
getting pixel data/modifying it

Ok so what I am trying to do is get an image from the camera roll, displaying it through the image view, and then getting some pixel data and modifying it (change brightness levels through the RGB values of the pixels). I'm a beginning dev and I can't seem to really get the hang of CGImage to actually get the pixel data. Could anyone hel...

How to measure the amount of megabyte data?

I want to make an app that measure the amount of data I use while surfing on my Iphone over 3g network. Things I would like to incorporate; - UIPickerView (to set the amount of data I want to to use before an alert shows) - AlertView ( the warning that my data is about to exceed) - Run in the background. So basically, i want to be able...

Real world typo statistics?

Where can I find some real world typo statistics? I'm trying to match people's input text to internal objects, and people tend to make spelling mistakes. There are 2 kinds of mistakes: typos - "Helllo" instead of "Hello" / "Satudray" instead of "Saturday" etc. Spelling - "Shikago" instead of "Chicago" I use Damerau-Levenshte...

Data Grid View Cell Event Problem (Data Hidden)

Hi, I have a DataGrid View which is bound to the Binding Source. All the Cells are Read Only. The Problem that i have is when i click the cell the data is hidden, when it goes to other cell that data comes up. I am trying to figure it out what going on. Can some one help me out. ...

Is there a way I can scan for all pixels with similar pixel data

I have been wondering for quite some time if there is a way to find the locations of all the pixels that match a certain pixel set in a UIImage. What I have so far is a simple code to find the RGB8 values for the pixel I have selected: - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch = [touches anyOb...

How to get Javascript to "communicate" with PHP

Hey All I have the following code (PHP): $link = array( "<ul> <li><a href="index.html" class="active">Home</a></li> <li><a href="whatwedo.html">What We Do</a></li> <li><a href="howitworks.html">How It Works</a></li> <li><a href="support.html">Support</a></li> <li><a href="lalalala...

How to best handle data files with CMake?

I've got a CMake project that contains code and a few data files (images to be precise). My directory structure is like this: src data src contains the source code, data the data files. CMake suggests out of source builds, so when I invoke make, I have the executable program, but not the data files, thus I cannot execute the program...

Saving data to plist per object or person

hi guys, i am trying to save data to the plist in my app per person, but it save it to everyone, so for example if i have a field for eye color and i enter brown in the textfield for john doe, it save brown for everyone else as well, is there a way to save this info per person in the app instead using plist, i have had no luck trying th...

Question about "Immediate Data" in Assembly

Hi, In assembly, when they say "immediate data" is that signed or unsigned?? I'm writing a Gameboy emulator and am using the opcodes here: Opcode 0xC6 for example is ADD A, d8. My guess is that it's unsigned else why would they need "SUB A, d8" but I thought that I'd ask jus...

how to persist some values in outlook vba

As part of what i am doing i need to access varaiables even after the session with the outllok is closed is there any way to persist value ...

AS3 The ways to dispatchEvent...

I was wondering the difference between these two dispatchEvent method... //1. eventObj:YouTubeSearchEvent = new YouTubeSearchEvent(YouTubeSearchEvent.CHANGE_VIDEO_READY); eventObj.videoId = theOneVideoId; dispatchEvent(event); //2 dispatchEvent(new YouTubeSearchEvent(YouTubeSearchEvent.CH...

How to pass data from parent view to child upon opening?

I want to load data (an array of strings) from the parent view into a set of UITextFields in the child view upon presenting the modalView. I know how to pass from child to parent, and I'm sure it's even easier to go the other way, but I don't know how. Thanks in advance! UPDATE: Update removed because I found the problem (double relea...

The order of data in memory

A few simple questions. const int gFirst; const int gSecond; struct Data { static int First; static int Second; int first; int second; }; Data data; Is it guaranteed that the following statements are true? 1) &gFirst < &gSecond 2) &Data::First < &Data::Second 3) &data.first < &data.second ...

Mapping Pixels to Data

I've written some basic graphing software in Clojure/Java using drawLine() on the graphics context of a modified JPanel. The plotting itself is working nicely, but I've come to an impasse while trying to converting a clicked pixel to the nearest data point. I have a simple bijection between the list of all pixels that mark end points ...

C# simple DataBinding question

I am trying to make a (very) simple Data Binding test, but it doesnt work as I expected... Say I have the following classes: // this class represents some kind of data producer public class DataSourceClass { public string Data { get; set; } public DataSourceClass() { } } //this form holds the TextBox c...

Data Validation in C

I was trying out a simple program in c for validating user data. The program is supposed to identify whether a user entered character is a number, alphabet or a special character. Somehow , the code identifies every kind of input character as a number. I have appended the code below, i'd be grateful if someone could kindly point out wh...

Is it possible to consume any Rest service using WCF data service client library

Assume i have Rest service which may return Xml or Json formatted response. I am able to consume the service using RestSharp and Hammock but i could not consume using WCF data service client library (System.Data.Services.Client). Is there any limitation in data service client library can only consume Odata feed response. Please help to ...

What dataclasses should I create in a 3-tier project?

Hi, I have a relatively small project and I'm using a 3 tier architecture. Now I'm thinking about on how to split up some of the functions in different data classes. For example I have a User class and a Group class. My User class has a User.GetGroups function and my Group class has a Group.GetUsers function. Would I put the first in t...

jQuery .data() vs HTML5 data-XXX performance

I found this test that shows that HTML5 data-XXX is faster then jQuery .data(). I am starting a project that require lots of small data pieces placed on HTML elements where performance is crucial. Should I use .data() or HTML5 data-XXX? Is that test relevant and accurate? ...

Android - How to send data back and forth between an activity and a service locally.

Hi! I am a bit new to Android. What I need to do is send data back and forth between an activity and a service locally. The information sent is sensitive and must not be able to be picked up by other apps. This excludes using broadcast and the onBind() function if I understand things correctly? So the activity needs to send some string ...