
MySQL - Select from a list of numbers those without a counterpart in the id field of a table

I have a list of numbers, say {2,4,5,6,7} I have a table, foos, with foos.ID, including say, {1,2,3,4,8,9} Id like to take my list of numbers, and find those without a counterpart in the ID field of my table. One way to achieve this would be to create a table bars, loaded with {2,4,5,6,7} in the ID field. Then, I would do SELECT bar...

What's the difference between %TMP% and %TEMP% in Vista environment variables?

On my computer, both points to the same location. Are those for backward compatibility issues only, or is there a real difference? ...

Deleting temp files in batch file

Hey guys Just building a batch file to delete temp files on my vista machines @ home that i want to add to task scheduler. i have this so far, but i get alot of access denied, and it never finds a thumbs.db file or index.dat and there are heaps of them. what am i doing wrong? attrib +a -s -h -r "%windir%\Temp\*.*" /s del /f /s /q "%...

How do I use a temp table across multiple c# calls.

I have a C# application, using ADO.Net to connect to MSSQL I need to create the table (with a dynamic number of columns), then insert many records, then do a select back out of the table. Each step must be a separate c# call, although I can keep a connection/transaction open for the duration. ...

Loop through an XML to insert data in a temp table - SQL 2005

I am trying to execute this (standalone) SQL : Declare @test XML SET @test = '<Products><ProductId>1</ProductId><ProductId>2</ProductId></Products>' DECLARE @Temp TABLE( ProductId NVARCHAR(10) ) INSERT INTO @Temp(ProductId) SELECT tab.col.value('./ProductId[1]','NVARCHAR(10)') AS 'ProductId' FROM @test CROSS APPLY xml_d...

Java temp files and automated deletion

It is safe to use java's createTempFile method to create a temp file and then rename it and keep it as a permanent file? Or does java or the system in some way keep track of its temporary files and delete them at some point? btw..this is related to Mac OS X specifically. ...

SSIS + Temp Table

Hi, I am having a stored proc which return 2 records and which contains a select statement from a temp table, So when i used this stored proc inside a OLEDB Source in SSIS and just trying to insert the set of records into a destination SQL table using OLEDB destination. Its throwing a ERROR at source side saying : [OLE DB Source [166...

C - How to locate temp files previously created by tmpfile() ?

I'm working on a multi-process program which basically perform fuzzification on each layer of a RVB file. (1 process -> 1 layer). Each child process is delivering a temp file by using the function: tmpfile(). After each child process finishes its job, the main process has to read each temp file created and assemble the data. The problem ...

Where does Path.GetTempFileName(...) create files under XP?

Under Vista when you call GetTempFilePath files get created in: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ Does anyone know where they get created under XP? ...

How do I clean up the temp files created by SharpZipLib

When I create a zip file using SharpZipLib I end up with .tmp files litering my hard drive. It occurs when I add files to an archive. I'm not too concerned that it's happening, but I'd like to be able to get the file name so that I can remove the files once the archive is completed. How do I get the name of the .tmp file? ...

to separate comma separated values of field and add them in integer field of temp table

I have one table member_details with field "preferred_location" (varchar) that has comma separated values like "19,20,22" that come from a listbox selection .... Now I also have another table city_master having field "city_id" (int) and "city_name" (varchar)... Now I want to separate "preferred_location" (varchar) values and to add the...

How to store temporary data from one request to the other in MVC

In some requests, external data has to be fetched from Soap service. Obviously I don't want to get that data at each call for the same user. What is the best practice to store temporary data from one request to the other? The data could take up to 10 meg. ...

IIS: There was a problem reading metadata from 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files

I am having this most annoying issue when I try to rebuild my solution I get 4 lines of: There was a problem reading metadata from 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyWebSiteName... I tried restarting IIS, so I could delete the temp files, but they're locked. How can I fix this annoyance, it only ...

How is the Tomcat temp directory location defined?

I am running Tomcat bundled with Liferay5.2.3 and use Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) as my IDE. I set up my Tomcat server in Eclipse as per this blog entry: http://www.jroller.com/holy/entry/developing_portlets_for_liferay_in. If I start Tomcat via the Eclipse server config, Liferay/Tomcat uses my C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\T...

How to know the next temp file to be created in windows?

I am by no means a programmer but currently am wondering if an application creates a temp file that windows names. For example the file it creates is tmp001, is there a way i can take that name tmp001 and ask windows to give me the next temp file it would create before it creates it. Thanks, Mike ...

Hudson Free Temp Space location

Hi I have just installed Hudson on a Weblogic server and I am having issues with the nodes going off line due to the Free Temp Space falling below the 1gig threshold. Now I have checked my /tmp folder (thinking Hudson uses that) but it is sitting at 10gigs free. Would anybody be able to point me to the folder Hudson uses? Also I am u...

MySql: How can I use temp table when creating view?

MySQL doesn't allow temp table when creating a view, is there any work around for that? ...

(JAVA) How open a temp htm file in browser?

I tried this, but without sucess: File temp = File.createTempFile("document", ".htm"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(temp)); out.write("hi !!!"); out.close(); System.out.println(temp.toURI().toString()); java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse(temp.toURI())...

Windows temp directory details (Java)

I'm writing a program that needs a generic temp folder. I'm trying to find details about the Windows Temp folders. There are two paths that I know about - In each user directory under AppData\Local\Temp\ This may change depending Windows version? In the system folder under Temp\ (C:\Windows\Temp) I'm wondering exactly what Windows do...

Creating a T-SQL temp table on another server machine

I'm using SQL Query Analyzer to build a report from the database on one machine (A), and I'd like to create a temp table on a database server on another machine(B) and load it with the data from machine A. To be more specific, I have a report that runs on machine A (machine.a.com), pulling from schema tst. Using SQL Query Analyzer, I l...