
What is the most clever and easy approach to sync data between multiple entities?

In today’s world where a lot of computers, mobile devices or web services share data or act like hubs, syncing gets more important. As we all know solutions that sync aren’t the most comfortable ones and it’s best not to sync at all. I’m still curious how you would implement a syncing solution to sync between multiple entities. There ar...

Merging MySQL Structure and Data

I have a MySQL database running on a deployment machine which also contains data. Then I have another MySQL database which has evolved in terms of STRUCTURE + DATA for some time. I need a way to merge the changes (ONLY) for both structure and data to the DB in deployment machine without disturbing the existing data. Does anyone know of a...

move selected data from one server to another sql server 2008

i need to move selected data from 800+ tables in one database to the same 800+ tables in another database in another server. The data i select is based on date fields of every table. So, if i say table 1 date from 01/01/10 to 01/15/10, then only that data i want to be copied into the other server's database table specified. i hope i am n...

Store per user data in sharepoint webpart

Hi, I got to store some user specific data (string) in my sharepoint webpart.I guess hidden webpart properties should do the trick. Tried with the following attributes on webpart property: [WebBrowsable(false)] [Bindable(true)] [WebPartStorage(Storage.Personal)] [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User)] But i observe in the webpart ...

how can I generate integers that satisfy some restrictions?

Can anyone give me a hand with techniques to generate integers that satisfy certain restrictions. For example, say I need to generate integers x and y such that 100 > x and y < x + 5 And I don't mean this particular example but some generic techniques to generate integers that satisfy certain conditions. Thanks a lot! Manue...

how can I generate strings that satisfy some restrictions?

Can anyone give me a hand with techniques to generate strings that satisfy certain restrictions. For example, say I need to generate strings s and t such that length(s) < length(t) length(t) > 12 t contains at least 3 capital letters and s contains a 2 And I don't mean this particular example but some generic tec...

Is there a animated map maker can import data into itself?

Hello, I want to make a animated map. I can import data into the map, and then, the map changes depends on the data. For example, i have a map now. The map consists of many parts. Each part will change its color according to its status(Not start, started, ended). I specify a date for its status started, this part will change its color...

Application Design question - Database Tables and Interfaces

I have a database with tables for each entity in the system. e.g. PersonTable has columns PersonId, Name, HomeStateId. There is also a table for 'reference data' (i.e. states, countries, all currencies, etc.) data that will be used to fill drop down list boxes. This reference table will also be used so that PersonTable's HomeStateId wi...

C# function waits for response from other app

We are working on integrating two different applications that run simultaneously and share data. One application provides the data, the other one computes some values based off external systems and the data and has to provide it back to the first application. We are using this library to share the data between the applications: http://g...

How to store a sequence of timestamped data?

I have an application that need to store a sequence of voltage data, each entry is something like a pair {time, voltage} the time is not necessarily continuous, if the voltage doesn't move, I will not have any reading. The problem is that i also need to have a function that lookup timestamp, like, getVoltageOfTimestamp(float2second(922...

jQuery 1.4 ajax callback, html() stripping external JS from response

Using jQuery 1.4 I've come across an issue with external JS in an ajax response being removed when accessing it using html(). I'm creating an endless scrolling effect for a tumblr theme using an ajax request to load the next page. Tumblr outputs JS in audio and slideshow posts to render <embed> elements (Flash players) to show the conte...

C#: How to count the data sent or received by my PC (all processes/programs)?

Hello. I need to count the amount (in B/kB/MB/whatever) of data sent and received by my PC, by every running program/process. Let's say I click "Start counting" and I get the sum of everything sent/received by my browser, FTP client, system actualizations etc. etc. from that moment til I shoose "Stop". To make it simplier, I want to ...

CakePHP Retrieving data from custom model

Hi, I got few models with custom queries, just don't wanna fight with them so I used $this->query method to query DB. Now got question... The only way I can access data is using $model[0][0]['field'], is there any other way to display them in foreach loop? Cheers! ...

What should we have in a Business Logic Layer (BLL).

I know this is a very basic question. But I am really not able to comprehend what should we have in BLL. Let me take an example. Let us consider a Login.aspx web page, which is used to facilitate user login. In this case Login.aspx will have two textboxes and one login button.(Presentation Layer). Data Acess Layer will have functions to...

Preferred way to store/retrieve python data

I would like to include data files with a Python package. Is the best place to put them inside the actual package as suggested here, i.e. src/ mypkg/ data/ tables.dat spoons.dat forks.dat or is there a better way to do this? What is the best...

Accept Data With A Webservice C# .NET 3.5

I was curious as to how I would accomplish the following with webservices: Authenticate a user. Accept a CSV or XML file. Process the file and put it into an SQL database. Someone mentioned in a previous post that I should use a webservice. I can't seem to find any resources that explain how to begin something like this. All the si...

How to verify if two tables have exactly the same data?

Basically we have one table (original table) and it is backed up into another table (backup table); thus the two tables have exactly the same schema. At the beginning both tables (original table and backup table) contains exactly the same set of data. After sometime for some reason I need to verify whether dataset in the original table...

Visualization tools for a Data mart

Hi I want to setup a simple department level data mart. The source data is in an oracle database. The target is also an oracle database. I have the data mart design ready. It is a star schema. I am looking at the various options to A) Move the data from source to target B) Visualization tools to use the data mart A) For data movement I ...

what's basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in context to ?

what's basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in context to ? I mean when I should go for JsonStore and when I should use JsonReader as for me both are providing same solution. ...

Convert Binary Data to Date

I have the following data: F0 60 5B 50 BB 27 C4 01 I am 99% certain that this represents the date: 21/04/2004 17:11:33 I cannot for the life of me work out how it is encoding it. Am I being dense? I've tried just reading it in as a binary date, but that comes back with a date way in the future. I've tried assuming it's number of ticks ...