
On-Disk database storage, best practices

If this question seems common to you, I apologise, I did a quick search around this site and a few google searches and could not find a satisfying answer. My question is this; I have only been a software developer for 3-4 years now. This may seem like a time long enough to answer this question myself however in all my time, I have nev...

understanding NSManagedObject

Hi all, in an existing project I have tried to introduce Core Data long after the project was created, so its model is already in place. I have created the xcdatamodel and added my only class to it. That class should act as a global storage for objects in my application. The class properly implement NSManagedObject and I have verified i...

How to scrape websites such as Hype Machine?

I'm curious about website scraping (i.e. how it's done etc..), specifically that I'd like to write a script to perform the task for the site Hype Machine. I'm actually a Software Engineering Undergraduate (4th year) however we don't really cover any web programming so my understanding of Javascript/RESTFul API/All things Web are pretty l...

iphone write to file fails

Heey, I'm writing some data to a plist file but it fails on the device but not in the simulator. Im kinda lost, dont know where to look for a solution. This is my code: NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [dict setObject:nameField.text forKey:@"name"]; [dict setObject:emailField.text forKey:@"email"]; BOOL ...

PHP and Jquery's json

My html file: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "search.php", data: "id=1", datatype: "json", success: function(msg){ $('.result1').html(msg["name"]); } }); }) </script> <s...

PHP and Labview - grabing a value from labview and displaying the value on a webpage - two different computers on the same network

Hello. I am by no means considered a programmer. The only programming language I some what know is HTML - so be gentle :) My boss came up to me the other day and asked me if i wanted to learn PHP, so i said sure. He threw me some text books and said here's what i want you to do: There's a computer running labview that monitors various...

Is it possible to read music file metadata using R ?

Hi all, I've got a bunch of audio files (let's say ogg or mp3), with metadata. I wish to read their metadata into R so to create a data.frame with: file name file location file artist file album etc Any way you know of for doing that ? ...

How to recognize x509 flags

Is there any way to tell the difference between data after flags and sub-flags after the flag? in a yahoo certificate i exported, there is a section with a0 2d a0 2b ..., where its all flags. on the other hand, the subject key ID is "a0 1e 6e 0c 9b 6e 6a eb d2 ae 5a 4a 18 ff 0e 93 46 1a d6 32". how would i tell the difference between whi...

Handling large datasets in Java/Clojure: littleBig data

I've been working on a graphing/data processing application (you can see a screenshot here) using Clojure (though, oftentimes, it feels like I'm using more Java than Clojure), and have started testing my application with bigger datasets. I have no problem with around 100k points, but when I start getting higher than that, I run into heap...

HashMap implementation of DataSource interface : nextRow() method ???

Hi, I would like to implement a DataSource interface (in Java) which, among other things, allows you to aquire the nextRow() from the data. I initially just want to implement the data store via HashMaps, but it would be cool to abstract away from the underlying data structure, and provide an interface as mentioned. Does this sound like...

A function that returns a dataset

I want to create a function that takes a dataset name and a package name and returns the dataset as data.frame. Here is my try loadDataSet <- function(name, pkg) { varname <- data(name, package=pkg) return(get(varname[[1]])) } loadDataSet("acme", "boot") However, this function fails. The problem seems to be, that the c...

How do I open an Access 97 data file using Delphi

I need to read the data in an Access 97 file that has about 400K records. I would like to use either TurboDelphi Pro or dBASE SE. I only have Access 2003. What is the easiest way of proceeding ...

Is there any possibility to have access ask before saving data?

There's this program written by VBA running in Access. Every time we enter some data on a form and press the next record button on navigation bar data is saved automatically. I would like to know if there's a possibility to change this behavior, for example, to ask the user before saving the data. ...

Matlab: how to read file using textscan?

Hi, I have a large tab delimited file (10000 rows, 15000 columns) and would like to import it into Matlab. I've tried to import it using textscan function the following way: function [C_text, C_data] = ReadDataFile(filename, header, attributesCount, delimiter, attributeFormats, attributeFormatCount) AttributeTypes = SetAttributeType...

Issues Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition and GDR

I have Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite, that included Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition. I have VS 2008 SP1, .net framework 3.5 sp1. In a project SQL parser, we need to add two assembly references two: Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.dll Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql.dll those assemblies: are in Vi...

Access root domain's localStorage from subdomain

EDIT: For the sake of simplicity: I've got a simple UserJS script (FF/Chrome: Greasemonkey, Opera: built-in) that fixes some issues on website I'm using quite often. The problem is that I need to store some data between different requests. My first attempt was LocalStorage but it fail when it came to work with subdomains:

android: where to put custom data

In a typical Android project you have the res/drawable directories where you can put images but i have some special custom binary files. where do I usually put them and can i access them via the R-class then? ...

Ellipse around the data in MATLAB

I would like to reproduce the following figure in MATLAB: There are two classes of points with X and Y coordinates. I'd like to surround each class with an ellipse with one parameter of standard deviation, which determine how far the ellipse will go along the axis. The figure was created with another software and I don't exactly unde...

Find by filename rather than ID in data mapper class

I have an abstract data mapper class: <?php abstract class ADataMapper { abstract public function addNew($dataObj); abstract public function update($dataObj); abstract public function find($primaryKey); abstract public function delete($dataObj); } ?> In a sub-class of ADataMapper, I need to find a row by a column that ...

In-place dictionary inversion in Python

I need to invert a dictionary of lists, I don't know how to explain it in English exactly, so here is some code that does what I want. It just takes too much memory. def invert(oldDict): invertedDict = {} for key,valuelist in oldDict.iteritems(): for value in valuelist: try: entry = invertedDi...