
Calculations in a table of data

I have a table of data with survey results, and I want to do certain calculations on this data. The datastructure is somewhat like this: (ignore all the data beeing similar, i cut and pasted all the rows) ____________________________________________________________________________________ | group |individual | key | ...

Core Data Model Design Question - Changing "Live" Objects also Changes Saved Objects

I'm working on my first Core Data project (on iPhone) and am really liking it. Core Data is cool stuff. I am, however, running into a design difficulty that I'm not sure how to solve, although I imagine it's a fairly common situation. It concerns the data model. For the sake of clarity, I'll use an imaginary football game app as an e...

ItemsControl ItemsTemplate vs ContentTemplate

Hi, Is there any difference between setting the ContentTemplate of a ListBoxItem, compared to setting the ItemsTemplate on the ListBox? Or is it just a preference? Just say you set the ItemsTemplate of the ListBox can you still get the Data Template you assigned to the ListBox ItemsTemplate via the ListBoxItems ContentTemplate? ie. Li...

how to store "2010-03-26 10:13:04 Etc/GMT" mysql?

Hi All, I would like to store "2010-03-26 10:13:04 Etc/GMT" value in column of type datetime. when i try to insert it i got exception SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '10:13:04 Etc/GMT', at line 1 how to insert data tim...

creating a spreadsheet from an xml file

I am trying to convert a 120mb xml database of terrorist incidents (the first file for download available here to spreadsheet form so i can merge it with other data and do statistical analysis. so far I have worked with stata, which is useless now because it wont read xml. the site offers smaller files by...

Money reservation with First Data API on client credit card

I need to know is it possible to reserve or lock money with First Data API. Actually I don't know if process I am looking for is actually called "reservation", but I am thinking of standard procedure of locking certain amount of money on client CC so that client cannot spend it but I as a merchant, can return money without any cost to ba...

How can I synchronize one set of data with another?

I have an old database and a new database. The old records were converted to the new database recently. All our old applications continue to point to the old database, but the new applications point to the new database. Currently the old database is the only one being updated, so throughout the day the new database becomes out of sync...

Display a number on the screen Iphone SDK

does anyone know how to display a number on the screen/iphone simulator? I can load the data and create a x/y graph. Now instead of showing the graph, I load the data value from a text file, and I want to display the number on the screen. Does anyone know what function i can use? NSString *data =[myText objectAtIndex:i]; output_data_val...

What is the correct way to implement a massive hierarchical, geographical search for news?

The company I work for is in the business of sending press releases. We want to make it possible for interested parties to search for press releases based on a number of criteria, the most important being location. For example, someone might search for all news sent to New York City, Massachusetts, or ZIP code 89134, sent from a governme...

Bind a subclass to property

Hi i have a simple question. Ofcourse it has many answers but i cannt choose right keywords to google. How i can bind a subclass to my wpf control? for example: It's my class. public class SiteFieldInfo<T> { public string Name { get; set; } public T Value { get; set; } public List<string> PositiveXPathE...

Best Data Structure For Time Series Data

Hi all, I wonder if someone could take a minute out of their day to give their two cents on my problem. I would like some suggestions on what would be the best data structure for representing, on disk, a large data set of time series data. The main priority is speed of insertion, with other priorities in decreasing order; speed of ret...

Android - Redirect sending of SMS message

I currently use a ContentObserver to listen for changes in the SMS ContentProvider and tell my application whether a message has been sent or received. Upon getting notification that a message is being sent I would like to present the user the option to send that SMS normally over GSM/CDMA or if connected to Wifi to send the SMS over an...

Challege: merging csv files intelligently!

We are in the middle of changing web store platform and we need to import products' data from different sources. We currently have several different csv files from different it systems/databases because each system is missing some information. Fortunatly the product ids are the same so it's possible to relate the data using ids. We n...

Where can I download a free, text-rich dataset?

I want to do a bit of lightweight testing and bench-marking for full-text search, so the dataset should have the qualities: 10,000 - 100,000 records. good dispersion of English words. In CSV or Excel format--i.e. I don't want to access it via API. Something like books or movies with title and description fields would be perfect. I b...

Java - Display % of upload done

I have a java applet for uploading files to server. I want to display the % of data sent but when I use ObjectOutputStream.write() it just writes to the buffer, does not wait until the data has actually been sent. How can I achieve this. Perhaps I need to use thread synchronization or something. Any clues would be most helpful. Thanks ...

Install a file which should be removed only on real uninstall and never overwritten

When I install my application, along with the binaries, a conf file is installed that the user can change as he needs (it's actually the user data file). I would like this file to not be overwritten or deleted when a repair, upgrade, modify happens and it should be deleted only when a real uninstall happens. In other words: this conf fil...

Finding the most common values from given data

I have some data that looks something like this... +----------+----------+----------+ | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +----------+----------+----------+ | Red | Blue | Green | | Yellow | Blue | Pink | | Black | Grey | Blue | +--------------------------------+ I need to go through this data and find ...

How Can i reload data in tableview in view controller in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created 5 buttons in the view. On clicking the buttons it navigates to the corresponding views. On clicking the "News" button it navigates and displayed the parsing details in the table view.(This table view, I have created View controller and added table view using Interface Builder and i have ...

How can I get the output of a command terminated by a alarm() call in Perl?

Case 1 If I run below command i.e iperf in UL only, then i am able to capture the o/p in txt file @output = readpipe("iperf.exe -u -c -p 5001 -b 3600k -t 10 -i 1"); open FILE, ">Misplay_DL.txt" or die $!; print FILE @output; close FILE; Case 2 When I run iperf in DL mode , as we know server will start listening in cont. mo...

How do you pass or share variables between django views?

Hi, I'm kind of lost as to how to do this: I have some chained select boxes, with one select box per view. Each choice should be saved so that a query is built up. At the end, the query should be run. But how do you share state in django? I can pass from view to template, but not template to view and not view to view. Or I'm truly ...