
(K&R) How exactly are data types represented in a computer?

I'm a beginning programmer reading K&R, and I feel as if the book assumes a lot of previous knowledge. One aspect that confuses me is the actual representation, or should I say existence, of variables in memory. What exactly does a data type specify for a variable? I'm not too sure of how to word this question... but I'll ask a few quest...

DataDeduplication idea

Good morning Just built a small Data De-duplication chunk of code in C# and want to check if anyone has done something simular before, and if so, how? is there publicly available code for this? The code i wrote is on GitHub at At the moment, there is no physical backing store, and no way of storing what...

how to import data with line breaks from text file into R?

I have a text file that I'd like to import into R. Problem is, the file looks like this: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,10,x11 1953.00 7.40000 159565. 16.6680 8883.00 47.2000 26.7000 16.8000 37.7000 29.7000 19.4000 1954.00 7.80000 162391. 17.0290 8685.00 ...

How to get the item parent in a flex tree when using nested objects as data provider?

I have a Flex tree with an ArrayCollection as data provider. The collection holds an array of CategoryVO objects. Each object can have another array of CategoryVO objects inside it's "child" attribute. This way the tree displays the data correctly. Now I want to get the parent of a specific item, e.g. tree.selectedItem. Using XML as dat...

Dynamic data Table showing up as read only

Hi everyone, I just started a new project in dynamic data. I didn't add or remove any external libraries in the project. But for some reason my table is coming up as readonly. I tried going to the database with the same login information and add data and it works. But doesn't work in my dynamic data application. Can any please give m...

SSRS multiple data regions in one report

I'm trying to use SSRS to print a "batch" of 1-page invoices. The invoice has a "header" that lays out well in a list data region linked to dataset1. The "detail" section lays out well in a table data region linked to adataset2. Dataset 2 have a FK reference field to dataset1. I've tried using parameters to pass the values of the "...

Data Exchange between applications over ActiveSync

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to send receive data between two applications over an ActiveSync connection? In my scenario there will be one application running on a desktop and another on a windows mobile device, both these applications need to communicate among them. The connection between the desktop and the mobile device can be Acti...

Retrieving Application Data folder from Lua

Hi, I have trouble getting Application Data in Lua. I can't even find how to do it, here on SO or anywhere else. Thanks for help. ...

Where can I find all of the "things" Data Annotation can do (Validation)

Where do they list the attribute (things that you can do with the Data Annotation validation framework). Like, [Required] .... ...

Passing nested data from Controller to View in ASP.Net MVC (LINQ)

I'm using LINQ to SQL (SQL Server) within ASP.Net MVC. My page needs to display all Regions and all Offices within each Region (nested). Offices belong to a Suburb, which in turn, belong to a Region. I.e. Within each Region, I need to grab the Offices which exist inside Suburbs which belong to the current Region in the loop. (Pseudo cod...

rotate table data crystal reports

Hi I want to rotate the text (table data) by 90 in the crystal report as I need to show the data vertically. The table has many columns and they should be arranged Vertically. This can be done by rotating the text by 90 but the problem here is table data is not growing vertically as I get the records one below one. But my requrement i...

dynamic data Query String parameter

Hi, Is there a way to define my own querystring parameter in Dyanmic data rather then using something like Edit.aspx?AccountID=1 I want to use something like this Edit.aspx?id=1 ...

How to present geographical and other data on the web

I've got a table that I'd like to present. However, a lot the information in it is only useful in aggregated or visual form. For example, the country column it itself is boring, but a aggregating all the entries of a country would be really useful. Coordinates are in there as well, so any solution should be able to present stuff on a map...

two jquery issues with animation and data

Ok so I am basically working on a photo gallery. The first issue I have is with $.data. When I am setting up the images through my plugin I do this: $('.img').each(function(){ $(this).data('original', { width:$(this).width(), height:$(this).height() }); }); Then when I want to animate the image to its full size i do this: $(this).a...

MySQL data provider for .net

Do we have any Open Source MySql Data Provider for .net? If Any, Let me know. ...

Rows between two index entries?

Hello stackoverflow! First time poster here. I'm having problems re-importing a database dump made by mysqldump. I ran mysqldump with the order-by-primary option, and I had it run on a table with a unique key (and no explicit primary key, so it sorted by that unique key). My objective in this case was to re-create the table, making the u...

Data serialization

Dear folks, I've got an objective-c/cocoa based application that I'm working on. This app is client<->server. Currently, the communcation protocol is based upon some fairly simple XML. While XML works for this task, it is not ideal in any aspect. It's a pain to serialize data to XML, it's not particularly light-weight, and difficult to i...

Sending data to a web Server.

Hi.... I've created a program that send's a data to a webserver. I used the NSURLConnection to send the data to the web server. I've created a php file on my server to handle all the POST request from the iPhone. My question was are there any other ways to send the data to a web Server besides using wifi connection. I just only need to s...

Binding the selected value from a combobox to a member of a class.

I have a combobox that is bound to a an instance of a class. I need to get the user's selection ID of the combobox and set a class property equal to it. For example, here is the class: public class robot { private string _ID; private string _name; private string _configFile; [XmlElement("hardware")] public hardware...

Using ADO 3.5 to Import Data From Excel into 64-bit Application

Hi, I am currently developing a 64-bit C# application that needs to import its data from an Excel spreadsheet. I have heard that the best way to do this is by using ADO data connections. However, I have read (and experienced) that in order to make this work, I must be writing a 32-bit application as there is no OleDb odbc driver for ...