
Data service in roaming on blackberry phones

Hi, Can i chack in my application that data serivice is available in roaming? Can i use PhoneState.isDataServiceAvailable() for this situation or use another solution? ...

Passing Alphanumeric variables to JQuery Ajax

I've got the following JQuery code, which works fine if the VendorDropDown.ClientID is an integer, or a string that can be converted to an integer, but breaks if I try to use a string value like "Microsoft". The PopulateSoftware function is an Asp.Net WebMethod that takes a string parameter named vendorId. var pageUrl = '<%=ResolveUrl...

How to handle large data sets for server-side simulation --> client browser.

Sorry for the somewhat confusing title. Not sure really how to title this. My situation is this- I have an academic simulation tool, that I in the process of developing a web front-end for. While the C++-based simulator is computationally quite efficient (several hundredths to a tenth of a second runtime) for small systems, it can gen...

problem with tomcat 5.5 & loading cached data

I've a SmartGWT ListGrid which loads some data using gwt-rpc service calls. My grid has a datasource with a fetch method like this : protected void executeFetch(final String requestId, final DSRequest request, final DSResponse response) { try{ MyServiceAsync myProxy = MyServiceUtil.getProxy(); myProxy.getDataAndFill...

Unit test problem with DataSource attribute [C#]

Hi, I try make my first simpel Data Driven Test. I created db (UnitTestsDb) with MS SQL Managmet studio, and also I created one db table (UsersTab). I try use this db in unit test. Code is here: [TestMethod()] [TestProperty("TestCategory","Developer"), DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilena...

Is it able to setup a "data breakpoint" on return value

The scenario is: there is a deep call hierarchy and each call will return HRESULT. If something bad happens, function will return S_FALSE or S_ERROR, and if a call return error, the caller will directly return the error code. normally all function will return S_OK. So when debug an issue, I need to do many trials, see which call returns...

Newbie: Import data from certain cells in Excel to SQL?

Hi, I am new to importing data into SQL Server tables - I have only used the Import/Export Wizard in MS SQL Server 2008 so far. However, I have a need to import hundreds of Excel files that are formatted exactly the same, but the data is in different cells/rows/columns in the workbook. There is no header row. I am wondering if there ...

Generating a list of people's names

Hi, I am building a program that will eventually be populated with thousands of users, but I want to be able to test it using a large dataset while developing. What I want to do is get a list of several hundred common first names + surnames from various languages/cultures so that I can pair them together randomly and sequentially to cr...

php parse file not sure what format

Hello, I have an piece of hardware that returns tempature data etc. I am not sure what format this is though. I would like to parse it with php any suggestions on the best or easiest way to parse the data. I will be storing the data in a mysql database and this data will be inserted one every 30 seconds. Below is the data: {name:"Envi...

What's the best way to cache binary data?

I pre-generate 20+ million gzipped html pages, store them on disk, and serve them with a web server. Now I need this data to be accessible by multiple web servers. Rsync-ing the files takes too long. NFS seems like it may take too long. I considered using a key/value store like Redis, but Redis only stores strings as values, and I susp...

Using Apex Data Loader to load records into object with master details relationship

Hi, I need to load data into two objects. I am able to load data into one object using the data loader. The second object has a master-details relationship with the first object so I need to have the unique record id of the records of first object in the CSV file. How can I add those record id's to my CSV file? Thank you. ...

Visual C# - What is the best way to handle a large table of data?

I've been playing with Visual C# lately and have formulated a project idea now. I'd like to be able to read in a .csv file and display easy-to-read reports based on the data contained within. As I'm new to C#, and to real programming at all, I was wondering what is the BEST or recommended way to deal with large amounts of data (with ea...

Organizing an EF4 data layer?

I am new to Entity Framework 4, and I am wondering, what's the best way to organize my data layer--the code that accesses EF4? At this point, my data layer is set up like this: DataStore class: Holds a reference to the EF4 ObjectContext, and contains methods to open, close, and persist the ObjectContext to storage. Repository classes...

What is a good way to regenerate HTML table on jQuery event, instead of appending to div element?

My plan was to use jQuery's .data() method to store my table row information in a hidden div element. Then, upon clicking an Add or Remove row button, I would modify the jQuery data in the hidden div, clear the table div contents, and then regenerate the table's rows from the data stored in the hidden div. To start with, my project han...

Could not find Assembly System.ComponentModel

Hi All, I'm using Silverlight 4. I need to do grouping in my DataGrid. So i need to add add reference to System.ComponentModel. I could not find System.ComponentModel in "Add Reference". I added reference to System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and the added the following XMLNS in my XAML Page xmlns:cm="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Da...

Implement Scrolling text in C

Hii , I was asked this question in one of my interviews with a MNC recently . The question was " We need to display a screen in which a text scrolls at the bottom of the screen and the remaining screen is empty . How would you accomplish this in C ? What data structures would you use ..?? " Any ideas please ...! ...

How to read gyroscope data with arduino?

hi fellows, i got one of these gyros it has 6 pins 3,3 im afraid i might harm the device so i wanted to ask here. how should i connect it to arduino. and what code i should use? ...

Triply grouped-by tabular data - how to display?

I need to display a bunch of data in a table on a website as part of a report. The problem is there's a bunch of it, and it needs to be visually grouped. Each piece of data is a "usage" of an item, and has a date (representing when it was used), a store number (corresponding to the store that used it), an item name (the item that was us...

Fast graphing library

I've been using Incanter for my graphing needs, which was adequate but slow for my previous needs. Now I need to embed a graph in a JPanel. Users will need to interact with the graph (e.g. clicking on certain points which the program would need to receive and deal with) by dragging and clicking. Zooming in a out is a must as well. I'...

storing occurrences for reporting

What is the best way to store occurrences of an event in a database so you can quickly pull reports on it? ie (total number of occurrences, number of occurrences between date range). right now I have two database tables, one which holds all individual timestamps of the event - so I can query on a date range, and one which holds a tota...