
Content is not retreived from file

Hello, I've got this wired problem, I cannot get the content from the file and initiate my NSMutableArray with it. Here's my code: NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; NSLog(@"Does file exist?: %i", [[NSFileManager d...

Rearranging a data frame in R

Dear R-experts, The following R code generates a snippet from data frame I am working with at the moment: rep1 <- c("20/02/01","23/03/02") rep2 <- c(NA, "03/05/02") rep3 <- c("16/04/01",NA) rep4 <- c(NA,"12/02/03") data <- data.frame(rep1 = rep1, rep2 = rep2, rep3 = rep3, rep4 = rep4) The data frame generated by the code looks like t...

No query error - but query doesn't return data?

SELECT as b_id, b.maxhits as b_maxhits, b.maxklik as b_maxkli, b.maxviewsprday as b_maxviewsprday FROM banner b JOIN bannerhits bl ON = bl.bannerid AND bl.userid = '".$this->userid."' JOIN bannerhits blog ON ...

Is it possible to write a table to a file in JSON format in R?

I'm making word frequency tables with R and the preferred output format would be a JSON file. sth like { "word" : "dog", "frequency" : 12 } Is there any way to save the table directly into this format? I've been using the write.csv() function and convert the output into JSON but this is very complicated and time consumin...

Include a data file with my Android app

I'm creating an app that I want to seed with a data file the app will use as its initial state. In the Eclipse project structure, where do I add the data file so that when the app is deployed to the device (and emulator) the data file is deployed with it? ...

Large amounts of static data to populate a webpage - store in a database, or static?

I have a large amount (several gigabytes worth) of archival data that I want to make available to users and search engines through a web interface. Most of the data will rarely change, so I'm debating the best way to store and deliver the data. I would like to ensure that the data loads quickly and efficiently so it can easily be viewed...

PHP : Delayed database request also without live page

So for example I click a button what will send something to the database after 1 minutes, but I want to send it also if I leave the page :) So if I leave the page when 30 seconds left from the 1 minutes the countdown will continue until reaches 60 seconds, then sends the data to the database. Hope it's clear. I think that I should use...

How to save large amount of data within users browser?

I have been writing a php script that saves a long string within cookie (more than 4000 chars long) and I want to save it within the browser cache. The problem is that almost all browsers have a limit. What should I do? I'm using jQuery for adding and reading data from cookie and php. ...

[DOJO] Mixed Charting DATA sources in the same CHART

Hi all, I'm new in DOJO and I post here for the first time. I have a problem to create several lines on the same chart. I've done a simple test to simulate data and it works dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); makeCharts = function(){ //crée un nouvel objet graphique var chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("simplechar...

Implementation of "Most Viewed" feature database

Hi, I was wondering how to best implement a "most viewed" featured (like youtube) on my database. Let me explain the "most viewed" feature a little bit better: Basically I want to list the most visited pages/video/etc from this day/week/month, see for an example. So I was wondering how to b...

silverlight 4 - expander - UI virtualization

I have a silverlight application that is showing some data nested in expander control. So I have 1 expander for root element and then some textBoxes and expanders for content. All thing together looks like a big tree. And all works great with low number of elements to show. But when I have huge data (like 2000-20000 elements) to disp...


I'm trying to pull time zone information out of the registry so I can perform a time conversion. The registry data type is REG_BINARY which holds information about a REG_TZI_FORMAT structure. The key is stored at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Time Zones\(time_zone_name) How do I get the REG_BINARY infor...

Filter json data using jquery?

My json data looks like this, {"Table" : [{"accid" : "13","accname" : "Default","accountType" : "Default", "noOfEmployes" : "","phone" : "","revenue" : "","webSite" : ""}, {"accid" : "15","accname" : "karpagam","accountType" : "Customer", "noOfEmployes" : "60","phone" : "9894606677","revenue" : "","webSite" : ""}, {"accid" : "14","accna...

Storing user data in a Python script

Hi everyone. What is the preferred/ usual way of storing data that is entered by the user when running a Python script, if I need the data again the next time the script runs? For example, my script performs calculations based on what the user enters and then when the user runs the script again, it fetches the result from the last run....

Fast Fourier Transform for Noisy Time Series Data

I've got a sample size of 180 data points. Its somewhat of a noisy sine wave. Trying to figure out the period / frequency of the data . Working in Xcode - read over the Accelerate framework but it seems very complex. Any suggestions on how to get the period / frequency of the data ? ...

Javascript data in page

I have a web page with 2 listboxes (HTML select control). The first listbox is multi-select and contains a huge number of elements. When I select one or more elements in the first listbox the content of the second listbox has to change based on the selected values. These values have to be taken form the database. Because the selection h...

Export a global symbol from a Delphi DLL

I'm trying to create a Gecko 2.0-compatible DLL in Delphi. Previously (pre-Gecko 2.0) the DLL needed to export a NSGetModule() function. This worked flawlessly. Starting with Firefox 4, my DLL is getting loaded (I have verified this though a breakpoint in my initialization section), but my NSGetModule() function does not get called any...

Reading data files in python 3.1

I am working on a project that is using data files from another program. My first attempt at reading the files was to open one of the files in binary mode, read the first 100 bytes and print the data to the terminal. I am not sure how to decipher the data that was displayed. The output that I got was: b'URES\x04\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x...

Should we put data in a database migration files?

Hi all, I have a question about database migrations files. Do you think they should only contain database structure changes? Or is it okay to have data inside them as well? What's the best practices? Personally I think database migrations files get ugly by putting data inside them. ...

How to protect data on datagrid?

I have a datagrid contains sensitive data, which is, only allows user to read, nothing more (no modifying, no copying,...). How can I archive that? Datagrid has Readonly property, but I think it does not prevent user from copying data. EDIT: I don't need to prevent user completely from copying data, just not allow them to copy easily ma...