
Is it dangerous to have table with big number of columns?

Is it a dangerous practice to have tables with large number of columns. Is there possibility of some performance or memory issues? My DB is Oracle 10g. It is easier to add columns for existing table then rearrange structure of db in my case. I'm talking about 30-50 additional columns to the table that already has had about 50 columns in ...

How to load file into mysql DB on a shared hosting platform?

A process running on my machine collects data from various websites and stores it in the local mysql db. Same data is exported using SELECT INTO OUTFILE and FTPed to the shared host every few hours. My hosting provider doesn't allow LOAD DATA INFILE to be executed on the shared host? What are my other options for automated/scheduled load...

JavaScript: how to use data but to hide it so as it cannot be reused

Hi all. I've some data that i'd like to publish just on one website, ie. it should not be reused on other websites. The data is a set of numbers that change every day, our journalists work to get hard gather it. Is there any way to hide, crypt, etc. the data in a way that it cannot be reused by others? But to show it in a graph in the ...

Hibernate beginner question: why does this mapping result in attempted updates?

This is a real beginner Hibernate problem. I have a problem with the mappings for two tables. The first table is MARKET, and the second is MARKET_MENU_BRANCH which contains a list of rows for each MARKET row. When I save a new Market, I want it to insert both MARKET and MARKET_MENU_BRANCH rows, but in fact it seems to insert MARKET an...


I am trying to load a data file into mysql table using "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'filename' INTO TABLE 'tablename'". The problem is the source data file contains data of every fields but the primary key is missing ('id' column). I add a unique id field while I create the database but now I need to import the data into the table starting f...

Freely available dictionary data for Chinese, Japanese, CJK characters

I am developing an online CJK character dictionary application, and already found the following databases: Unicode Unihan Database Jim Breen's JMDict and KanjiDic CEDict HanDeDict As I am looking for more data, web searches often lead me to online dictionaries, but not the data itself, using the same sources over again. If you know ...

WPF contentcontrol loses functionlity after assign null to content

I wrote app with multiple views. Viewmodels are assigned to "smartcontentcontrol" which is derived from contentcontrol and overrides contentproperty metadata to handle changed event for that dependency property. I put some effects on that callback for visuals (renderbitmap and so on). Now i have extended my viewmodel so, that uppon assig...

How to persist a very abstract data type between sessions: PHP

I have an abstract data type that behaves much like stack. It represents a history of "graph objects" made by a particular user. Each "graph object" holds one or more "lines", a date range, keys, and a title. Each "line" holds a sql generator configured for a particular subset of data in my db. I would like for these "histories" to b...

Data model for timesheet to task and/or timesheet to project?

Let's say I want to make a simple project tracking system. A manager can create a project. Then he can create tasks for that project. Team members can record the hours they work for each task or for the project as a whole. Is the following design for the t_timesheet table a good idea? timesheet_id - primary key, autoincrement proje...

Using Remote Web Page to Initialize iPhone App

My iPhone app relies on a vendor's XML feed to provide data. But that feed is not locked down. The vendor could change the format of the XML at any time, although so far they've promised not to. Since I might want to tell my app to use a different URL for its data source, I'd like to set up a single "Command Central" Web page, on my ow...

Retrieve value of one column in a table

Here is my problem: I have 2 tables Accounts and Transaction Logs. in Accounts table, it has column "Amount" which is a base amount of an account. and in Trans Logs table, it also has column "Amount" which is additional (add or minus to the base amount) amount of the account. and I don't know how to retrieve that base amount to edit it,...

Pass data between 2 dynamically loaded User control

Hi, I have a scenario where I dynamically load 2 user controls in a webform, and need them to interact together. Here's the code : default.aspx.cs ControlA cA = (ControlA)LoadControl("~/controlA.ascx"); ControlB cB = (ControlB)LoadControl("~/controlB.ascx"); Page.Controls.Add(cA); Page.Controls.Add(cB); Now the thing is, controlB nee...

Linq vs Stored Procedure

which one is preferable for Enterprise CMS development. LINQ or SP ...

WPF: Bind width on UI element to Width of another UI Element

Hi, I wanted to bind Width of column header to the Width of the header defined. However the code doesn't work. If I specify the Width explicitly (Width="100"), it works fine. Can someone shed some light and tell me what is wrong with the code below? <dataGrid:DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="pdpCol" Width="100"> <dataGrid:DataGri...

VB.NET editing existing that with a form

Hi there, I have a simple questions that puzzles me. I need a little bit of refreashment with VB as I have been away for a while. I have a form that adds new contacts. New contacts are added by pressing an appropriate button and they appear as an entry in the list on the form. I try now to add an edit button that will edit existing...

rs232 communication, general timing question

Hi, I have a piece of hardware which sends out a byte of data representing a voltage signal at a frequency of 100Hz over the serial port. I want to write a program that will read in the data so I can plot it. I know I need to open the serial port and open an inputstream. But this next part is confusing me and I'm having trouble underst...

Reading a large csv datafile with multiple lines of headerinfo into Matlab

Dear all, Does anyone have some advise how to read a comma separated data file into matlab? The simple solutions (like dlmread, fscanf) do not seem to work, as there are multiple (10) lines of header information. The closest I got to a solution is: C=textscan(datafile) G=cell2mat(C{1,1}(34:endoffile)}) //34 is the line the data starts ...

VB.NET handling data between different forms

Hi, I'm writing a simple application - address book. User enters new addresses and they are added as an entry to a list visible on the main form (frmStart). I use one form to add and edit (AddContForm). Add button on the frmStart works fine, however I experience some problems with the edit button as when I press it and enter new dat...

Can a Perl subroutine return data but keep processing?

Is there any way to have a subroutine send data back while still processing? For instance (this example used simply to illustrate) - a subroutine reads a file. While it is reading through the file, if some condition is met, then "return" that line and keep processing. I know there are those that will answer - why would you want to do tha...

Store GZIP:ed text in mysql?

Hi! Is it a common thing for bigger applications and databases to GZIP text data before inserting it to the database? I'll guess that any full-text search on the actual text field will not be working before unzipping it again? Thansks ...