
Data updating conflict

I am currently working on a web application where I have encountered a little problem. In this system, multiple users can log onto the same page and update the data (a series of checkboxes, dropdowns, and text fields). The issue is that data might get overwritten if one user was already on a page where old data was loaded, and has since...

Is there a c++ way to write file with any type of data

Like this function in C: size_t fwrite ( const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream ); I've looked in c++ file stream and found this one: ostream& write ( const char* s , streamsize n ); this one only accepts char* instead of void* but does it really matter if i use a c-style fwrite function in c++> ...

Representing relational tables in ActionScript 3.0

I'm struggling to make a flexible data structure (like a relational database) for a quiz in ActionScript 3.0. I have a number of questions, each with 2 alternatives: Questions | id | alt1 | alt2 | correctAlt | --------------------------------------- | 0 | Sweden | Denmark | 1 | | 1 | Norway | Finland | 2 |...

merge sort using inplace merging

A[] -> 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 // lb=0,mid-1=3,mid+1=4,ub=7; a=3,b=7,ab=7; 1st iteration a=3,b=6,ab=6; 2nd iteration swap(A[ab],A[a]) // int t; t i'll using for temporary storage 1 3 5 6 2 4 7 8 b=5,ab=5; sort(A,lb,mid-1); // using bubble sort 3rd iteration swap(A[ab],A[a]) 1 3 5 4 2 6 7 8 b=5,ab=4 sort(A,lb,mid-...

How safe is the data being parsed by RTF editors like TinyMCE?

Hi Everyone, I have a great concern in deploying the TinyMCE editor on a website. Looking at the code parsed by the editor it does a great job, and I leave the HTML button off the toolbar configuration so users can not inject their own source. However, from what I read in the TinyMCE docs, it claims to degrade nicely to a regular texta...

NSURLConnection Data broken in asynchronous connection

Hello, I have a NSURLConnection that receives data output from a url pointing to a php script on my server. Most of the time everything works fine and the data is retrieved in its complete form. However, sometimes I receive NULL or broken (ie the bottom half) of data at: - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData...

YSlow tells me site is not compressed even though it is

"Grade F on Compress components with gzip There are 19 plain text components that should be sent compressed" I have checked the compression of the main page, as well as all 19 components individually using "" and it shows compression in all of them. Furthermore, I ensured I'm not using a proxy ...

Problem with pagebreak in splitting a row of a table

hi i want a solution to eliminate splitting the data of a row in two pages in iReport 3.0.0,i want to have data 's of a row entirely in one page in a should i do? thank you ...

How to document software algorithms?

I'm working on a large project for a university assignment, we're developing an application that is used by a business to compile quotes for their various services. I need to document the algorithms in a way that the client can sign off on to make sure the way we calculate the prices is correct So far I've tried using a large flow ch...

Post data to external js script and alert them

Hello... I am using this code to load and pass data to js file jQuery.ajax({ async: true, type: "GET", url: "js/test.js", data:({data : result}), success: function() {}, dataType: 'script' }); and in the the test.js i have this alert(result); but alert is not working and it does not throw any error... tes...

Transferring data from my Java program into browsers (Chrome, IE)

How can I transfer data, for example, login and password, from my Java program into browsers (Chrome or IE), when they open some page? For example, I have data of my Facebook account in DB in client-sided Java-application. It's necessary to send this info to my browser, so that the welcome page of Facebook wouldn't appear, that is the pa...

PHP data array variable not defined in view

I am using codeIgniter and I am trying to pass an array of data. I have written like this: $data['username']="Dumbo"; I also wrote this: $data['shouts']=$this->Musers->getShout(); // retrieve data from table Then I write: $this->load->view("welcome_message", $data); In view page, I wrote: <?php echo $username; foreach ($...

I'm trying to create a script with php

I'm trying to create a script using php that will pull data from various sections of a website and place the date in one easy to read location. I need it to be able to read the page and pull fresh data as it comes in and I also need it to be able to take data off of the page it sends it to after I click on it and refresh the page. The da...

C#.Net ASP.Net Data Controls

Could any body explain what does this contain: ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] Thanks. ...

Where to find list of developer tools/programming languages to create autocomplete ?

I need data that has a list of developer tools/programming languages, etc. I need it in some kind of format (xml, spreadsheet, db format, text etc) so I can programmatically create an autocomplete. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

mysql: how to collect the array data?

hi all. I have a mysql code that needs to be improved because of my limited knowledge. i am new in php-mysql.I have data arrays at my DB and I want to show data such as: Date Model Qty Name 2010-08-23 boo 2 Steve 2010-08-24 boo 1 Steve 2010-08-25 boo ...

get data into sqlite from yahoo finance.

I trying to get yahoo prices into sqlite... I have the code below, but cant get the data into ipull [] then into sqlite... from urllib import urlopen import win32com.client as win32 import sqlite3 RANGE = range(3, 8) COLS = ('TICKER', 'PRICE', 'Vol') URL = ';f=sl1v' TICKS = ('GGP',...

Databinding with Data Template on ComboBox Select Item using LINQ

Hi Folks, I have a little Problem. A SP give me a several list of URL´s. The Urls are binded on a Combobox. When i Select an Item, always the Object comes to the Combobox not the Selected Value, see the code below: <DataTemplate x:Key="Webadressen" DataType="{x:Type src2:GetWebadressenResult}" > <StackPanel> <Label Content="{Bindin...

Lots of xml files - need search and filter

Hi, I have data in xml files (about 5000), need to search and filter this data. It would be wonderful if i can use Fuzzy Search. Suppose need use index? index of the attributes? what should I do use xml database, something like lucene? I prefer .net. ...

Open Source Contact Database Program ASP.NET And MSSQL or PHP And MySQL?

Hey Hivemind.. I Am currently looking at building an Open Source People Intelligence Application (Fancy Word for a phone book) for my church.. It'll basically be a database system where you can view info on a person and automate actions like send a "facebook message to these people on this date", "Generate a consent form for this perso...