
Is there an easy way to make a min heap in C++?

I'm very new to C++, and I was wondering if there was a way to make a min heap in C++ from the standard library. Thanks, ...

Is it compulsory to learn about Data Structures if you want to be a Java/C++ programmer ?

So do I like really need to learn about them ? Isn't there an interesting way to learn about stacks, linked lists, heaps ,etc ? I found it a boring subject. **While posting this question it showed some warning.Am I not allowed to post such a question ? Admins please clarify and I will delete it :/ Warning :: The question you're asking ...

Forming vectors from the same assigned value (in Matlab)

I've got a bunch of values that are all assigned the same variable due to running through a for loop several times, so for example: d = 3.44434 d = 2.4444 d = 2.7777 How do I put them all into a vector? ...

Applications for data scraping from websites and database creation

I am looking for application/software that will help me in scraping data from yellow pages, jigsaw and other similar kind of websites. I want to collect info like contact details/ name designation and email address. Please advice some software that will be able to do so, the price i am looking should be affordable or preferably free. ...

Error: Attempted to access data(2,:); index out of bounds because size(data)=[1,7129].

I have a microarray data of 38 row and 7130 columns. i am teying to read the data but keeping having the above error. I debugged and found when i read the data, i have a 1x7129 instead of a 38x7130. I don't know why. my 7130th column contains letters while the rest of the data are numbers. Any idea why this is happening? ...

Android App Widget: Data storage

Hello everyone, I'm implementing a home screen app widget. I was wondering which is better to store/read data: SharedPreferences or a SQLite database? The data is accessed from an AppWidgetProvider (similar to a BroadcastReceiver), and any given instance of the widget displays different data based on appWidgetId. Is one way or the other ...

Matlab- select data from a 3d plot

Hey, I have a 3d plot. I want to select a certain area in the plot and get the points within this area into a variable. Is that possible? Thanks, Li ...

Fastest way to store/retrieve a dictionary - SQL, text file...?

Hi all, This is a really really super dumb question, so I apologise, but I'd be grateful for some advice. I've got a text file of words and word frequencies. It's very large - theoretically we're talking millions of rows. I just want to retrieve values from the file, and do it as quickly and efficiently as possible (for a web app, i...

TCP socket communication

hello, I am creating a Chat in java. I have a method (onMouseRelease) inside an object that creates a tcp server and waits for a socket like this: ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port); Socket channel = server.accept(); Now I want to make a thread that will loop and read data from the socket, so that once the user on the oth...

Optimal two variable linear regression calculation

Problem Am looking to apply the y = mx + b equation (where m is SLOPE, b is INTERCEPT) to a data set, which is retrieved as shown in the SQL code. The values from the (MySQL) query are: SLOPE = 0.0276653965651912 INTERCEPT = -57.2338357550468 SQL Code SELECT ((sum(t.YEAR) * sum(t.AMOUNT)) - (count(1) * sum(t.YEAR * t.AMOUNT))) / ...

Data storage/access for c# windows forms application

Hi All, What is the best or preferred way to store data for a .NET desktop application? I know this coupld depend on how I will be using the app but Im just looking for a simple and easy way to store data for .NET applications. Thanks ...

Facebook Like button data for a domain?

We make a widget for media sites and have included the Facebook Like button, so anyone who installs our widget gets the Like button on every page without having to do additional integration work. We'd like to show the site owner some basic data / analytics about Like activity... which URLs are liked, and how many times. I can't figure ...

passing data between modules

Hi I am going to build a very complex application and I need an advice please. Since the application will use a lot of dlls, I need a GOOD way to send data between the main module and the dlls. What do you recommend for that? Data would be passed in both ways(app->dll, dll->app, and maybe dll->dll) I'm using c# 2010 and wpf. Thanks ...

Fuzzy match two hash tables?

Hi, I'm looking for ideas on how to best match two hash tables containing string key/value pairs. Here's the actual problem I'm facing: I have structured data coming in which is imported into the database. I need to UPDATE records which are already in the DB, however, it's possible that ANY value in the source can change, therefore I d...

MVC and jQuery data retrieval.

Hello, I am using mvc and jQuery and I am trying to display someone's profile with some additional institutions that the person belongs to. I am new to this but I've done something like this in ProfileControler: public ActionResult Institutions(int id) { var inst = fr.getInstitutions(id); return Json(inst); } ...

LINQ Normalizing data

I am using an OMS that stores up to three line items per record in the database. Below is an example of an order containing five line items. Order Header Order Detail Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3 Order Detail Prod 4 Prod 5 One order header record and two detail records. My goal is have a one to one relation for details records(...

Static DataService class vs. IRepository<T> ?

Hello, I am just studying the code of Sacha Barbers MVVM framework Chinch and I saw this in the xxxViewModel.cs file: DataService.FetchAllOrders(CurrentCustomer.CustomerId.DataValue); DataService is a Static class. Being a junior dev I am only used to Interfaces with Data services. Why is that class static? Or do you think he made i...

obtaining data from jqgrid on mouseover

Hi, I'm trying to do a mouseover for the jquery and when the mouse is hovered over a certain row I can get the id from that row and populate information and display an image. However, I have been having the hardest time trying to do so. Here is what I want to happen Just like in the onSelectRow where I obtain the data using the follow...

HLSL How can one pass data between shaders / read existing colour value?

Hello all, I have 2 HLSL ps2.0 shaders. Simplified, they are: Shader 1 Reads texture Outputs colour value based on this texture Shader 2 Problem: Need to read in the colour from Shader 1 Outputs the final colour which is a function of the input colour (They need to be different shaders as I've reached the maximum vertex-shader ...

Can you Export/Import Flex (4) Data Services?

Flex newb here. I'm working in flashbuilder 4 (flex4?), and am being asked to create the client-side data services integration 'layer' in a flex app. There is another team working on the actual UI/Presentation. Both parts must be deployed in a single swf. If I use the data/services wizard to build out my service connections (and gene...