
Comparing list of strings with an available dictionary/thesaurus

Hi all I have a program (C#) that generates a list of strings (permutations of an original string). Most of the strings are random grouping of the original letters as expected (ie etam,aemt, team). I wanna find the one string in the list that is an actual English word, programatically. I need a thesaurus/dictionary to look up and comp...

Getting WPF Templated items from Control and Data templates

Hi, How do I get a named control from a control that is bound to a control template or data template? I have tried FindName it does not work. I prefer not to use the VisualTreeHelper as you have to traverse through each parent chld item individually. Thanks ...

Datasets for Running Statistical Analysis on

What datasets exist out on the internet that I can run statistical analysis on? ...

What backing storage engine should I use for my Python library?

I'm writing a data processing library in Python that reads data from a variety of sources into memory, manipulates it, then exports it into a variety of different formats. I was loading this data into memory, but some of the datasets I'm processing can be particularly large (over 4 Gig). I need an open source library for a backing stor...

Adding data to a tableview from another class

hi, like i posted earlier and it messed up. i need to add data to a tableview from another class but the problem is i got a tableviewcontroller class and a datacontroller class. So i need to add data to the array list in datacontroller and reload data in tableviewcontroller? Im not very good with implementation system so. Anyone know? ...

How To Aggregate API Data?

Hi, I have a system that connects to 2 popular APIs. I need to aggregate the data from each into a unified result that can then be paginated. The scope of the project means that the system could end up supporting 10's of APIs. Each API imposes a max limit of 50 results per request. What is the best way of aggregating this data so that...

Store static Content on iPhone?

Hi there, I was wondering what is the best way to store static content for my app. E.g. a list of products (name, photos, price, url). Maybe s.o. can direct to a good tutorial? thanks. ...

How to prevent automatic truncation of leading zeros in Excel cell

I have list of STD Codes. If I paste a STD Code as 04562 , it automatically truncates the leading zero and store it as 4562. But I want it to to store it as 04562 Plz Give me a solution. Any Help will be highly appreciated ...

How can I write a Python list to persistent storage?

I am currently trying to solve this problem in MySQL. I have MySQLdb installed. What is the best way to write a list in Python, e.g. [1, 2, -1, -2] to a column of a MySQL database table? I would like each consecutive entry of the list to be put into consecutive rows of a MySQL column. I can obviously run individual queries in a loop, ...

Optimizing A Small Table Of Data For The Best Search (Querry) Speed

I have a table with 4 colums and N rows. At the beginning N will be around 1000 and will have tendency to grow up to 3000. 1st: string unique 2nd: int with N/5 unique values 3rd: int with 5 unique values 4th: data value The objective is to get to the value of the 4th column with different queries, ex: "get the value, where the 1st co...

data transmission using TCP

How the data is tranmitted through the network using TCP header fromclient to server or server to client? Please explain it clearly. ...

Gamekit and iPhone help

I have my app set up to send a custom level in a form of a array to another person during a p2p connection. The receiving device saves the array to file for later use. I set up gamekit in my application, it will successfully search and connect to another device without any problems. Though a problem arises when I send data to a device, t...

How do I send some data (eg. a String) from my Activity to a Service Android ?

Usually, I putExtra inside an Intent to transfer stuff between Activities. But it seems like I can't do this with a Service? Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); That doesn't work for a android Service. How do I send a string from an Activity to a Service then? ...

Freely Availible Datasets/APIs?

I've been studying algorithms about collective intelligence, for things such as recommendation engines, neural networks etc., and was looking for freely availible datasets and/or APIs for practice projects. any suggestions? EDIT: my original question was kind of vague, so here are some examples of the types of things I was looking for: ...

SDP message construction?

I was wondering can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to construct a SDP message. I have read the basics and can construct and understand the parameters but I just cant seem to get it to work. I either get a not acceptable here reply or no reply at all, this is after I get 100 Trying and 180 ringing back. So my SIP works but i...

is it possible to monitor cellular network data transfer on the iPhone?

in programmatically, is it can do? if yes how? or it not possible because 3party application can not run on background. ...

WinPCap Data Getting Truncated

Working on parsing Arp packets and I found this nice problem. when receiving an Arp packet I was parsing the target's IP address. I have c0 a8 in my hex dumb but after that it ends. I am missing data! I see the data in Wireshark but I am not getting the data through WinPCap. I have yet to run into this issue before. Any ideas SO? So f...

Best database solution for managing a huge amount of data

I have to design a traffic database which includes data from different towns (8 towns) 2mb in a period of 10 min for each town 24h. The incoming data is the same for all Town. So my first question is what is better on the performance side: design one database for all towns with many tables (one table for each town) or design many databas...

Does the reply of PING contain the original data? c#

Hello all just a quick question. I am using c# Ping class to ping a server. If I send the ping with a buffer (say 10240 bytes), will the server come back with also the original 10240 bytes? I ask this because I am measuring the latency between two endpoints, together with the data size (to see how much impact of the data size on the ...

Complex ListView example with complex data and complex layout of each row?

Im pulling a list of product objects from a database call and I want to build a ListView of the data in my activity with a non-scrolling header and footer. Each row will consist of a product thumbnail, some data and a button arranged horizontally. I understand that using the ListView I can inflate each row using a separate layout. Most ...