
XML flat file vs. relational database backend

Most projects now need some form of a database. When someone says database, I usually think relational databases, but I still hear about flat file XML databases. What parameters do you take into consideration when deciding between a "real" database and a flat-file XML database. When should one be used over the other, and under what cir...

Silverlight 4 accessing WCF Data Services: BeginInvoke frustrations.

Hi, I'm attempting to follow a pattern for performing WCF data service queries using the Silverlight 4 beta. The following is my code: public CodeTables() { CodeCountries = new ObservableCollection<dsRealHomes.CodeCountries>(); dsRealHomes.RealHomesEntities myClient = null; myClient = staticGlobals.Rea...

WPF DataGrid bind data between columns

Lets say I have 2 columns in my data Grid: Column A: Selected, and Column B: Name. The Selected column is a checkbox. And Name column is text field. I want to set the color of the text in 'Name' column as Blue if Column A's check box is checked, and Red otherwise. Essentially I don't know how to bind data between columns of the datagrid...

[Python] - Getting data from external program

Hey, I need a method to get the data from an external editor. def _get_content(): from subprocess import call file = open(file, "w").write(some_name) call(editor + " " + file, shell=True) file.close() file = open(file) x = file.readlines() [snip] I personally think there should be a more elegant wa...

Data Mappers, Models and Images

Hi, I've seen and read plenty of blog posts and forum topics talking about and giving examples of Data Mapper / Model implementations in PHP, but I've not seen any that also deal with saving files/images. I'm currently working on a Zend Framework based project and I'm doing some image manipulation in the model (which is being passed a ...

How to better create stacked bar graphs with multiple variables from ggplot2?

I often have to make stacked barplots to compare variables, and because I do all my stats in R, I prefer to do all my graphics in R with ggplot2. I would like to learn how to do two things: First, I would like to be able to add proper percentage tick marks for each variable rather than tick marks by count. Counts would be confusing, whi...

Visibility of Class field-data of Mouse Clicked ImageButton located within WrapPanel

I am attempting to obtain class-data associated with a mouse-clicked ImageButton; which ImageButton is located within a Scollviewer wrapped WrapPanel and filled with numerous other ImageButtons. The problem is that although I can see the instance of the ImageButton selected "((PlanetClass)(fe))", and have visibility of the class instance...

Data Collection (Offline - no internet) and then syncing it to generate reports from server

So, I have a new project I am planning on taking, and needed to know what skills will be required to achieve this project. The project is to do intensive data collection in the field where they don't have internet access. As part of the data collection, images will be uploaded as part of the data collection which will have to be resized...

Migrating a Large amount of data from old publishing site to new site

Hi, I am currently in the process of creating a new news/publishing site on the Movable Type platform. There are around 20 or so sites with 20,000+ rows of data to be moved/aggregated to ~8 sites (we have a number of location specific sites and are going to aggregate the content from these into 1 single site for each niche). We have di...

Whats the proper way of accessing a database through an assembly?

Hi, I have a ASP.NET MVC application which is build up as an assembly that queries the database and a frontend that references this assembly and this assembly abstracts the underlying database. This means that my Assembly contains a app.config file that contains the connectionstring to the database (Linq to Sql data model). How d...

Webbased data modelling and management tool

Is there a web-based tool available, where I am able to... ...define data models (like in a database admin tool) ...fill in data (in custom web forms, not too generic) with basic features like completion ...import data from CSV oder Excel Sheets ...export data to CSV or SQL ...create snapshots of my data models (versions, diff, etc.) ...

How can I save large amounts of data in C#?

I'm writing a program in C# that will save lots of data points and then later make a graph. What is the best way to save these points? Can I just use a really long array or should I use a text file or excel file or something like that? Additional information: It probably wont be more than a couple thousand. And it would be good if I ...

How do I modify an attribute across all rows in a table?

Hi folks, My apologies for asking such a novice question but, I need help building a script using either PHP or directly in MySQL that can do the following: Take the values of a column in a table (text) Change them into capitalized words (from "this is a title" to "This Is A Title") Replace the old values (uncapitalized) with the new ...

Creating a series of vectors from a vector

I have a simple two vector dataframe (length=30) that looks something like this: > mDF Param1 w.IL.L 1 AuZgFw 0.5 2 AuZfFw 2 3 AuZgVw 74.3 4 AuZfVw 20.52 5 AuTgIL 80.9 6 AuTfIL 193.3 7 AuCgFL 0.2 8 ... I'd like to use each of the rows to form 30 single value numeric vectors with the name of the v...

AutoComplete implementation - Interview Question

Hi, Say you have a DB table with two cols: SearchPhrase(String) | Popularity(Int). You need to initialize a DS so that you could use it to implement an autocomplete feature (like google suggest) comfortably. The requirement: Once the data from the db is processed into the data structure, when you type a letter you get the 10 most popul...

How to avoid the refetch of records when paging button is clicked on the radgrid.

Iam using the radgrid, in my web application. Iwant to avoid the refetch of records when paging button is clicked on the radgrid. I have a method SetTodaysAlerts which gets near about 100 records and binds to my radgrid. The page size of the radgrid is 10, hence First, Next, Previous and Last buttons are available. When I click the next ...

jquery fail to retrieve accurate data from sibling field.

wonder what's wrong <table id=tblDomainVersion> <tr> <td>Version</td> <td>No of sites</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=clsversion>1.25</td> <td><a id=expanddomain>3 sites</a><span id=spanshowall></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=clsversion>1.37</td> <td><a id=expanddomain>7 sites</a><span id=spanshowall></span></td> ...

Suitable method for Synchronizing Data between Offline and online application

Hi, I am here to ask about a way to handle data between two databse servers. I have my one application running in my city office and another in country office. My City office has got regular[ un-interrupted ] internet connection but my country office do not have. It gets connected to internet in evening time once a day only. I have ...

How should I store Dynamically Changing Data into Server Cache?

Hey all, EDIT: Purpose of this Website: Its called It is a third party utility for a game called The site currently has over 12k users to it an I run the site. The game is fully text based and will always remain that. Users copy and paste full pages of text from the game and paste the copied informati...

Control DAQ Board Digital Outputs with A Matlab GUI

Hi, i m new here and i m looking for help, i tried averywhere on the net but i m still confused. so here is my problem, My DAQ board KPCI-3103A ist connected to another Board where an Ultrasonic Sensor (Dual-Use:sender/reciever in one) is Brazed. I must send Digital Signals in Loop from my KPCI-3103A to the Sensor-Board to control the S...