
How to store temporary data from one request to the other in MVC

In some requests, external data has to be fetched from Soap service. Obviously I don't want to get that data at each call for the same user. What is the best practice to store temporary data from one request to the other? The data could take up to 10 meg. ...

Relational databse, photos, votes and warnings

Hi, I'm designing a relational database, but I'm not too much experienced, so I'd like to ask a suggestion about the relational tables with photos. I thought to use a table to store photos, and one or more tables for user data and subject links, so the photos can be linked to different subjects, for example to houses, or trees, in this ...

Save the current status when quit, auto-reload when re-open the app

Hi, I'm creating a simple app to simply save a person's name and a number associated with this person. I've created a class for person like this: @interface Person : NSObject { NSString *name; NSInteger serialNumber; } In the mainViewController, I've created an input text field to enter the name and then automatically assign a...

How to model social graph in Java

Very simple scenario N users, each user can have 0 .. N - 1 friends (who are also users) How can I model this in Java for AppEngine data store Scenario to consider user x and user y become friends (so both need update their own status, in a transaction ...

Dynamic Data: Display edit, delete and Details at the end of the grid

Hi, I implemented Dynamic Data Website and I would like to display edit, delete and Details columns at the end of the Grid. Please let me know how to do this. Thank you for any suggestions. ...

Publishing from Excel to TFS

When using Team Foundation Server & Visual Studio - you can export data from the TFS database to excel, modify the values, and click "publish" to send the new values back to the database. So, excel becomes a way to view and modify your database table. The feature works surprisingly well and I'd like to use for other databases we have. ...

Pass data to a jQuery function on server-side

Hey ho, this is probably a simple question, but I did not find an answer so far. Given I have: $("a.clickable").livequery('click', (function (e) { var values = $(this).attr('id').split('_'); $('#' + values[3]).load($(this).attr('href')); e.preventDefault(); })); You see, I want all links with the clas...

WPF databinding - an interesting problem

I have a database with a table that records data coming from various sources. 3 columns 'Source' 'Value' 'Timestamp' e.g. source1 21 '11:03' source6 22 '11:03' source9 456 '11:03' The table is updated 2 to 3 times a second. Each Value may or may not change. Each 'Source' value is displayed in a seperate label or text box on the s...

General purpose utility or library for compiling/decompiling binary data files ?

I have various binary file formats which I need to dump to some kind of text format, edit and then recompile (possibly to a slightly different version of the binary format). Of course I could write a bunch of utility code in C/C++ to do this kind of thing, and maybe leverage a library for the text side of things (XML or JSON or whatever)...

Android - Sending data from a class to an activity?

Hi all, Have a question about sending data between classes and activities. I currently have a class that monitors outgoing class and gets the number of an outgoing call. I instantiate this class in my main Activity and run its method that retrieves the number. However I now have another Activity that I want to pass the number to. I...

Android - Passing data from a service to a non activity class/object

Hi all, I currently have a service running in my Android application that makes a wifi scan at a set interval and returns the results. I was then passing the data using an aidl interface and to do this I had to bind the service to my Activity I was passing the data to. However the design has changed and I now need to be able to send t...

Dynamic Data Javascipt Error

When using Dynamic Data and trying to Edit/Update a row, change a filter, etc. I get the below error. This happens on both ListDetails.aspx and List.aspx and I have not modifed these pages in any way. It works fine when running it under the VS 2008 Web Server, but not when I deploy it onto our servers (I have tried three different serve...

iPhone: monitor data (internet) usage

is there a way to monitor how much data(internet) each application used? if I cannot monitor applications is there a way to get all internet requests information? (get data passed, url, etc) (I would like to use this info in an app Im developing for iphone) Thanks ...

std::string - get data from start to end

Hi guys, I want to get some data between some 2 indexes. For example, I have string: "just testing..." and I need string from 2 till 6. I should get: 'st tes'. What function can do this for me? ...

Find a value in an array of arrays

I want to determine (using JQuery) if my $(this).data contains an array with a member=x. $(this).data looks like this: 'key1':[1,28,3,4], 'key2':[5,6,7,8,9], 'key3':[15,32] Normally, I'd figure on looping through the keys and checking to see if each value array contained x, but JQuery has all these weird and wonderful functions...

Mysql Data Problem

I want to copy the whole Mysql Data including Events to newly Os installed it possible to do that? Note: I have have copied the Data folder it works fine except Events. ...

How to access data into IQueryable??

I have IQueryable object and I need to take the data inside the IQueryable to put it into Textboxs controls. Is this possible? I try something like: public void setdata (IQueryable mydata) { textbox1.text = mydata.???? } Update: I'm doing this: public IQueryable getData(String tableName, Hashtable myparams) { decimal ...

What technique would you use to find similar people with the same social profile as you? (computer science)

Let's take your Facebook social profile. There are interests, activities, movies, music, and tv-shows. You have these 5 things, in text, of course. Given your social profile and 10 other people, we want to find overlaps, similarity, etc. What method would you use to do it? I"m guessing it would be best to use vectors and Euclidean/Pe...

WPF - Temporarily Stop Data Binding (databinding)

I have a textbox that is bound (oneway) to a datatable that updates a couple of time a second. So the textbox value continually reflects changes in datatable. When I enter the textbox to manually set a value, the binding causes the value to continually be overwritten. How do I stop this? When I have entred a value (textbox lost focus) I...

Updating a UITableView's data

In my application, I have a UITableView with a few rows (let's call it TV1), now, at the bottom of these rows is a row that drills down into another (TV2). This new TV2 asks you which type of data you would like to add to the first view. Then, when the user selects which kind, they're brought to another view, in which they fill in some f...