
What is the best solution for saving user application data locally?

I am adding contact functionality to my program, and I want to save the contact list of each individual user, what is the best solution for this? I am new to XML and databases and I don't know which would be best or if there is a database solution that saves locally. Thanks for the help. ...

want to store Object in MySQL database

I have a variable in java which return type is Object(java.lang.Object). I want to store this variable value in MySQL database without casting in any other primitive data type. Is there any data type available in MySQL related to Object? If anybody knows, please reply at your earliest time. Thanks, ...

Teradata Change data capture

Folks, We are thinking about developing a real time application (a bunch of charts, gauges etc) reading from the database. At the backend we have a high volume Teradata database.We expect some other applications to be constantly feeding in data into this database. Now we are wondering about how to feed in the changes from the database ...

Php, passing data between pages without using the url?

I have a php page that has a form that asks for an e-mail. When you press the send button, it gets to another php page, which gets the form data and does its stuff. I need to then be able to go back to the old page (the one that contained the form) and give it some data so that it will be able to change itself and say "You've sent your e...

database design - empty fields

Hey, I am currently debating an issue with a guy on my dev team. He believes that empty fields are bad news. For instance, if we have a customer details table that stores data for customers from different countries, and each country has a slightly different address configuration - plus 1-2 extra fields, e.g. French customer details may...

Is there a wordpress plugin for creating an API from your site?

I'd like to use the data from my wordpress site in an API form. Maybe REST with JSON output. I'm wondering if there's any plugins that automatically make the wordpress data accessible from outside the site its running on, similar to the way most web APIs work. ...

Using html5 localstorage to retrieve data from server, to allow editing of and appending to data source, then saving back to server.

So, I'm creating a standard user-data collection form that will be used by standard web browsers, as well as the iPhone and iPad. The app will allow users to create new records, as well as edit and delete existing records. I've gotten the gist of using html5's 'localstorage' to create a client-side data source and am looking for directi...

What data structure to use / data persistence

I have an app where I need one table of information with the following fields: field 1 - int or char field 2 - string (max 10 char) field 3 - string (max 20 char) field 4 - float I need the program to filter on field 1 based upon a segmented control and select a field 2 from a picker. From this data I need to look up field 4 to use ...

How to access the parent view controller?

I am using this code to push a view controller in ViewControllerA: DatePickerViewController *viewController = [[DatePickerViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DatePickerViewController" bundle:nil]; NSMutableArray *info = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Exam Duration",nil]; [viewController setInfo:info]; [info release]; [sel...

How does jQuery .data() work?

My Javascript knowledge is pretty limited. Instead of asking several javascript questions I got the "message" from Stack overflow and started using jQuery right away in order to save me some time. However several times I do not undestand the "magic" behind jQuery and I would love to learn the details. I want to use .data() in my appli...

Store data in Ruby on Rails without Database

I have a few data values that I need to store on my rails app and wanted to know if there are any alternatives to creating a database table just to do this simple task. Background: I'm writing some analytics and dashboard tools for my ruby on rails app and i'm hoping to speed up the dashboard by caching results that will never change. ...

extract a specific part from a html document , php cURL , php, preg_match

Hello ! I'm trying to extract some information from a webpage using php cURL+preg_match or any other function but for some reasons it doesn't work at all . For example from this page I want to extra...

Design suggestion for expression tree evaluation with time-series data

I have a (C#) genetic program that uses financial time-series data and it's currently working but I want to re-design the architecture to be more robust. My main goals are: sequentially present the time-series data to the expression trees. allow expression trees to access previous data rows when needed. to optimize performance of the d...

Restoring and passing data to an already running instance of a .NET application

The goal is to have an application that runs in the system tray and can either accept user input from its actual GUI (which isn't the actual issue) OR accept command line parameters (that would actually be done via a context menu in windows explorer). Now, while I'm aware that the command line parameters are not exactly possible once the...

Error " Index exceeds Matrix dimensions"

Hi experts, I am trying to read an excel 2003 file which consist of 62 columns and 2000 rows and then draw 2d dendrogram from 2000 pattern of 2 categories of a data as my plot in matlab. When i run the script, it gives me the above error. I don't know why. Anybody has any idea why i have the above error? My data is here: http://rapidsha...

Display data FROM Sheet1 on Sheet2 based on conditional value

Imagine a worksheet with 30 pieces of information, such as: A1= Start Date A2 = End Date A3 = Resource Name A4 = Cost .... A30 = Whatever B1 = 1/1/2010 B2 = 2/15/2010 B3 = Joe Smith B4 = $10,000.00 ... B30 = Blah Blah Now imagine a third column, C. The purpose of the third column is to determine WHICH report that row of data needs to ...

Using MySQL as data source in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services

Hi, I have installed the latest .net connector (, I can add MySQL databases as Data Sources, I can even browse through the data from Business Intelligence Studio. The problem is that I CANNOT create a datasource view, or if I do create one without tables, trying to add them after the fact gi...

Is there a structured source of Holland Code (RIASEC) data available?

I'm trying to put together some career-related resources and I need access to the Holland Codes/RIASEC that classifies interests and skills to occupations. I can find many sites that already do this, but I can't find raw data in a structured format. Is anyone aware of a source for this. It can be commercial with licensing fees, though...

problem in displays data in one page

hi ,,,,, I have a problem in the following code ... The following code works as follows displays the invites for each member so that if he had five invite from supposed to be displayed all on one page But before you code that does not function Proper image is the only display one invite on the page and until the approval or rejecti...

Proper binding data to combobox and handling its events.

Hi guys. I have a table in SQL Server which looks like this: ID Code Name Surname 1 MS Mike Smith 2 JD John Doe 3 UP Unknown Person and so on... Now I want to bind the data from this table into the ComboBox in a way that in the ComboBox I have displayed value from the Code column. I am doing the binding in th...