
SAS: rearrange field order in data step

In SAS 9, how can I in a simple data step, rearrange the order the field. Data set2; /*Something probably goes here*/ set set1; run; So if set1 has the following fields: Name Title Salary A Chief 40000 B Chief 45000 Then I can change the field order of set2 to: Title Salary Name Chief 40000 A Chief 4500...

create graph using adjacency list

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class TCSGraph{ public: void addVertex(int vertex); void display(); TCSGraph(){ head = NULL; } ~TCSGraph(); private: struct ListNode { string name; struct ListNode *next; }; List...

What makes these two R data frames not identical?

I have two small data frames, this_tx and last_tx. They are, in every way that I can tell, completely identical. this_tx == last_tx results in a frame of identical dimensions, all TRUE. this_tx %in% last_tx, two TRUEs. Inspected visually, clearly identical. But when I call identical(this_tx, last_tx) I get a FALSE. Hilariously, e...

How to store data in the contacts?

How do i store data in the contacts and i need to retrieve the address and display it on a map? anyone how to do the coding? THANK YOU! ...

Accessing Google Spreadsheets with C# using Google Data API fails with Mono

I'm trying to access my Google spreadsheets using the GData API. I have followed the example which looks like: var service = new SpreadsheetsService("myTest"); service.setUserCredentials(username, password); var query = new SpreadsheetQuery(); var feed = service.Query(query); This should return a feed with a list of spreadsheets. Howe...

Build ATOM Feed Reader for DATA Services feed

Hi, I have built an data services to expose data in a SQL server database as XML. What I want to be able to do is create a feed reader for this ATOM feed in .net or may be a user control which subscribes to this URI based ATOM Feed from data service & publishes the latest information on our website ...

What's the best way to keep java app data stored redundantly in a file?

If I have systems that are based on realtime data, how can I ensure that all the information that is current is redundantly stored in a file? So that when the program starts again, it uses this information to initialize itself back to where it was when it closed. I know of xstream and HSQLDB. but wasn't sure if this was the best option ...

How to assign custom property to jQuery object?

I need to assign a custom property to a jQuery object. Here is the object: var object = $("<div id='item'></div>"); I need object to have a custom data member. How can I add this? ...

How to store MySQL query results in another Table?

How to store results from following query into another table. Considering there is an appropriate table already created. SELECT labels.label,shortabstracts.ShortAbstract,images.LinkToImage,types.Type FROM ner.images,ner.labels,ner.shortabstracts,ner.types WHERE labels.Resource=images.Resource AND labels.Resource=shortabstracts.Reso...

Filter large amounts of data from a HTML table w/ jQuery

I work for a transit agency and I have large amounts of data (mostly times), and I need a way to filter the data using two textboxes (To and From). I found jQuery quick search, but it seems to only work with one textbox. If anyone has any ideas via jQuery or some other client side library, that would be fantastic. Ideal example: To: ...

Where does one get data like Country:(list) State:(list)

As a programmer of data-entry forms of all kinds, I often find myself making fields for things like Country: <choose from list>, State: <choose from list>, Race/Ethnicity: <choose from list>. Consider: Perhaps a list the 50 United States names is an easy thing to find (does one include DC?) , but the countries are not. Nearly every site...

Curve fitting: Find the smoothest function that satisfies a list of constraints.

Consider the set of non-decreasing surjective (onto) functions from (-inf,inf) to [0,1]. (Typical CDFs satisfy this property.) In other words, for any real number x, 0 <= f(x) <= 1. The logistic function is perhaps the most well-known example. We are now given some constraints in the form of a list of x-values and for each x-value, a pa...

Inject ViewModel with data throws Exception

Hello, this I got: A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll When I use a parameter for the constructor of my LessonPlannerViewModel class. I use a datatemplateselector class to switch between weekly/daily view. public class ApplicationNavigationTemplateSelector : DataTempl...

assembly: data segment when called from c or created as an independet programm

im confused about this i dont think that there should be any difference in both cases , the programm ends up as exe file please help if you think a differ.... ok let me clear my question . is there is a differece in the data segment defenition or handeling between when i create an assembly program 'stand alone' and when i call...

Seed data for grails application

Hello, What is the best way to load seed (initial or test) data into grails application. I'm considering 3 options Putting everything in *BootStrap.groovy files. This is tedious if the domain classes and test data are many. Write custom functionality to load it through xml. May not be too difficult with the excellent xml support ...

Information Extraction Toolkits

I'm looking for information extraction libraries where I can have semi structured information that may have either hidden or incomplete data. I want to train some classifiers to pull out content based on the structure. I'm working on building a tool where I can select text in the browser, and it will generate (via some web service call)...

Flex / Flash builder : no returning data using database

Hello, i'm following some flex tutorials everything's working as wanted expected for one thing : When i use my function getServerByBrand($brand) there is no returned data into my datagrid and i don't know why because it uses the same schema as getAllserver() which is working . I don't know whether it's cause by the function itselft ...

How to get data from another page (different servers)

I want to make a IE8 web slice who will show remaining amount of students "food credit". In our country we have web page where we can see ammount When I fill textbox with my card number i recieve remaining amount. Now, i want to speed that process with ie8 web slice. So is it possible to get data from ...

Ways to store data in .NET

I am looking for ways to store data in a windows form application in .NET. I want to make the input data of a system persistent, so when I close my program and open it again, the data is retrieved. Which ways are of doing this besides creating a linked database? Examples are gladly appreciated regards ...

What Windows Form control would be a good fit for this use case?

I'm going create an open source Help desk solution free of charge for small to medium businesses to use. I'm currently working on the client application. I want to have a list of tickets that have been opened by the user. So it would be like a table TicketsByUser: Ticket Number | Type | Description | Date | Handled? 1234...