
Sharepoint 2007 : Saving Form data with page redirection using custom parameters.

HI Experts, After saving the form data I would like to REDIRECT to different pages based on the @Status value using the input type button. input type="button" value="Save" name="btnSave" id="btnSave" onclick="{ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('_commit;_redirect={*Confirm.aspx?ID=1}')};" />* if @Status == "Draft" url = "draft.aspx ? ID = " ...

Does any SQL frontend display sub-datasheets?

I'm looking for an SQL client app that can display subdatasheets like the following: Do you know of any? ...

how to continuously send data without blocking?

I am trying to send rtp audio data from my Android application. I currently can send 1 RTP packet with the code below and I also have another class that extends Thread that listens to and receives RTP packets. My question is how do I continuously send my updated buffer through the packet payload without blocking the receiving thread? ...

Recovering the deleted data from Android SD Card ?

I am trying to make an Android application which would try to recover deleted content from the SD Card. How feasible is it? I have the following methods in mind: Since, the files are not actually deleted, can I access the file system to see files which has been marked to be overwritten. Or will I have to do header/footer file carving...

print the longest path between two leaf nodes

hi all, we know how to computer diameter but i came across a question where they asked you to print this longest path .. how can it be done? ...

Passing object from PHP to Mysql Stored procedure

Hi All, Scenario :- I have to call MYSQL stored procedure from PHP and do some operations ( around 15 commands ) on the database Problem :- I have to call stored procedure with 36 parameters. Lot of parameters . I don't think it is a good idea to pass these many individual parameters and even heard passing individul parameters increase...

Two collections and a for loop. (Urgent help needed) Checking an object variable against an inputted String value. Nullpointerexception

Hi there, I'm relatively new to java, I'm certain the error is trivial. But can't for the life of me spot it. I have an end of term exam on monday and currently trying to get to grips with past papers! Anyway heregoes, in another method (ALGO_1) I search over elements of and check the value H_NAME equals a value entered in the main. W...

How would you implement API key in WCF Data Service?

Is there a way to require an API key in the URL / or some other way of passing the service a private key in order to grant access to the data? I have this right now... using System; using System.Data.Services; using System.Data.Services.Common; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.ServiceModel.Web; using Nu...

C++: best way to implement globally scoped data

I'd like to make program-wide data in a C++ program, without running into pesky LNK2005 errors when all the source files #includes this "global variable repository" file. I have 2 ways to do it in C++, and I'm asking which way is better. The easiest way to do it in C# is just public static members. C#: public static class DataContain...

How can I build a generic dataset-handling Perl library?

Hello, I want to build a generic Perl module for handling and analysing biomedical character separated datasets and which can, most certain, be used on any kind of datasets that contain a mixture of categorical (A,B,C,..) and continuous (1.2,3,881..) and identifier (XXX1,XXX2...). The plan is to have people initialize the module and the...

Sending html data via $post fails

I am using the code below which is fine but when I use the code below that in an attempt to send an html fragment to a processing page to save it as a file but I get nothing. I have tried using ajax with processData set to false ads dataTypes of html, text and xml but nothing works. I can't find anything on this so I guess I must be mis...

Excel data connection - remove header row?

The excel spreadsheet is connecting to SQL server 2005 using the connection string below: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=XXXXXX;Data Source=XXXXXX;Extended Properties="HDR=No";Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=XXXXXX;Use Encryption for...

Validating only selected fields using ASP.NET MVC 2 and Data Annotations

I'm using Data Annotations with ASP.NET MVC 2 as demonstrated in this post: Everything works fine when creating / updating an entity where all required property values are specified in the form and valid. However, what if I only want to update some o...

Parse and read data frame in C?

I am writing a program that reads the data from the serial port on Linux. The data are sent by another device with the following frame format: |start | Command | Data | CRC | End | |0x02 | 0x41 | (0-127 octets) | | 0x03| ---------------------------------------------------- The Data field contains 127 octet...

jquery.ajax multiple data problem

Hi, I've been trying to make this code work for the last 3 hours. I've tried about everytinh, but I'm still unable to get it to work. I only managed to send 1 data. When I use this code, I only manage to retrieve recaptcha_response_field. If I remove recaptcha_response_field, I retrieve recaptcha_challenge_field. However, I am unable t...

Shipping Java code with data baked into the .jar

I need to ship some Java code that has an associated set of data. It's a simulator for a device, and I want to be able to include all of the data used for the simulated records in the one .JAR file. In this case, each simulated record contains four fields (calling party, called party, start of call, call duration). What's the best way t...

Binning a numeric variable in R

I have a vector X that contains positive numbers that I want to bin/discretize. For this vector, I want the numbers [0, 10) to show up just as they exist in the vector, but numbers [10,) to be 10+. I'm using: x <- c(0,1,3,4,2,4,2,5,43,432,34,2,34,2,342,3,4,2) binned.x <- as.factor(ifelse(x > 10,"10+",x)) but this feels klugey to ...

convert unstructured data to structured data?

How to convert unstructured data into structured data?For example email,contacts to a structured format. Are there any algorithms to do this?? ...

Data Access component for .net

I am looking for an OSS data access block for using with .Net and Sql Server. I've use Ent Lib in the past, but wondered if anyone could recommend anything else? ...

Getting Data from WinForms ListView Control

I need to retrieve my data from a ListView control set up in Details mode with 5 columns. I tried using this code: MessageBox.Show(ManageList.SelectedItems(0).Text) And it works, but only for the first selected item (item 0). If I try this: MessageBox.Show(ManageList.SelectedItems(2).Text) I get this error: InvalidArgument=Value ...