
WCF Data Service - Proxy mid-tier service.

The project we are working on is a classic 3 tiered architecture. tier 1 being the database server, tier 2 the application services and tier 3 the presentation tier (a web site). In the application services tier I have a project that includes an entity framework model and a WCF data services based service that exposes the entities withi...

Regressing panel data in SAS.

Hey Guys, thanks to your help I succesfully managed all my databases! I am now looking at a panel data set on which I have to regress. Since I only started my Phd this semester together with the econometrics courses I am still new to many statistic applications and regression methods. I want to do a simple regression as in Y = x1 x2 x3...

Building a decision-making game in jQuery? Where would I store data....

I built a slideshow/decision-making game in Flash but would like to try to redo it using jQuery. The slideshow part seems simple enough, however I have a series of user decisions that I'm not sure how to approach. In flash, if the user makes a decision, I would just store this in a variable or shared local objects, is this the same for...

Flex 3: should I provide prepared data to my component or make it to process data before display?

I'm starting to learn a little Flex just for fun and maybe to prove that I still can learn something new :) I have some idea for a project and one of its parts is a tree component which could display data in different ways depending on configuration. The idea There is list of objects having properties like id, date, time, name, descri...

Storing simulation results in a persistent manner for Python?

Background: I'm running multiple simuations on a set of data. For each session, I'm allocating projects to students. The difference between each session is that I'm randomising the order of the students such that all the students get a shot at being assigned a project they want. I was writing out some of the allocations in a spreadsheet ...

sql Database to save different contact details for a message sending site

I am working for a project to create a database for saving different persons contact details in SQL. For example, X person saves 10 contacts, Y persons save 15 contacts, z persons save 20 contacts and so on. I cant create separate tables to save contacts of x,y,z and so on. But i just want to know the alternative method to do that. Is th...

The best way to display data in a table view?

Hey guys, I'm trying to display nutritional information in a table view but am struggling about the best way to show the info. I don't want to create unique views for each page as that would take up a lot of space. My ideal avenue would be like a website having links to data pages instead of individual views for each page. How would I b...

Form Scanning into SQL

I have been looking for a solution to scan (and OCR) a paper survey type form into a SQL Server database. I have looked at TeleForm and ReadSoft which are very high end and expensive solutions. I have tried to research other solutions but have come up dry. Is anyone doing this with a light-weight package? Note: I am not looking for a pl...

Start Android intent from email

Hi! I need a good way of sending information TO the Android device that doesn't use a special server that has XML data. I would like to base this around email functionality. Lets say I send an email with some special text/link that when clicked starts and intent on the phone. I don't want to replace the users current email application....

Protecting Data Feed for iPhone App

I am creating an App that pulls data from a file on my server. That file gets data from my database, based on GET values that are passed through the URL. I would like to keep this feed closed - that is, I don't want people finding the datasource and reading the data on their own. I considered sending an alphanumeric id along with the u...

Data disappear tab bar app

Hi all ! I'm in trouble :-) the deal :  I have made a Tab Bar based app, i set up a first UIViewController with a nav controller.  The first controller uses TableView to display Data and push a controller which uses some of the Data in the tableView to display it in UILbel and UITextView. The second controller is made of an Acceleromt...

DataSource Control for List<T>

I know all the data source controls like LinqDataSource, ObjectDataSource etc. They are cool but they are intended to be used in conjunction with a database. I actually need a simple data source control that can work with a plain old List (That supports delete, update, select, insert ofcourse). I was thinking of using the objectdataso...

ETL Operation - Return Primary Key

I am using Talend to populate a data warehouse. My job is writing customer data to a dimension table and transaction data to the fact table. The surrogate key (p_key) on the fact table is auto-incrementing. When I insert a new customer, I need my fact table to reflect the id of the related customer. As I mentioned my p_key is auto auto...

Unable to Export contents of Data table (with French formatted Numbers ) to XML

I have a data Table with numbers formatted according to the current regional settings. ie ( in French decimal separators are ',' instead of '.' in English). I need to export it to XML. Numbers in XML needs to be formatted according to the current regional settings.But now numbers in XML are formatted in English.Is there any way to make ...

mysql data type confusion

So this is more of a generalized question about MySQLs data types. I'd like to store a 5-digit US zip code (zip_code) properly in this example. A county has 10 different cities and 5 different zip codes. city | zip code -------+---------- city 0 | 33333 city 1 | 11111 city 2 | 22222 city 3 | 33333 city 4 | 44444 city 5 | 55555 city...

Extract wrong data from a frame in C?

I am writing a program that reads the data from the serial port on Linux. The data are sent by another device with the following frame format: |start | Command | Data | CRC | End | |0x02 | 0x41 | (0-127 octets) | | 0x03| ---------------------------------------------------- The Data field contains 127 oct...

Get value of "data"

Hi, I need to figure out the value of data strings with jquery, for example like this: { label: "Beginner", data: 2}, { label: "Advanced", data: 12}, { label: "Expert", data: 22}, to add them up. Something like: var sum = data1+data2+data3; alert(sum); So the result for this example would be 36. Appreciate your help! Nic...

Designing DAOs for data sources other than a database

Hi, Until now I've been used to using DAOs to retrieve information from databases. Other sources of data are possible though and I'm wondering if and how the pattern could be applied in general. For example, I'm now working on an application that fetches XML on the web. The XML file could be considered as a data source and the actual f...

removing meta data from EPS files with ImageMagick

I have successfully converted eps files to jpg using ImageMagick but the image meta data remains in the converted jpg. I tried using -strip during the convert but the meta data persists. Has anyone solved this with ImageMagick or any other way? Thanks ...

2 large databases - worth merging into 1?

I have 2 large databases that were sharded before. I now have removed the sharding and have created a new database with all of the data except for the tables that were originally sharded. Is it worth importing this data into the new database, or keeping them as seperate entities that I can just scan through? We are talking around 60mi...