
using document.createDocumentFragment() child dom elements that contain

I want to use document.createDocumentFragment() to create an optimized collection of HTML elements that contain ".data" coming from jQuery (v 1.4.2), but I'm kind of stuck on how to get the data to surface from the HTML elements. Here's my code: var genres_html = document.createDocumentFragment(); $(xmlData).find('genres').each(functi...

Databank for city information

I'm hacking on a semi commercial(ads) travel related web site and would like to add a couple of lines about the biggest cities in Europe. Just a few lines about what (if anything) the city is known for, main attractions and so on. Can someone recommend me a data source with a compatible license? Bonus points for being easily importable...

Prepopulate jQuery Data in html

jQuery has the very cool feature/method ".data", i wonder if there is a way to have the data in the code so that jQuery can use it when the rendering of html is done. Suppose i have a repeater and looping out children, and i want to add some data to those children without using classes etc. Will i have to add javascript to that repeater ...

MySQL: Blank row in table after LOAD DATA INFILE

Hi, I'm uploading a large amount of data from a CSV (I'm doing it via MySQL Workbench): LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:/development/mydoc.csv' INTO TABLE mydatabase.mytable CHARACTER SET utf8 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r'; However, I'm noticing that it keeps adding an empty line full of nulls/zeros...

DMX Analysis Services question

Hi, I am have two mining models, both are time series. One is [Company_Inputs] and the other is [Booking_Projections]. What I want to do is use EXTEND_MODEL_CASES to join the results of [Company_Inputs] as the extended cases. So basically something like: Select Flattened PredictTimeSeries([Bookings], 1, 6, EXTEND_MODEL_CASES) FROM [B...

best way to store list of websites on iphone app

By best I mean most efficient. So don't go on about subjectiveness. I have a list of websites and I want to store the list on the iphone locally, there must be an URL, title and a small image (like 32x32 max image size). I don't think I should be using CoreData for this. Should I be using a plist? EDIT: Efficient's definiton i though w...

Expose JSON as queryable for jQuery

I am trying to expose some data, user names, as json format on my server. I want to use jQuery.getJSOn() method to query data. I can get my data converted to json with newtonsoft.dll on server and save it in a file. But as far as I know it is not queryable. I want something like

.Net: How do you manage filling form controls with Master data ?

C#: How do you manage filling form controls with Master data ? I mean do you create for every base tables (which you have created in a Database so far) a class and then calling method classes from UI ? or what? ...

Oracle Data Guard - What are the changes to make on standby database which is a mirror copy of the primary database

Hi, After setting up primary database which is setup with Raid1. I break the mirror and physically transfer it to the standby database hardware and did a Raid1 sync. With that I have exact replicate of the primary database on the standby database. However, since the standby database's data is exactly the same as primary database, I ha...

Wordpress' post_time won't work with Custom PHP time difference calculator.

Hey guys, i'm using this script ( to create relative times using PHP and timestamps stored in my database. I'm using the standard format for storing datetime (eg 2010-05-07 20:26:17) and it works fine with any timestamps i create. But for some reason when i try to use a timestamp stored in wor...

documentFragment.cloneNode(true) doesn't clone jQuery data

I have a documentFragment with several child nodes containing some .data() added like so: myDocumentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for(...) { myDocumentFragment.appendChild( $('<a></a>').addClass('button') .attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)') .html('click me') .data('rowData', { 'id': 103, 'test': ...

Smart or Not: Persist serialized data (dotnet-protobuf, protobuf-net, json) in a Relational DB in CF

I have started reading some of the posts related to protocol buffers. The serialization method seems very appropriate for the transfer of data to and from web servers. Has anyone considered using a method like this to save and retrieve data on the mobile device itself? (i.e. a replacement for a traditional database / orm layer) We curre...

saving and retrieving structure object in document directory?

Q2. I want to save an object of an viewcontroller class in document directory. This viewcontroller object contains there reference variables from previous class's object. These references are also object of NSObject class. If it possible please let me know how is it possible? Please help me ASAP.Any help will be appreciated. ...

ASP.NET 4.0 Database Created Pages

I want to create ASP.NET 4.0 dynamic pages loaded from my MS SQL server. Basically, it's a list of locations with information. For example: Location1 would have the page Location44 would have the page I don't even know where to start with this, URL rewriting ma...

Adding rows to UItableview and passing data between Viewcontrollers

I have a list of websites in a plist, when the app loads this populates a tableview (which is inside a navigation controller) But I have added an add button to the navigation bar and then created another View Controller to deal with inputting of the new website (Like Title and URL). It is very similar to how the contacts app looks. Ther...

Updating/Inserting multiple rows using jQuery and OData (WCF Data Services)

I have three tables, Template, Fields and TemplateFields. TemplateFields holds the selected fields for each template. I need to update TemplateFields when the user is finished selecting the fields. The only way I can see to do this is by deleting all the TemplateFields for that Template and then add them one by one in separate requests...

Importing Excel to SQLCE

I have a table in excel format (2007 but I can save as anything below that, naturally), and I have an SQL Compact Edition 3.5 SP1 Database table with corresponding columns. I simply want to populate the SQLCE table with the data from the excel file. The data consists of strings and integers only. I tried this utility to no avail, I also...

Quick and dirty way to store NSStrings (or other data) from launch to launch?

I want to allow my user to store custom phrases, to be displayed in an editable UITableView. What's a quick and dirty to store these strings? I'm fairly new at iPhone development. I know about Core Data, but not how to use it. i would stay away form that just for this particular project if possible. Are PLIST files a possibility here?...

Binary tree to BST

How wil you convert Binary Tree to Binary Search Tree with O(1) extra space ? ...

Data Extraction?

Hello everyone, Summer is here! And it is time for me to find a summer programming project as I am very fond of taking learning into my own hands.. My question to you is this, I am looking for methods to extract various data from various websites. I know there are programs out there you can buy but being that I am trying to learn I wan...