
What is the best possible technology for pulling huge data from 4 remote servers

Hello, For one of our project, we need to pull huge real time stock data from 4 remote servers across two countries. The trivial process here, check the sources for a regular interval and save the update to database. But as these are real time stock data of more than 1000 companies, I have to pull every second, which isn't good in case...

C# All math operations return as an integer?

Possible Duplicate: byte + byte = int why? I have a grid from (-1024,-1024) to (1024,1024), so I don't need all the values that an int provides, but I've noticed that all of my algorithms return as ints and I need to typecast them all with (short). Could anyone explain why all math operations return as int and is it more effec...

How to represent a data tree in SQL?

I'm writing a data tree structure that is combined from a Tree and a TreeNode. Tree will contain the root and the top level actions on the data. I'm using a UI library to present the tree in a windows form where I can bind the tree to the TreeView. I will need to save this tree and nodes in the DB. What will be the best way to save the ...

What kind of data should never go into session?

What kinds of data should never be kept in a session? ...

Dynamic load data on scroll

Hi, I am working on a web application, where we need to show more than 20,000 rows in a single page. What is the best way to achieve this? As per requirements, we cant use pagination. We are looking at options like Live Scrolling in Adobe there any other framework that helps in doing this job efficient and easy??? Thanks in ad...

how can I fill data to extjs component using querystring?

for example if I have extjs ComboBox, and I have URL like http://localhost:8080?param=value1,value2,value3 how can I access this << param >> value in ExtJS, so that I can covert it into something like or .... ...

Very basic dude with Solr/Lucene

Hello, I am working in a project that has a big amount of data in Lucene. We need to show a faceted search and the time requiered for it is unacceptable when trying to simulate it using regular Lucene accesss. I have been reading about Solr, but tutorials are not very clear about this basic point: Is the data stored in the same way usin...

Simple structured data (INI, YAML, JSON, etc) editor application

I am looking for a standalone application that will allow administrators to easily edit data in a structured format that is easy to parse (INI, YAML, JSON, etc). Although I can find very complex and sophisticated XML editors, I can't find anything simple - all I want is an application that will read a simple file and allow admins to edit...

populate data string in ajax request

Hi! i have a form that can have different number of text fields (hoding translation value). Their names are for example: "textfield_eng", "textfield_ger", "textfield_dut". in my ajax request i want these fields submitted ofcourse, but i can't figure out how to populate these field names and their values in to the data string. This is...

How to clean private data from browsers(temp files, caches, cookies) using Java on Windows

I think of doing something like a file cleaner for Windows with Java just for fun, I want it to be able to clean the temp files, caches... etc for the major browsers opera, ie, firefox. I'm basically looking for some guidance to where to start my research, what are some good reads and basically what kind of libraries will I have to use (...

How to visualize blog links and comments?

This is not really a programming question, but I'm hoping that this community might be able to point me in the direction of an answer. I am trying to identify if there are any online tools that would allow you to visualize a blog by mapping links, blog comments, and trackbacks, etc., Or if there are tools that would allow visualizing con...

how do I store JSON data on a disk?

I am totally new to JSON and I might need to use it in the future so I did some reading bout it. There's lots of questions regarding JSON on SO. I found heaps of articles using google, I read but I did not understand how to store JSON data. JSON is is a lightweight data-interchange format. So how I store its data? In a file? In...

NSTableView with multiple columns

What is an easy way to set up my NSTableView with multiple columns to only display certain data in one column. I have the IBOutlets set up, but I don't know where to go from there. ...

Java Application to show a lot of charts and stats, storing the data?

I'm working on a Java application, one of its functions is to show detailed information in graph form with the odd statistic and "top 10" list here and there. The data is being generated live by the application, consider it an internet "honeypot", data is the result of external attacks, the graphs will need to be of varying forms such a...

fflush and 'no disk space left'

I'm writing a program, some kind of database. While I was reading manual of fclose(3) I found that it calls fflush(3) to flush FILE* buffers to disk (actually to OS buffer, but it doesn't matter right now, we can always call fsync(2)). Because I'm writing a DB it is obvious that I want to prevent data loss. If there is no disk space an...

Export tables in SQL Server 2005

In SQL Server 2000 you had DTS where you had the option to choose to export table structure along with data and also to choose specific tables only. Is there a similar option in SQé Server 2005 version. I would like to export just 5 tables along structure and data from an existing database to another database. The data is required as i...

Compression algorithm for IEEE-754 data

Anyone have a recommendation on a good compression algorithm that works well with double precision floating point values? We have found that the binary representation of floating point values results in very poor compression rates with common compression programs (e.g. Zip, RAR, 7-Zip etc). The data we need to compress is a one dimensio...

Data browsing/queriying tool for loosely structured data

I have a set of statistical data (about 100M size), which is organized in key-value pairs, some of the values are just numbers (e.g. like person's age or weight) and some are hierarchical (e.g. like person's employments - it can have a set of employment records, each again containing key/value pairs, etc.). The real data is not exactly t...

Stacked Area Histogram in R

I ran a Pig job on a Hadoop cluster that crunched a bunch of data down into something R can handle to do a cohort analysis. I have the following script, and as of the second to last line I have the data in the format: > names(data) [1] "VisitWeek" "ThingAge" "MyMetric" VisitWeek is a Date. ThingAge and MyMetric are integers. The...

problem with data loading on DataGrid

I am using a DataGrid (.NET 1.1) to which data is being binded from data source which gets almost 3000 rows and 25 columns. Because of heavy data, it is taking around 3 minutes to laod data on to datagrid. I want to load first50 records, then next 50 , then next 50... so on... How can I achieve this ?.. i tried using Paging option but ...