gets the data to populate the DTO from an expensive resource. In this simple example, several WebService methods may hit the same ExpensiveResourceProvider method. Where is the best place to perform caching to maximize cache hits? At the webservice or at the ExpensiveResourceProv...

iPhone permanent data store

Hi, How to store information in iPhone so that it cannot be removed when application removed. For example to indicate if user already used all trial features. I tried to use [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] - but it refreshed each time app deleted. Thanks in advance ...

How do I categorize user input in C#

I've learned how to store a single input of data and return a value based on it. What I want to do is obtain multiple inputs from the user, then return a result. But how do I define each input? Like, if I want the first input to be known as 'stock', and the second as 'value', how do I do that? I hope I explained my question properly....

using cakephp, how do I display a series of data without using for each loops?

The application I'm building is a tennis draw, which has a list of matches organized by round. I've also given the matches a position number as a way to order them and manage matches that are at the top of the draw. In a 32 player draw there are 16 matches in the first round, with match positions ordered from 1 - 16. The draw is laid ou...

Sensitive data: NSString VS NSMutableString (iPhone)

I have some sensitive data I want to clear directly after use. Currently, the sensitive data is in the form of NSString. NSString is in my understanding immutable, meaning that I can't really clear the data. NSMutableString seems more appropriate, though, as it is mutable and has methods like replaceCharactersInRange and deleteCharacters...

What is the easiest and most reliable MySQL data provider for .NET Apps?

There are a couple of data providers to interface with MySQL databases from .NET Apps. Which in your experience have you found the easiest to work with and most reliable? MySQL .NET Connector MyODBC dotConnect for MySQL other I've never done this before so I want to walk down a path that's tried and tested. ...

Are there any weather *history* apis?

There are plenty of weather APIs that allow you to find forecasts, but I'm looking for weather history. Specifically, if I have a lat/lng and a timestamp, I'm looking to find the weather at that moment in that location in the past. I've looked through many different APIs including the National Weather Service and Weather Underground, bu...

C# Question: Retrieve Data from Windows Registry

I store serialized data in the registry. I want to use a foreach loop to iterate through that data. On each iteration I would like to add that data to a dictionary. As follows: // Create dictionary myDictionary = new Dictionary(); // iterate through previously stored data and add it to Dictionary foreach (object x in Application.User...

Mootools ajax form response

I'm trying to send a form with mootools and depending on the response from the php script do such or such thing. The thing is I fail to be able to use conditional statements inside of the onComplete part of the code. I'm missing something really obvious probably, please help me :) $('formName').addEvent('submit', function(e){