
Is there a decent alternative to Yahoo Pipes

Pipes is being very buggy lately and has stopped saving new pipes these days. Google Mashup Editor and Microsoft Popfly are both discontinued. Are there are any currently running web apps(or atleast libraries that run on appengine) that do something similar ? ...

A C# collection, which behaves like C++ set or priority_queue?

Hello, I have written the Dijkstra's algorithm many times in C++ - I need there set or priotity_queue, both give me possibility to add an element and find the least one (using specified comparator). Now, I've got a problem when trying to write Dijkstra in C# - is there any structure which could be useful for me? I need adding and findin...

Is there any other way to store data in web application

We use ViewState to store data that is being edited by users. However, ViewState just got too large so we really want something that is faster. We considered session, but it has to be manually collected when users travel among pages. Does anybody has suggestions? update: Actually I am using They reason we do not want to use s...

PHP - post data ends when '&' is in data.

Hi all, im posting data using jquery/ajax and PHP at the backend. Problem being, when I input something like 'Jack & Jill went up the hill' im only recieving 'Jack' when it gets to the backend. I have thrown an error at the frontend before that data is sent which alerts 'Jack & Jill went up the hill'. When I put die(print_r($_POST)); a...

WPF and LINQ to XML databinding to a listbox problem

Hi, I'm having trouble correctly binding a listbox to an XML datasource (text .xml file). I'm learning how to use WPF and LINQ to XML by following the Microsoft example with the books list, which binds to an inline XML source, shown here... What I am trying to do is change this a...

My C# and DLL Data Woes

Hey guys, I'm a very beginner C# coder. So, if I get some of the terms incorrect, please be easy on me. I'm trying to see if it is possible to pull data from a DLL. I did some research and found that you can store application resources within a DLL. What I couldn't find, was the information to tell me how to do that. There is a MS arti...

iPhone NSXMLParser parsing string and storing in a NSNumber variable and different data types

Hi, I am trying to parse a XML File using NSXMLParser, I also have a Container class, in which I have a few instance variables. One of the elements that I am trying to parse in the XML is: <book sn="32.859669048339128" pn="-116.917800670489670"> I am trying to save the value of sn and pn in an instance variable of object Container: ...

code to save on row change using bindingNavigator, bindingSource

When using a bindingNavigator and bindingSource and clicking a move button or add button or delete button, the bindingSource completes its action code before the click handler of the button (i.e. user code) This prevents a save action on the row change. I'd like to find a bindingSource hook, something like 'beforeRowChange'. I can subc...

WinForms / .Net interactive world map - how?

In a CD collection program, I have each artist's country of origin stored in the main database and want to display a map of the world which: Colour-codes each country depending on the number of CDs by artists in that country Allows clicking on each country to filter a list of CDs to only ones by artists in that country This is a heav...

How do I improve the efficiency of the queries executed by this generic Linq-to-SQL data access class?

Hi all, I have a class which provides generic access to LINQ to SQL entities, for example: class LinqProvider<T> //where T is a L2S entity class { DataContext context; public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetAll() { return context.GetTable<T>(); } public virtual T Single(Func<T, bool> condition) { ret...

Wikipedia article's

Hi, I am doing a project, for which I need to know all the wikipedia article names(I don't need the content). Is there a place where I can download this data. Thank you Bala ...

iPhone: Switching from a map screen to a battle screen without the map progress being reset

Hello! I'm trying to make a role-playing game, and I want the game to work so that it transitions to the battle NIB for battles, then returns back to the map NIB afterward, yet still retain all the progress the player has made exploring the dungeon. I've tried proto-typing this with just a view-switcher, where one view creates content,...

Is there anyway to create LIVE streaming Server using WCF? (see specification below)

Is there any way to create live streaming Server using WCF? I need it to have simple structure: it should listen to some url format like;id=ANY_STRING and if any data comes to such address format it'll start making it avaliable by something like this;i...

How to import data to SAP

Hi, As a complete stranger in town of SAP, I want to transfer my own application's (mobile salesforce automation) data to SAP. My application has records of customers, stocks, inventory, invoices (and waybills), cheques, payments, collections, stock transfer data etc. I have an additional database which holds matchings of records. ie. A...

iPhone switching views without first view being reset

Heya! I'm making a role-playing game, and I want to have a Map View and a Battle Screen. With the possibility of other screens as well. I thought the best way to achieve this was to use multiple NIB files. When I prototyped this by have one view that creates content, switching to the next view, and then back, the content on the origin...

Good readings about refactoring data structures

Nowadays most programmers know about code refactorings. What about refactorings of data structures, are there any good readings about it? One paradigm that I can think of is the normalization process of a relational database. Are there any other good examples? ...

Jquery Toggle & passing data

I have created a toggle button with jquery but I need to pass my $id so it can execute the mysql in toggle_visibility.php. how do I pass my variable from my tag ? <a class="toggleVisibility">Yes</a> <script> $("a.toggleVisibility").toggle( function () { $(this).html("No"); }, function ...

A database of questions with unambiguous numeric answers.

I (and co-hackers) are building a sort of trivia game inspired by this blog post: The idea is to give confidence intervals and learn how to be calibrated (when you're "90% sure" you should be right 90% of the time). We're thus looking for, ideally, thousands of questions with unambiguous numerical an...

should jQuery data be chainable?

I'm trying to add multiple jQuery data entries to a single element. I suspected that the following would work jQuery('td.person#a'+personId).data('email','phone',; However, I am getting nothing but errors when I do this. jQuery('td.person#a'+personId).data('email',; jQuer...

Rails - Displaying Large Set of Data in a Table / Start new column after X rows

Hi, I trying to display a large set of checkboxes in my rails app and didnt knwo the syntax for displaying like 15 rows then after starting a new column. I have a model with about 120 entries. Currently, I have it being displayed in the view as.... <% for interest in Interest.find(:all) %> <%= check_box_tag Blah Blah Blah %> <%= inter...