
Can't find my bug: Group flat data in Advanced Datagrid w'ont work

Hi, i've got an ArrayCollection which is properly displayed in this Advanced Datagrid: <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="drawingDataDG" editable="true" sortableColumns="true" headerWordWrap="true" sortExpertMode="true" rowCount="8" y="10" right="10" left="10" dataProvider="{model.drawingsData}"> <mx:columns> <mx:Advanced...

Maintaining property lists for xCode projects

My project currently contains two largish property lists. One is currently 20KB; the other is 8KB. So far, I have been maintaining them with xCode's property list editor. This is manageable but also a bit clunky. I am wondering if other people have better ways of doing this? So far, my lists consist of nested arrays of strings. The...

MVVM: how to set the datacontext of a user control

Hi, I'm writing an application in WPF, using the MVVm toolkit and have problems with hooking up the viewmodel and view. The model is created with entity framework. The viewmodel: public class CustomerViewModel { private Models.Customer customer; //constructor private ObservableCollection<Models.Cust...

Real-Time Data Streaming to Multiple Clients

Hi all, I would like to write an application which will stream data at 2400 baud over the internet from a server to multiple clients. The data will be the same for each client, and it would probably be fine to send it as a UDP stream, since exact data accuracy is not a 100% necessity, as there are checksums built-in to the data format a...

binary tree number of nodes with a given level

i need to write a program that counts the number of nodes from a certain level given in binary tree i mean < numberofnodes(int level){} > i tried writing it without any success because i don't how to get to a certain level then go to count number of nodes ...

What are your suggestions for best practises for regular data updates in a website database?

My shared-hosting website must automatically run data update routines at regular times of day. Once it has finished running certain update routines, it can run update routines that are dependent on the previous updates. I have done this type of work before, using quite complicated setups. Some features of the framework I created ...

Any other way to import data files(like .csv) in python sqlite3 module ?[not insert one by one]

in sqlite3's client CLI, there is " .import file TABLE_name " to do it. But, I do not want to install sqlite3 to my server at present. in python sqlite3 module, we can creat and edit a DB. But, I have not found a way to import data-file to a TABLE, except inserting rows one by one. any other way? Thanks. ...

connection string reading data from excel in

Hello, I am trying to read data from excel file in I have added the connection string to webConfig file: <add name="xls" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=HPM_DB.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"/> But it shows me an errormessage when I run this query: string query = "Select * from [IO_Definiti...

Estimating the boundary of arbitrarily distributed data

I have two dimensional discrete spatial data. I would like to make an approximation of the spatial boundaries of this data so that I can produce a plot with another dataset on top of it. Ideally, this would be an ordered set of (x,y) points that matplotlib can plot with the plt.Polygon() patch. My initial attempt is very inelegant: ...

How can data not stored in a DB be accessed from any activity in Android?

hi, I'm passing data to a ListView to display some restaurant names. Now when clicking on an item I'd like to start another activity to display more restaurant data. I'm not sure about how to do it. Shall I pass all the restaurant data in a bundle through the intent object? Or shall I just pass the restaurant id and get the data in the ...

Convert Hexadecimal String to Data

Hi Stack Overflow, I have found a whole lot of different solutions to this problem, but not all of them work, and a lot of them seem somewhat hacky and inefficient. Basically I have a string of hexadecimal data (i.e. "55 AA 41 2A 00 94 55 AA BB BB 00 FF") which I would like to convert to raw data. What is the best way to do this? UPDAT...

Flex/Air: Sending data with a certificate

Hello Community, I need to send data from an Air application, using a certificate. This certificate is to be provided by the user through a USB Key. I've got a lot of questions regarding this. Is it possible to do what I'm looking for? If yes, is it possible to do that only with the Flex/Air sdk or should I use Java or some other lan...

Essential skills of a Data Scientist

What are the relevant skills in the arsenal of a Data Scientist? With new technologies coming in every day, how does one pick and choose the essentials? A few ideas germane to this discussion: Knowing SQL and the use of a DB such as MySQL, PostgreSQL was great till the advent of NoSql and non-relational databases. MongoDB, CouchDB etc...

how to format date when i load data from google-app-engine..

i use remote_api to load data from google-app-engine. download_data --config_file=helloworld/ --filename=a.csv --kind=Greeting helloworld the setting is: class AlbumExporter(bulkloader.Exporter): def __init__(self): bulkloader.Exporter.__init__(self, 'Greeting', ...

how to make data that download from google-app-engine readable..

i use this to download all data from my google app: i follow this article: and download data use this: --dump --url= --filename=b.csv but the data is : so how to make the data...

Classifying captured data in unknown format?

I've got a large set of captured data (potentially hundreds of thousands of records), and I need to be able to break it down so I can both classify it and also produce "typical" data myself. Let me explain further... If I have the following strings of data: 132T339G1P112S 164T897F5A498S 144T989B9B223T 155T928X9Z554T ... you might sta...

Managing Data Dependecies of Java Classes that Load Data from the Classpath at Runtime

What is the simplest way to manage dependencies of Java classes to data files present in the classpath? More specifically: How should data dependencies be annotated? Perhaps using Java annotations (e.g., @Data)? Or rather some build entries in a build script or a properties file? Is there build tool that integrates and evaluates such in...

Extract some data from a lot of xml files

I have cricket player profiles saved in the form of .xml files in a folder. each file has these tags in it <playerid>547</playerid> <majorteam>England</majorteam> <playername>Don</playername> the playerid is same as in .xml (each file is of different size,1kb to 5kb). These are about 500 files. What i need is to extract the playern...

Import & modify date data in MATLAB

I have a .csv file with records written in the following form: 2010-04-20 15:15:00,"8.9915176259e+00","8.8562623697e+00" 2010-04-20 15:30:00,"8.5718021723e+00","8.6633827160e+00" 2010-04-20 15:45:00,"8.4484844117e+00","8.4336586330e+00" 2010-04-20 16:00:00,"1.1106980342e+01","8.4333062208e+00" 2010-04-20 16:15:00,"9.0643470589e+00","8.6...

Accessing my own datalayer using RIA & Silverlight

Is it possible for me to connect to my own data provide via WCF RIA services? I've created a small datalayer that connnects to DynamicAX datasource. I would like to use Silverlight 4 & RIA service to access that datalayer. At it's most basic -I've done the following... 1) I've added an empty domainclass to the webproject and in that c...