
How to manipulate data in byte[] fast?

I need to remove every fourth byte in the byte[] I have. Is there some built-in function that could help me to do that or do I have to loop over the array picking and moving each byte one by one? Similarly what what if I need to place 0 after every three bytes from byte[] is there a way to do this faster than manually? ...

Attribute 'DisplayColumn' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'class' declarations.

Just wondering why I get compile time error : "Attribute 'DisplayColumn' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'class' declarations." using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace MyApplication.Models.DataAnnotations { ...

Which algorithm will be required to do this?

I have data of this form: for x=1, y is one of {1,4,6,7,9,18,16,19} for x=2, y is one of {1,5,7,4} for x=3, y is one of {2,6,4,8,2} .... for x=100, y is one of {2,7,89,4,5} Only one of the values in each set is the correct value, the rest is random noise. I know that the correct values describe a sinusoid function whose parameters a...

Reading 3-dimensional datasets into R

Gnuplot allows for three dimensional datasets, which are a set of tables separated by empty lines, for instance: 54.32,16.17,7.42,4.28,3.09,2.11,1.66,1.22,0.99,0.82,7.9 54.63,15.50,8.53,5.31,3.75,1.66,1.14,0.83,0.94,0.52,7.18 56.49,16.67,6.38,3.69,2.80,1.45,1.12,0.89,1.12,0.89,8.50 56.35,16.26,7.76,3.57,2.62,1.89,1.05,1.15,0.63,1.05,7....

iphone programming, loading plist data, access it

Hi, i have a plist in the following form: Root (array)---> item 1 (dictionary) ----> Sch (string) ---> Name (string) ----> price (number) ----> item 2 (dictionary)----> .....same as item 1 how can i access each row (item1 to ...) and the its child (Sch...

R: How to read different files into a two-dim vector?

I have an R newbie question about storing data. I have 3 different files, each of which contains one column. Now I would like to read them into a structure x so that x[1] is the column of the first file, x[2] is the column of the second file, etc. So x would be a two-dim vector. I tried this, but it wants x[f] to be a single number ra...

Best Ways to Store iPad/iPhone Application Data

I'm developing an iPad application and I'm not sure what's the best way to store application data. So far I've been using a .plist that stores hundreds of strings for a puzzle game and that works great, but if my app is to be any good, it's going to have to store tens of thousands of strings (representing pre-made puzzles). I've read t...

Develop Youtube Client for Android from Scratch

Hello! Is it possible to develop a Youtube client app from scratch using the existing Youtube Data APIs? I would like to create one that supports Android 1.6 and above. ...

Best practice for reading csv (with variable number of lines) into data structures

Hey guys, I'm writing a small program to read in a csv with a variable number of lines and have a question about best practices: Is the best way to create storage for the data on each line to make an array that holds the data structures of the csv (one per each line of csv)? Size allocated to the array could be set to a large number (f...

Way to get value of this hex number

import binascii f = open('file.ext', 'rb') print binascii.hexlify( f.close() This prints: 84010100 I know that I must retrieve the hex number 184 out of this data. How can it be done in python? I've used the struct module before, but I don't know if its little endian, big..whatever.. how can I get 184 from this number ...

Design question regarding Dependecy Injection and reuse of a single data context

I'm currently just starting to implement Dependency injection so i can start testing my code and have come across an issue many of times that i cant figure out. My current case scenario: I have a single class ( foo.cs ) that is active the whole time a windows service is running. Its responsible for polling the db for new messages then ...

Conforming results to a scale

I'm monitoring the change in certain values day over day. The changes vary, and can be of any value size, typically 1-100 difference, but maybe there is an outlier at 500 or even 900. I want to be able to put these values on a set scale so I can plot them. Is there a formula I can use to limit the high end of the scale, so no matter...

Url Structure open source software

I am looking for an open source software that can create sitemaps/url structures. I know I can do it in e.g. in Illustrator. But maybe there is a special piece of software that lets me (once I put entered the data) do some more than simply display. Thanks ...

how to extract data from Java web application?

Hello, I need to extract data from a Java web application. To be specific I am looking to extract real time stock data from yahoo market tracker. can anyone please suggest any method? ...

Display a single object with a DataGridView.DataSource

I'm used to display multiple objects with a DataGridView control in the following format ID Name Address [...] ID1 Name1 123 street [...] ID2 Name2 456 street [...] This is simple to do with objects, properties and a BindingList<>. I'd like my data to be "rotated" 90 degrees so that the grid displays a ke...

Read Oracle BLOB data as chunks.

Hi, I have the following queries on fetching a BLOB data from Oracle ( I am trying to use OracleDataReader - .Net to read the BLOB value.): Is it possible to read a BLOB data on Oracle database as chunks without loading the entire BLOB on to server memory? I believe OracleDataReader.GetBytes() will load the entire blob on server memory....

Retrieving population density data

I need to figure out whether not a given location is considered urban or rural. I take it that the best way to do this is by looking at the population density of the city/state or province/country combination. The kicker is that we're using this for data mining. Generally, mapping APIs that could do this have a requirement that each req...

Django-like data model in ASP.NET MVC

Is there anything similar to Django data models in ASP.NET MVC where I can easily manipulate my classes and objects and don't worry about SQL realization of it? ...

AJAX Submit Form.. data not sending

Hi, I have been battling with this piece of code for literally days now... Would appreciate any help The script calls the php file without a problem when the submit key is hit. However, it doesnt post the form data with it. The HTML form <form id="image_form" name="image_form" method="POST" action="" ...

How to specify tab delimitation file load in Oracle sqlldr control file?

This should be simple, but what is the correct syntax for an Oracle sqlldr control file in order to specify tab delimited/separated data? FWIW, I found the file was UTF16 and not UTF8, and was editing fine but would introduce null bytes as Oracle read the control file. Can't even replicate today. ...