
Why is marshal so much faster than pickle?

From this question and my own benchmarks it seems that the marshal module is about 20-30x faster than cPickle. Why is this so? What functionality does cPickle offer over marshal that justifies this? (Another way of putting it - why not always use marshal? Why do both of these modules exist?) ...

How do I load arbitrary data from a url PHP?

This question is simple. What function would I use in a PHP script to load data from a URL into a string? ...

Firefox manipulation of saved form data

Hello, there is a firefox plugin for manipulate and delete saved form data? In the browser there is only the optiof for delete all data. Thanks all. Alberto ...

Which is the best method to save data in Delphi

I work on a program in Delphi that holds a lot of data, and I wonder which method is the best to save it to file. Now we use records and "file of" to save it but I think it should be better methods. I would prefer a system that makes it easy to migrate from the system we use now. EDIT: The application is a sort of a database application...

How should I validate and manage a login namespace?

This is silly, but I haven't found this information. If you have names of concepts and suitable references, just let me know. I'd like to understand how should I validate a given named id for a generic entity, like, say, an email login, just like Yahoo, Google and Microsoft do. I mean... If you do have an user named foo, trying to crea...

JQuery TabData

Dear All I have designing the TabMenu Like following <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#container-1').tabs(); $('#container-2').tabs(); } </script> ..... <div id="container-1"> <ul> <li><a href="#fragment-1"><span i...

JTable entire table data change

Is there a relatively simple way to change all the data in a JTable? For example, if I have a JTable named books which contains information about all books by a certain author, and then the user changes the author, I would have to update that table with a completely new set of information (note, because of the volume of data in question,...

Is there a way to disable the MSFT IE XML Databinding feature via script?

Question: Is it possible to construct a web page that has a script to turn off XML data-binding in MSIE? The ideal approach would be to code an HTML page and instruct all people in the office to visit the page with a button that says "turn off data-binding". Rationale: The desktop sysadmin is not available at this time and the goal is t...

How are you generating test data?

I saw this question about large datasets and it prompted me to ask how (or if) people are generating test data for themselves. One of the answers mentioned Visual Studio for Database Professionals and a product from Red Gate (SQL Data Generator as it turns out). I came across yesterday. Are there any other tools people...

Formatting Tables to not look like tables / JS Sorting without tables?

I'm designing an interface to display sets of data. I'm interested in organizing the information in a customized format using DIVs and SPANs to identify where specific data will be (not in the typical row-by-row format tables provide) but still having the flexibility of sorting and organizing the data that most JS libraries provide for t...

SQL Server data/input validation

I am considering adding validation on some insert and update statements for MS SQL Server 2005. I want to be able to check the values inserted before it is written into the table - in this particular case, it is an integer field where the data must conform to a rule. So a simple schema could be: ([id] [int] identity(1,1), [name] [nvarch...

authentication/ authorization schema

is there any best practice data model for authentication/ authorization schema ...

Large public datasets?

I am looking for some large public datasets, in particular: Large sample web server logs that have been anonymized. Datasets used for database performance benchmarking. Any other links to large public datasets would be appreciated. I already know about Amazon's public datasets at: ...

What pre-engineering do you do to ensure data compatibility for future versions of your app?

I am doing some significant refactoring and feature-adding on a project, and have just broken backwards compatibility with my data. I did it by creating a bunch of subclasses from the class that I used to house my data in, and loading in old serialized objects no longer works.. What kind of pre-engineering or strategies do you employ to...

winsock missing data c++ win32

Hello, I am writing an application that needs to send data over a network. I have the application completed but there is a problem with sending the data. Every time I send a piece of data, it is cut off after 4 characters and the rest is garbage. The application is a remote keylogger I am writing for a school project, which requires you...

Approach for large data/reporting project

What is a good approach for the following: On a weekly basis, approximately 250,000 records representing transactions will be appended to a large table in an SQL 2005 database. It is required to augment this data and append it to another table. (For example, based on the client ID on the transaction, various data will be computed based ...

Does Flex support the data uri scheme?

I wish to pass many small PNG files as base64 encoded URIs within an XML response, but there seems to be no way to make flex present these images. I was thinking of the data uri scheme, but it appears not to be supported. Proposed solutions Use Loader.LoadBytes Tried it and it doesn't seem to work (none of the events are triggered)....

Duplication of properties in Data contract and BAL

I have a Silverlight Project which passes data using the Data Contract to a WCF service. The WCF method then invokes a BAL class which again has the same properties. Is there any way to avoid this duplication of properties ? Thanks, Chak. ...

Data Access Library Return DataSet or Object

Is there a general consensus out there for when working with library's that call stored procedures? Return datasets or use sqldatareader to populate custom objects? Is the cost of serialization your Data Transport Object less then a DataSet? ...

Store huge std::map, mostly on disk

I've got a C++ program that's likely to generate a HUGE amount of data -- billions of binary records of varying sizes, most probably less than 256 bytes but a few stretching to several K. Most of the records will seldom be looked at by the program after they're created, but some will be accessed and modified regularly. There's no way to ...